Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bits and Pieces for May 2024

The killer behind the killer:  With the sidewalk assassination of popular soap opera ("General Hospital") actor John Wactor in Los Angeles by killer(s) yet unknown, we wonder if the very leftist of Hollywood's leftists will finally get the message and begin embracing the police whom they publicly condemn so much.  The deceased young man was apparently loved with many friends, so it's all the more shameful that he lost his life at age 37(?) to one or more pieces of hooded human street poop.  The cure for tragedies such as this is more police, swift justice and guaranteed execution following a couple of years of time on death row.  Yes, of course there is no room for wrongful death penalties, but modern technology seems to be very good at weeding out the guilty from the innocent.

The fool behind the foolishness:  Fading actor Robert DeNiro did himself nor his fellow geriatric set no favors by making a spectacle of himself as he bad-mouthed Donald Trump, presumably as one of Joe Biden's wealthy and once-famous Hollywood-affiliated minions with a New York background.  When aged celebs come out of the overly wood-pecked woodwork to say things such as, Trump will never leave office if elected, you just know it's time to leave the area and pretend you didn't hear what you just heard.

I want that car
:  Biden's falling all over himself to heavily tax those $12,000 Chinese automobiles so they never see the light of day in the USA and piss off his UAW union brothers.  Here's a better idea:  Since most Americans can't afford the cars currently coming off the U.S. assembly lines, why doesn't somebody here find a way to build a $12,000 American car?  Maybe once Trump returns to office. . .though Trump wants to impose a high tax on Chinese cars also.  Not necessarily a good idea, taxing imports heavily, because it works two ways.

Advice to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife:  Fly more flags, hundreds, all kinds.  Go for the damned gold and piss off every leftist in sight.  Now that the media discovered the same "heaven" flag flying over San Francisco's City Hall for decades, somebody's looking pretty stupid and, as usual, able to shoot from the hip in a single bound.

Israel on the move:
  Israel is doing the only thing it can, and we say go for it.  The wholly irrelevant International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court are two idiotic entities that equal zero when added together and have no bearing on anything.  Our Hamas-lovin' congressional representatives (who should be tossed out on their butts) can scream about Israel's "crimes" forever, but Israel is not the perpetrator dedicated eternally only to killing all Jews and ending Israel forever.  You can bet that most Palestinians from Gaza would vote for Hamas to lead in a heartbeat -- even as Hamas continues stealing at least a third of the food currently being donated to feed the "refugees."

The European Union just passed a set of laws -- the ESG thing -- which will cripple the USA economically and socially if the President and Senate sign off on it.  This legislation must be stopped and the USA may be the only force that can stop its influence.  Must we resort to a modern Revolutionary War with the European Union and its nations?  What a mess, what a disaster.  Stay in touch with my links.

Today's visual?   I put that together a year and a half ago, but never posted it..  The quote is from somewhere.  Best I can do.