Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"Used to Be" Don't Live Here No More

 (First -- The Christmas Angel of 2023 has to be Elon Musk.  We so appreciate this guy, oh yes, especially because "they" hate him and will never stop trying to dismantle him as a person, inventor and truth-teller who lets you know where he stands - whether you like his words or not.  Too bad he has brains, a diagnosis always inflammatory to leftist morons. )

Where hair lives:  Time was, men primarily concerned themselves with the hair on the tops of their heads.  But something apparently needed to change with the times, so now keeping heads and, strangely, even groins shaved as if preparing for entrance into an alternative beauty contest seems all the rage.  Yet, when it comes to beards and mustaches it's a far different story, as males beyond puberty appear all the more obligated to cover their faces, chins and necks in human fur.

I've mentioned before that I'm no fan of beards because I personally feel that most of them conceal, rather than enhance one's personal emotional or self-concerning physical qualities.  Deep emotional scars or wicked past lives which perhaps shouldn't be closeted can hide behind beards.  Intense, horrible secrets can remain just beneath the surface of the bearded.  People intent upon committing vicious crimes or hoping to remain unidentified as cameras reveal their crimes in real time prefer beards.  Could be some just want to be bad and look bad.

Others merely desire to look intellectual or tacitly collegiate, or perhaps there is an innocent desire to just cover a facial flaw originated from birth, or maybe due to a serious accident.  Yes, many grow beards because they believe they enhance their looks, and maybe they do, considering how a lot of women (and gay men) prefer and encourage beards for their husbands, partners or boyfriends.  Some people surely don facial hair because they believe themselves coyote-ugly.  Anyway, even I have trouble fully trusting the bearded among us, who cares what I think?  The brain-dead, that's who.

On to other matters. . .

While watching ABC-TV on Christmas Eve morning, I noticed the network ended one of its show by listing hundreds of people responsible for keeping their Democrat-complicit ministry of electronic truth operational, and I thought, my god, it takes so many hands in the pie to keep the Marxism, lies and turds beautified, perfumed and progressing as intended.  Must be expensive to employ all those helpers and no wonder, therefore, that they run all those drug commercials for stuff that might kill you in your sleep before you can even change your underwear so the neighbors won't say unkind things about your hygiene.

Hate.  The media is much-consumed by hate these days, though its members would be the last to admit the fourth estate's role in promoting hatred to sell news. Yet, emotions of hatred, in my view, are inevitable right now.  The old days have withered on the vine and we are left with savage thoughts and savage people.  I suspect that we have come to realize the nature of our species, and we are frightened over our inability to do anything about it until extinction rears its inevitable head.  I know, many of you believe we are going "to the stars."  Maybe. Maybe not.  The universe will decide regarding the who, the what or the if.

Have we not stated on more than one occasion in the past few years that compassion can kill?  Well, hello Southern border, hundreds of thousands more bodies crashing the party every month, deadly drugs, rape and murder (a high school Texas cheerleader being the latest victim, killed in her own bedroom by an illegal alien).  When your culture ends up swimming in human excess with people who know nothing of and care nothing about it, this is how it shapes up.  Currently, the invasion is composed in large part by single military-age males whose illegal resume' in the USA offers little but an ability to become baby-making rape machines, thieves and murderers.  We are so close to losing American freedoms due to political infighting and the Democrats' refusal to let Trump's fence control foreign invaders that total recovery may be impossible for years to come, if ever.

This nation is busting with hatred right now, and unfortunately the Democrats and their complicit press and social media are helping.  These are the folks gushing with news telling you how great the economy and everything else is on an upward trend.  Nothing to see here.  Lies and liars, all prettied up for your nightly TV news shows.

