Friday, June 7, 2024

New York Seeks Potential Zodiac Killers

You can't beat New York State for dumb ideas, seemingly always in competition with California to win the golden idiotic fleece award.

NY now allows motorists to order license plates adorned prominently with their personal astrological signs, joined apparently by phases of the moon depicted at the bottom.

Shades of the old "Zodiac Killer" case.  Can there be any doubt that murderous stalkers looking for potential victims based upon clearly displayed astrological signs will have a field day?  Should it be one killer's pleasure to murder a Taurus, just locate one on a license plate and discreetly follow the driver home, then return at an opportune time to satisfy one's blood lust.

On the bright side:  Those dispatched by new-age zodiac killers won't need to suffer the indignities of NY governor Kathy Hochul's disastrous energy program. which bans all traditional energy sources in the cultist-style belief that toxic solar panels and cumbersome landfill-unfriendly wind turbines are the answer to providing electricity for everything.  After each half million-dollar electric school bus eventually proves its aversion to NY weather and treacherous roads, it's just a matter of time before life itself becomes defeated.

In the meantime, enjoy that vanity license plate, Mr. or Ms. newly-crowned Zodiac Killer.

Then again, who needs a Zodiac Killer when you have woke medical schools?  California stands out among others, but the disturbing fact that numerous medical schools are accepting substandard applicants to accomplish the fantasy of DEI should frighten everybody.  One report even mentions a medical student who failed to name a major artery when asked, and in return excoriated the instructor for putting the student in a position to be embarrassed by its own error!

As medical universities continue to meet quotas by taking in vastly unqualified students, that means they will also graduate them and allow them to proliferate the country as they end up becoming our physicians.  I fear that many will begin their careers by allowing an abundance of unnecessary medication prescriptions to cover their ignorance or inability to diagnose properly.  Modern general medical practitioners already rely heavily on medications as opposed to ultimate curative options (such as proper nutrition, a subject rarely a major focus in medical school teachings, unfortunately).

Until medical schools return to the common sense necessity of accepting the best and the brightest, beware, for Dr. Quackandstuff is coming to a hospital or physician's office building near you, and he or she brings pills, lots and lots of pills.  Nowadays, everybody wants a pill, yes?

Alex Jones:  We may not like his stuff, but no way should he be fined over a billion dollars to somehow make the Sandy Hook families feel better or vindicated.  Jones did not shoot their children.  The only thing he shot off was his mouth, with the help of guests who seem to believe the case was a hoax.  Sorry, but the First Amendment can be a bitch.  This case screams Supreme Court all over it.