Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Invade, Lie, Rape, Steal, Demand, Thank the Democrats, Rinse and Repeat

The definition of treason runs so deep in this country right now that it almost seems rare to find a federal government agency or official Washington relationship not wrapped up in or at least touched by it.  Why are things so bad?  Well, for one thing you can't have justice without a squeaky-clean Dept. of Justice unbridled by political corruption and deceit.  On that matter, we're screwed for the foreseeable future.

A few years ago, the dumb-ass RINO Republicans had an opportunity to fix the immigration system because they held power in all three chambers.  Instead, most shrugged off what could wait until "later" and continued basking briefly in political sunlight.  They blew the opportunity to sweep Democrats out of the way to opt for common sense, instead of allowing for the radical left's disaster currently eating the Southern (and Northern) border alive.

In related news. . .why be surprised at the rush of Covid, flu and other infections right now?  What do you think is coming over the border?  Certainly not anything sterile and infection-free.  Disease incubators on foot are claiming the USA by the thousands every week, and your cousin twice removed in Texas wonders why she's feeling poorly all the time.  We have become a nation of sick people who think they are dead and dead people who thought they were merely sick.

The blood-feast enjoyed right now by Democrat officials in numerous states, as they attempt to deprive voters of constitutional rights by striking Donald Trump's name from reality, could not offer a more outrageous example of people dedicated to destroying the America we know.  Or knew.

At the borders, like locusts they come, intent as zombie-like masses to eat and steal Americans out of house and home so they can have "a better life" as yours declines in kind. Assisting them are individuals and groups (deserved of execution) coached in advising invaders exactly what fabricated tales to relate in order to gain entry and government assistance.  Cartels and "relief" organizations become fabulously wealthy in the process, but you don't matter except as an entity forced to cough up funding for illegal and questionable ventures orchestrated by others. I don't know how many more times it's worth warning that compassion in excess can kill the best of intentions -- and societies, yet the proof continues to march and slither unabated before us.

Voter fraud is real and probably far more significantly ingrained in the election process than we know.  Yet Trump is the evil conjured by the left.  When one looks back upon Trump's accomplishments during four years, compared to Biden's tear-down of our promised fortunes, there is no comparison.  Yet, the political war of calculation and stupidity goes on.  In Congress, one mentions established collusion against conservatives among social network, political and corporate sources and the left can only respond with the word, Trump, to divert prying eyes.

Trump.  The left whips up an insurrection for what, in the most articulate of circumstances, could only be called a riot.  Absurdity abounds as one political party counts upon a stupid, uninformed electorate to choose it as the nation's one and only, forever and ever.

Funny how the New York Times is suing Microsoft and others for copyright infringement for allegedly letting AI steal its stories and relating information as it is taught various things.  The question popping out to me, however, is -- wait a minute:  Is AI being pumped up with a fund of knowledge ONLY from leftist sources, thereby making its future one of total censorship and omission of opposing values and history?  Is artificial intelligence primed to be a leftist tool in every way, forcing us to submit to altered truths and "cognitive security" as covertly intended by social media, government and corporate entities?

From automation to ultra-mation we have advanced.  What luck, what determination, what danger we have prescribed for whatever living things survive the future.  Should Mars say thank you as we bring it on?

Referencing government institutions known by three characters as the "alphabet mafia" in the current atmosphere could not be more applicable to our situation.

And of course we watch Israel responding with "what for" as a natural reaction to its people being massacred by cowards.  Palestinian protestors in NY, DC and elsewhere should be grateful that they reside in a nation which freely allows public demonstrations of rage by both morons and lunatic activists alike.

Choose. . .anybody as a replacement?  Seems that Harvard U. lacks a president as of this date, the doctor-president variety.  As I always said, if ya haven't performed at least one prostate exam or executed the delivery of a calf, you ain't no doctor.  Also, plagiarism may be good enough for Joe Biden, but we should certainly expect more from our D.E.I. cookie-cutouts in their role as America haters, as they continue a progressive course via their own self-impressive credentials to change the nation into something alien and depressing.