Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Monster on the Campus -- Hamas and Radical Islam Benefit from the Dumbed-Down Collegiate Experience

Convenient, isn't it, how we can often conjure up old fifties horror and science fiction movies to make some point about the here and now?

There's a monster on the campus, all right, and while some of the hairier "protesters" may indeed resemble our friend in the movie poster from head to toe, the primary monstrous entity is ignorance and -- surprise! -- lack of a proper education at institutions of supposed higher learning.

It shouldn't be lost on us that many of the young people interviewed on the spot during pro-Palestine demonstrations don't even know what they're protesting.  Apparently, just being a part of something social with a twisted party atmosphere is enough for many.

If the current widespread and obviously well-orchestrated gatherings of people shouting death to America, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea and let's have the "final solution" don't point out how dangerous and education-starved America's colleges and universities have become under extremist professors and administrators concerned primarily with sports and endowments, what will?

By now, it's striking, but also rather a laborious chore to suggest that those who take full advantage of the First Amendment to support Hamas and the Palestinians under its control simultaneously lend approval to a Middle East throwback society which has absolutely no tolerance for freedom of speech.  Let us not forget that a majority of Palestinians chose Hamas to lead them, and likely would again.

Unlike those who follow Christian religions within the framework of established government, Islam's people endure a religion which is a governing unit unto itself.  Its tenets also allow followers to lie in order to achieve cherished goals, which include obliterating Jews from the planet.

These college protests make no allowance for students who just want to attend class and graduations, for they are just pawns in a game supported by throwback radicals pretending sympathy for the people of Gaza, while the real intent is to wipe Israel and its Jews from the map.  Unfortunately, most teenagers attending college and swept up into these well-planned public displays of hatred for every concept of Israel -- and the West -- simply have no idea how they are being used.

Israel, no matter current negotiations with the liars of Hamas, really has little choice but to invade Rafah because, like money stored in a bank, that's where Hamas' worst will be found, hiding behind hostages who are or are not dead.  How can one ignore those whose every waking moment involves the development of ways to murder and destroy their society?

But back to the "Monster on the Campus."  Once a fifties horror movie, it now becomes an image exemplifying the beasts of ignorance and hatred on campuses, hairy or not.  Student protesters and those in alliance with evil intentions need not transform into brute creatures, they need only be led by the agents of destruction who feast upon the ignorance of the young to accomplish their goals.  If you hanker to exist like a zombie under the most extreme aspects of religious fascism, radical Islam is your ticket.  If you're a young woman intent upon being treated like a cow without a mind for the rest of your years as a slave, radical Islam is your passport.  If you're gay, lesbian or self-impressed with believing you are an alternate gender -- and willing to be killed right from the get-go -- this unforgiving belief system seemingly steered by murderous lunatics is waiting for you.

Biden on The Wall:  No, not the TV show. Biden has been forced to build a 17-mile fence at the border in a late, late attempt to choke off some illegal immigration. Has President "No Fences" seen the light, or is election season creating a temporary dose of common sense?  Probably the latter.

Or maybe he had nothing else to do, since his party decided to take more time to determine whether menthol should be banned from cigarettes (which really means:  Don't piss off black voters who smoke menthol cigs before the election).

Or maybe he was all in a dither over attending the White House Correspondents Dinner, an annual affair apparently intended to solidify leftist politics among what little remains of America's press members.  I would use the word, journalists, but that's a rare bird to be found anymore.

Americans who forgot and left bullets in their luggage as they went to Turks and Caicos on vacation:  Several now face 10-12 years in prison for their mistake. Actually, I think Caribbean lawmakers are in error here because the U.S. can -- should -- easily ban tourists from going there until our people are released, as USA tourists are very important to the economy of this Caribbean fun place and they will suffer greatly without American dollars.

In the meantime, the wonders of "Bidenomics" continue to push inflation up, food prices uncomfortably higher and gas prices toward the $4.00 mark.  The sky is truly the limit here.  Thankfully, illegal aliens -- criminals one and all -- continue to receive great care here in America, currently the land of government-supported tyranny against taxpayers.