Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Illegal Immigration and the Citizen Judge

In due time, these primarily leftist scoundrels who have willingly and purposefully allowed the USA to overflow and swell with invaders from all over the world must be arrested, tried and punished in old-fashioned ways.  Impeachment has become such a meaningless word, holding as little effect for the politically guilty as a can of expired insect repellent.  Treason is a far better word, absolutely relevant and applicable to the Biden bunch whose inner cartel picks and chooses established laws according to a politically carved-out whim.  That immigration laws already set in stone have been so blatantly ignored is an outrage which craves attention.

A proposed solution, simply put. . .

We are already immersed in the realization that millions upon millions of criminal invaders, be they single or with the children they hope to use as battering rams for permanent residence, are increasingly --  what? -- six or seven years away from orders to show up for an immigration hearing.  We are told there are not enough judges.

We say, one does not need to be an attorney to sit on the Supreme Court.  Maybe your cocker spaniel could be nominated for a spot, but I'm not sure about that.

However, this is the United States and the country grew not strictly because of people pigeon-holed into specific roles, but the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker also enjoyed the additional duties of teaching others in hastily built school houses, or in constructing places of necessity using talents and experience already available.

So why can't American citizens (the legal kind) be enlightened with a few comprehensive instructions on what people stay and what folks exit the nation, after which by the thousands they are stationed all around the country to swiftly make final decisions?

Oh, I know -- this will piss off every "immigration attorney" in the country, but so what?  If the USA is truly a nation of immigrants, and it obviously is, what's the problem with legal residents making remain-or-go decrees based upon fundamental guidelines?  As things stand now, and I like the word, "stand," we apparently host currently many millions of border jumpers qualified without argument for instant deportation.

As Americans are forced to pay for housing, health care, feeding and education of the world's masses who persist in walking in and raping our legal system without consequences from  our friends on the radical left, this would seem the best approach.  After all, what is the argument against meeting insane illegality head-on with something else that seems a little crazy, yet could be the best weapon the common tax-paying man or woman has in their arsenal?  And again, yes, the left will bring out the pitchforks and torches in such numbers as to amaze and terrify those who just want this ongoing nightmare to end for those stuck with paying the tab and being forced to accept the clearly unacceptable.  Another downside, of course, is the immense costs involved with deporting people, and hoping we can send them where they need to go.  (Suggesting that Boeing provide its special "open airplane window" sucking accommodations for a smooth and effective departure at high altitude is probably a bit too harsh.)

At the very least, we need a Republican president and a right-leaning Congress, I should think, because otherwise the chances of Americans being allowed to fight for their country before it transforms into a coast-to-coast place of unrecognizable laws and values are almost guaranteed to fail under leftist rule.

It's your country, not theirs  -- and never forget, as elections near, we live in a constitutional (otherwise known as a representative) republic, NOT the "democracy" the left would impose upon us which would easily rival any dime-store communist leadership.  Let's wake up, but don't be woke.