Wednesday, January 31, 2024

President Joe Treason - Warmonger or Fishmonger?

I am currently bereft of titles to adequately cover this fool and his nation-wrecking clown administration, so I thought this one might do.  I wonder how many more billions of dollars he, like Obama, can find for Iran before more American military personnel receive death at the hands of these religious fanatic loonies?  One tires of Iran's Ayatollah Douche Bag & Co. and one can only hope somebody pulls their ratty beards off soon and returns them to the goat butts desperately missing their warmth.  Oh, and not to forget, Iran's nuke facilities need to be blasted into oblivion, as per the usual international schedule.

President Lyin' Joe said this week that he has done everything he can about the border.  What a lying liar.  Three years ago he could have closed off the border, and if he didn't like Trump's fence he could simply have followed established law.  This tyrant has no problem signing executive order after executive order with no constitutional backing, but the one thing he can do to make a real and immediate difference he won't do.  Why would he?  The obvious plan is to remake the country in somebody else's image.  The enemy truly lives within, with a lot of help from outsiders.

Mayorkas Impeachment:  Waste of time, Republicans, but I guess the process will make a statement.  The border invasion-complicit Democrats are already shooting this down.  Of course they are.  Again, may I suggest, not impeachment, but treason as the order of the day?  That one goes a little higher, to lying Joe.

The Establishment, propped up by both Democrats and Republicans, continues to swim comfortably in The Swamp.  They fear Trump and will attempt his political and apparently financial destruction no matter what.  Should he have another go at the Presidency, wonders may yet be worked -- to make America great again.  To those for whom MAGA is a dirty word, we wonder if they really prefer its current White House replacement?  Sadly, there are people working hard to make sure the illusion of Donald Trump as a dictator becomes commonplace among the complicit media.  Beware.

The United Nations has again shown itself for what it is, a gaggle of gangs and thugs, and now its tentacles seem to have been involved with the Israel invasion.  When will we have the guts to kick this anti-liberty, anti-American fortress of a'holes out of our country and stop paying for it to hate us?  

About this E. (I think the E stands for Elitist) Jerkhoff Carroll thing: If I were old, apparently on the verge of either cunning, crazy or criminal, and claimed I was defamed because a rich man who went on to become U.S. President -- who may never have actually touched me -- did something to me, and I could get a NY jury to award me more than 83 million dollars, would I take the plunge?  If I threw my Democrat self on the mercy of a Democrat NY court as a victim who actually subjected MYSELF to the public's scrutiny, already known publicly as a columnist and literary slop-maker who nobody outside of NY City ever heard of, would I deserve everything in excess awarded to me?  If I "defamed" myself by blabbing to wet dream reporters, how would that look?

If the name were Lewis Carroll, maybe so -- at least he contributed literature the world embraced and loved.  Yes, Virginia, there are "whack jobs" out there, and they are nasty, greedy, verbose, emotionally fucked up and ready to pounce at any opportunity.  Unfortunately, the NY judiciary system seems too soaked in leftist dogma to see straight between cocktail parties with fellow travelers.  This is what you get, again and again.  Avoid New York at all costs, because costs you will incur sooner or later.  Meantime, we hope Trump's appeal sinks this entire ship, since he wasn't even allowed to introduce evidence or testify on his behalf with same.

Fear and Loathing in the Newspaper and Magazine Business:  Well, here we are again.  The LA Times, Sports Illustrated and all the others expected to be safe and warm for decades to come.  Not so.  Fortunes change, but publishers and editors also need to be cognizant of the elephant in the room which is young, has poor reading skills, and couldn't care less about the information before him, her or it unless it shines with the glitter of the Internet.  And they often don't have the slightest idea about the point of the newspaper or magazine story begging their attention.  Add drugs, stupidity and the tendency of publications to appeal to one political party and the recipe for disaster is complete.  That's a -30- for sure.

President Treason hates Texas and Florida:  Cutting off 20 percent of LNG exports to other countries will harm TX and FL economies, and don't think this yet-unindicted criminal didn't know that.

Return to the military draft:  We can't leave this one alone.  Right now there is, nevertheless muted, talk of war in Congress. At the same time, military recruitment is still down dramatically.  The Armed Forces, especially the Navy, are hungry for new recruits, and those men and women are not going to magically appear in a cabbage patch.  To be honest, polls demonstrate that most young folk feel no need to join the military, and patriotism is something left over from the Bronze Age.  The very best among possible recruits also look poorly upon transgender and Woke nonsense.  Kindly old Grandpa Joe Treason will come for the kids if the time is right.

Anchors Away:  The one thing Congress could do before anything is to outlaw anchor babies, the kids made instant citizens simply because they are born in the USA.  Ramaswamy had this idiocy all figured out and believed it illegal according to law, despite what many think.  We will see.

By the way, the weak cog in the immigration fight is the immigration attorney.  How can we know the number who will "approve" most of their clients to remain in the USA? This field of law absolutely must be crawling with leftists sympathetic to anything that shows up at the border.  We need to watch this bunch carefully.  Meantime, let's hire lots of I.C.E. agents and turn them loose.

Remember the Stockpile:  We still wonder why the Federal Government bought up so much ammunition for numerous agencies, including the IRS, and for other agencies which would seemingly have no use for as much as one bullet.  Aside from the military, plain old government offices may be the largest ammunition depots in the country.  And again we ask -- why?

They'll like Byrna, Too!  The "Byrna launcher" defensive weapon which shoots tear gas and other substances to ward off bad guys is quite popular on ads currently.  What they don't mention is the obvious fact that the bad guys will also be purchasing the device to use on YOU during acts of criminality.  Because "it's legal in all 50 states," and not considered a firearm or dangerous weapon, crooks are going to take to this thing like flies to honey.  Nice try, though!