Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Total Eclipse of the Country

Now that we've been properly "mooned" with a moon shadow perhaps best understood in musical notes by recording artist Cat Stevens, I'm frankly worn out from a plethora of TV and radio stations which spent days or weeks attempting to own this rare event.  Last time I experienced a solar eclipse -- a partial eclipse -- I was driving out near a large shopping center, and everything on the ground momentarily took on a rosy tint, as if colorized by a palette hosting only one color.  With warm weather accompanying this phenomenon, life just become ultra-pleasant for a few rare seconds before returning to basic normal.  Kind of like nature's spa.

Old Clement down in Texas told me he planned to pay an illegal immigrant a few dollars to sit in a chair, facing Monday's eclipse and staring into the sun, and then Clem planned to sit up close to the guy and watch the sun's eclipse reflected in his eyes.  This may have been a hair-brained idea, probably a joke, but really, what ARE we to do with these people as they march in like zombies?

Zombies remind me of Biden, clearly not the one making all the dumb-ass decisions originating from the very much tainted White House these days, but still walking and talking as if he is in charge of a zombie factory.  No, I don't know what I just wrote, either.

So, as soon as I heard the latest jobs report boasted of over 300,000 new hires last month, I resorted to wondering how many were actually bloated government jobs, and was not really surprised to discover some 71,000 positions were indeed of the government variety.  Then a lot of illegal aliens were found to account for job "growth."

The reason for treason:  The more I check out dictionary definitions, the more I am unable to grasp why anybody in Congress wants to "impeach" scoundrels.  Clearly, treason is what we've experienced at the border for three years, as established laws were not being followed and Biden could have stopped the invasion immediately.  Once eclipses and elections are out of the way, I very much want treason to become a daily word as long-awaited investigations with clout must take place.  If Elon Musk recognizes treason at the border, why is everybody else afraid to use the word?  Many players must be involved here, and each deserves a fair opportunity for prison and perhaps something a little more final according to federal law.  Our lives are clearly in danger because of the current administration's policy, or more accurately a lack of policy.  Some appear to believe that the Constitution is rather firm about treason, but I say go for it.

We did a double-take when Texas governor Greg Abbott's visit to NY City precipitated a comment from dim-bulb NY City mayor Adams that it was Abbott's fault that the city is crawling with illegal people.  Mr. Mayor, do you not know that you have a sanctuary city -- and that your real enemy in all of this is the Joe Biden gang?

Meanwhile, author J. K. Rowling continues to speak "hate" to total social mental mess Scotland by using correct pronouns and language of truth, and daring "woke" officials to arrest her for speaking out..  We hope "woke" will soon be on the retreat as members of the international elite continue attempting to force people to become what we are not.  Logic rules.

Israel:  It's war, and terrible things happen.  Did the world already forget what happened on October 7?  Hamas seems content to keep hostages, including several Americans.  The global community hates Israel anyway, and always has, so why wouldn't the Jews continue obliterating their threat, even in unfortunate excess?  I only wish Israeli soldiers could get permission to enter the United Nations building and kick all those sorry-ass criminal "delegates" out on the street and back to their greedy, America hating and terror-creating countries.  OMG!  Was that hate speech?  Let me tell you how sorry I am. . .

Covid and Covid immunizations:  Anybody catch "Full Measure" on TV this week?  Nasty stuff about weird clots found in arteries of the Covid and Covid-immunized dead (we have mentioned this phenomenon before), and an absolute indictment of our government health care system.  I don't think I'd ever want to meet spike proteins in a dark alley, and I surely don't want them injected into me, no matter what so-called authority insists they're just fine.  They are not..  (Pssst -- by the way, Ivermectin works!)