Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Scared to Depth: The Left is Incapable of Free Thought

As a kid in the days of President John F. Kennedy I was too young to have any concept of differences between the political left and right.  Years later, I was still okay with the Democrats until LBJ succeeded Kennedy following his assassination in Dallas.  I think it was a matter of basic trust, because Lyndon B. Johnson had this aura about him, an attitude of somebody who would do anything he wanted to do no matter the result or consequences.

By the time 1968 claimed the nation, and frankly overtook the world with sadness and horror following the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin L. King, the military draft was after me and at last I understood something of what LBJ was all about.  After enlisting in the Air Force and following the news as often as I could, I became a lot "smarter" about LBJ, his intention to do anything to win re-election (even if it meant manipulating a war)-- and I started thinking seriously about the Democrats.

The Democrats I remember are mostly gone now.  The "blue dog" variety, the thoughtful leaders I remember have become but a wisp in the wind.  Now, we witness a party experiencing a stranglehold by followers of extreme politics and of even more extreme religious beliefs.  Our lives balance indelicately in the hands of a geriatric President of questionable abilities, backed up by an administration and bureaucracy serving its own agenda despite the existence of the American people.

We now fear the government which was originally set up to fear us when it faltered in its mission.

The new and improved Democrat Party hates patriotic and freedom-serving brains, as well as independence.  That's why one of their primary targets is Elon Musk, arguably one of the most intelligent and inventive humans to walk the Earth today.  The Democrats despise his talents because he won't submit and become a leftist buddy.  He also has lots of money.  So do many Democrats in Congress, but they don't consider their funds evil-got like they do Musk's bank account.

When one looks at attempts to impeach Donald Trump, and now this Democrat-directed multi-trial circus performance in which their hope to clobber him effectively before the November elections, the most obvious things coming out of this is the fear of a political party nearing ruin.  Their own.

It's no wonder this bunch has done everything it can to hijack Americans with DEI, CRT, the incredibly inept and just plain wrong "1619 Project," and other stupidities among a bundle of American values-hating Democrat snot rags.

It's the fear, stupid.

This time around, the left has very little with which to bamboozle American voters except, of course, abortion and that old standby favorite, race..  But the economy, illegal immigration, job quality, deficit terrors and a host of social problems caused exclusively by Democrats who have no way (and generally no intention) of solving them are multiple and growing elephants in the living room.

Are the Republicans much better?  No, but the rare addition of actual, though far too few conservatives among them helps to provide at least a modicum of integrity and the possibility of better times ahead.  The RINOs populating the Republican Party are the main problem, while just surface out-and-out mismanagement and corruption are the left's legacy as we go into another election.

For starters this month, watch Senator Schumer and his ilk in the Senate refuse to do anything about impeaching Mayorkas over the borders.  It will be as if he had no responsibility whatsoever as millions of future Democrat voters -- and, not to forget, terrorists in waiting -- wandered on in.

Which reminds me, when terrorists get around to accomplishing another act of horror in the United States, remember who brought them here:  Joe Biden and the Democrats.

However, as much as I abhor terrorists, I will look even more critically upon people who vote to bring the current crop of corrupt bastards back into Office in November, should that be the case. Think of the voting booth as The Last Chance Cafe, where one selects from a menu featuring the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and endlessly failing Democrat policies.  Is it really that difficult to make the right choice?