Monday, May 13, 2024

Driving Miss Crazy of 2024

I'm old, that's not in dispute, and I was around as a kid to watch the medium of television arise from its infancy in the 1950s to the educational, incestuous and idiot-infested tool it is today.

During those hallowed post-WW II fifties when life could be free, easy and wildly inventive, a young singer named Dinah Shore -- much later to enjoy, strangely, a brief romantic fling with actor Burt Reynolds -- sang the praises on TV commercials of buying American.  That is, she would break into song and belt out the lyrics, "See the USA in your Chevrolet. . ." and the sales pitch would continue in song.

Indeed, these were golden years for automobile sales, and while the Chevy was but one of a number of cars built with real metal for a real America, affordability was within the grasp of every man and woman with a job.  Of course, the fact that one could build or buy a house for $10,000, more or less, was also helpful in a bustling economy.

Now (sigh. . .), fast forward to today's inflation lorded over by a presidential administration which, frankly, doesn't give a damn about the average American and seems to be rabidly intent upon joining the world's elitist thugs with making our dreams almost insurmountable.  

Were Dinah Shore alive and signing the praises of the automobile today, what tune would she carry?  See the USA in your leased EV?  See the USA after you spend hours charging your unaffordable government-mandated EV?  See the USA until you have an accident and you die in your EV because first responders can't get you out without endangering themselves and their own electrical equipment?  See the USA until you need to replace the extraordinarily pricey battery and can't afford it?

Good grief, even Dinah Shore would have encountered difficulty in trying to make this EV turkey fly in the face of negative public opinion.  Any self-respecting singer would rightly go insane attempting to put a happy face on a technology which in no way is ready for everyday use by a nation of people who can barely afford food and housing, let alone a very, very unstable method of individual transport.  Or is individual transport something the left even wants us to enjoy in the future?

If the government doesn't give a whit about drivers' ability to buy cars, its insiders are certainly enveloped in a new worry -- that China currently produces electric vehicles in for itself and eventually for the rest of the world, minus bells and whistles, for only $10,000, or $12,000, and for two or three grand more one is suddenly treated to the luxury class.

Meanwhile, the USA continues getting sucked down the drain. . .as unions come back with a vengeance (truly a vengeance -- against us all).  After a profound absence, large unions are now enlisting Workers-of-the-World-Unite to organize and are doing everything they can to scuttle right-to-work laws in the country.  If we think prices are bad now, wait until unions get back in control and prices go up in order to pay for benefits many rational non-union employees will never see (unless they, hmm, join unions).  Automation and closed businesses will be our harvest from this season of planting unions and union bosses at our feet.

Breaking bad even worse:  Biden must be stopped from inundating the USA with Palestinians.  We already have the fixings for radical Islam festering in the country, and the treasonous Biden gang's lack of concern should bring them closer to trials and prison in the future.  Sorry, not to make a down day even more down for some of you, but Donald Trump must win in November.  There is no other choice now.