Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bits and Pieces for April 2024

Isn't is strange how fast time passes when you're having a -- bad -- time?  25 years since the Columbine High School massacre, and as I recall it didn't take long for the jokes and humor visuals to fly.  It's often within our nature as humans to get past tragedy by injecting laughter into the worst of situations, or at least it used to be that way.  Now, we generally collapse into puddles of tears, scour the landscape for victims appropriate for TV news tear-jerkers and wallow in depression for weeks on end with no humor pressure valve available to make a tidy escape.

We do note that yet another young tranny wannabe was caught last week with plans to kill students in at least two schools.  He seems to have been a he who wanted to be a she, but in the end was just another school-age tranny criminal in waiting.  His long, long manifesto apparently indicated hero worship for the Columbine shooters, whom we remember were named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, every girl's vision of hot prom dates to the very end.  We've little doubt, as schools all over the country continue to employ both personnel and tactics intended to make students go bonkers about their sexual identities, that Columbine hero worship will continue among young brains crushed daily by so-called higher education.

Workers of the world unite! as their U.S. counterparts continue to join revitalized labor unions, thanks to pressures by Joe Biden and his union cronies.  The UAW, for one, is on a path to turn so-far (at least 13?) unaffiliated auto plants into union property, thereby helping America turn even more toward socialism as workers who think they are getting something better actually become pawns of elite union bosses and often unwilling donation cash cows for the Democratic Party.  Congratulations, newly unionized Tennessee VW plant, you folks just lost more than you will gain, and you can't even see it.

When farmers organize on their own, however, miracles may happen.  Current demonstrations by farmers all over the world whose livelihoods are threatened by the planet's elite are having some effect, as people are waking up to the realization that evil forces want to force humans into poverty and starvation, and farmers into unemployment.  Forces such as the World Economic Forum and supporters of the now-somewhat faltering ESG allegedly drive a good deal of this monstrosity.  Add this to Biden's inflation and spending and the Fed's persistence in printing money like it's no big deal and disaster is almost knocking on the door.

Meanwhile, the plastics industry has some 'splainin' to do!  In what seems a well-kept secret, we now learn that recycling of plastic bottles and other plastic materials is a waste of time, as most of it ends up in landfills.  Apparently, the plastics industry has been slow to solve this dilemma while insisting that recycling works.  Lies, fashionable these days.

"Where the Boys Are" was a popular sixties song, but today it becomes more of a question:  Where are the boys?  Sports, education, media -- female domination seems almost a plan, accepting also, of course, boys who SAY they are girls.  Young males seem to have become almost second class citizens, perhaps not surprising in a society which emasculates almost any quality identified as masculine.  If we had a military draft tomorrow (and, by the way, I still contend that a draft is not far off) how many of the young men conscripted will bring along any testosterone whatsoever, since high schools, colleges and "woke" concerns have already locked a good share of it away in a drawer somewhere?

Israel pursues Hamas:  Good.  Most surviving "Palestinians" in Gaza chose and would choose again to have Hamas lead them (80 percent?). These people do not want a two-state solution, they want a one-state solution with 100 percent dead Jews and no trace of Israel in sight.  Our colleges and universities abound with dumb students indoctrinated by committed, yet nevertheless evil professors.  Surprise:  Diplomas don't make one a genius.

This has also brought to light just how dangerous and out of touch college campuses have become.  Students in the U.S. taking the side of Hamas have no idea how dreadful their lives would be if they went to the Middle East and joined these cut-throat throwbacks who treat women like cattle and murder anybody exhibiting anything but heterosexual tendencies.  Our stupid children have grown into stupid adults and sheep with no ability to think themselves out of this box.  Congratulations, American education system.  Let's throw more government money your way.

At least the birds can sing their way through spring, relatively untouched by the human condition.  Well, except for bird deaths caused by wind turbines, toxic solar panels, over-development, lawn care chemicals and other poisons.  Kind of hard to sing your way through this stuff.