Why are so many jobs going unfilled?  A few observations for you from me, a blogging lunatic:

Police:  This one is obvious.  Who wants to be a cop when you are so disrespected by a vocal minority of the people you think you're serving?  They shout you down with obscenities, throw and pour substances your way, kick and beat you, and shoot you dead given the slightest opportunity.  So-called Soros prosecutors and those of a similar misguided mind do little to nothing to keep criminals off the streets, and with extra time on their hands state legislators often cook up other ways to de-criminalize criminal activities (NY's Governor Hochul wears this one proudly).  Dedication to the badge used to be the highest of tributes, but when dedication slides into dead-ication, who needs it?  

Fire fighters:  With fire fighters coming under similar attacks recently, we wonder even how that occupation will draw enough applicants in the future if criminals and crazy people aren't held accountable and removed.

Teachers:  They did not struggle through college and state licensing procedures in order to endure a daily wrestling match with students deemed unruly, but more likely than not also a danger to everybody around them.  Being punched, kicked, stabbed, shot, sexually abused and even murdered by "troubled" children carrying or concealing weaponry isn't in their contract.  Adding to the madness are teachers' unions demanding gender discussions and accessories, and demands that teachers go "woke" whilst also keeping parents uninformed about the controversial aspects of classroom learning.  We won't even get started on school administrations.

Airline pilots:  It's no wonder some drink on duty.  Vicious, miserable and lunatic passengers, federal regs galore, and stress over the next near-miss due to control tower fatigue or error.  Why fly anybody's ass anywhere when you can stay on the ground and avoid airborne chaos? It's bad enough that airline fleets have almost taken on a prison atmosphere for both passengers and crew.  I will think back fondly of what little air travel I had while in the Air Force and during the years thereafter, but those often great experiences are gone forever.  Cattle cars of the air is what we see today.  This is another place where hate lives.

Day care workers:  Are you kidding?  One wrong, even insignificant move, and you're arrested and/or sued for your life.

Child protective service workers:  Ditto the last entry.  It's not the child, it's the politics.

Potential adoptive parents:  Ditto the TWO previous entries.  These days, whether you did anything or not, even a whisper in the wind from somebody who dislikes you for any of a multitude of reasons can put you in the slammer for life.  Instead, get a pet or a plant for your own safety.

EMTs and hospital staff:  Used to be, patients were in pain and screamed out as a result.  Nowadays, that's not enough, as the modern requirement seems to dictate that people in pain shout threats and obscenities at those who have come to rescue them during an "emergency," and if they can get a punch, abrasion or scratch in during a confrontation with a health worker, so be it.  Also, who in the hell wants to lift demanding 300 or 400 lb. blubber monsters who could have -- SHOULD have -- taken better care of themselves instead of devouring snacks in front of the TV for years on end?  If you strike back as a medical worker, your career is effectively over.  If there is any occupation craving for attorneys and administrators to get the hell out of the way so's proper physical revenge can be extracted, this is it.

Delivery personnel:  Pizzas, lunch, furniture, name it, all the drivers get assaulted.  Who wants that kind of job unless they need the money?  All of them should carry guns and be allowed to shoot until the perps are dead.

Postal delivery personnel:  Oh, ditto, ditto ditto.  The USPS endures great difficulty in attracting postal deliverers, who should be required to carry AK rifles as they make their rounds.  Any thief attacking to get a mailbox key must be eliminated on the spot, but what post office is about to provide its employees with weapons and the blessing to discharge freely at will?

The Armed Services, of course:  Ooh, not many want to join anymore.  The Army blames the lack of recruits on drugs use, physical condition and a new generation interested in great-paying job opportunities far outside of the military.  There's also the sad fact that patriotism is quickly disappearing from whatever culture we're turning into.  Military upper echelon won't admit it, but Biden's insistence on messing with gender and terminology is also keeping out the best and the brightest, often with parental guidance.  Wokeness is death in the Armed Forces, no matter how you pose it.

We've only scratched the list, but it is obvious that America, as it stands, is in terrible distress.  Unfortunately, somebody may come to "save" us in all the wrong ways.