Wednesday, December 20, 2023

'tis the Season to Address the Treason

So enough already.  The spirit of Christmas (or that of 'Happy Holidays," according to wussies of the marketplace who can't bear to draw from reality, as they advertise using anything BUT the words, Merry Christmas) would normally show itself in many places via many ways.  Yet, no matter the direction one turns, unresolved issues and boundless tragedies overwhelm customary activities.

We extend the season's best to our Jewish friends whose suffering at the hands of sub-insects is incalculable.  I would also wish radical Islam's hairy beasts, um, um, happy holidays, but head-chopping and treating women like stupid cattle isn't my idea of exchanging warm wishes.  Which reminds me -- how come, with all the fighting going on between Israel and Hamas, that TV networks still seek out members of C.A.I.R. for advice on the Palestinians?  Did C.A.I.R. -- ever so comfy in the USA -- not spring from the Muslim Brotherhood, a group considered terrorists and banned in many Middle Eastern countries?

Oh well, aren't we fortunate to host the A.C.L.U. as an alternative. . .or something. . .?  I think that stands for American Communist Liberties Union now.

And the Democrats and Republicans are trying to "do something" about border issues.  But first Donald Trump must be blamed for using words and phrases such as poisoning of the country's blood, which of course causes the Democrat Jack-in-the-box to pop out with flags portraying Trump as a Nazi.  If there are Nazis in America, we suspect their identity is more in keeping with the left, should anybody care to compare.

Why the fuss, as border-violating criminals invade like locusts?  The solution is simple:  (1)  We must enforce current laws already on the books and (2) when the winds of politics shift, as they will if there's a functioning brain remaining among the voters, high-ranking officials in this country must be arrested for treason, simply because they let the invasion continue and worsen, putting all Americans in jeopardy.  Ten IEDs found near the Arizona border?  That's pretty terrifying, but I'm more worried about the nukes -- and air-bound vehicles that could import terrorists and weapons quickly and efficiently.  When the worst ultimately happens, remember the names Biden and Mayorkas, and many others complicit in attempting to change America according to an unconstitutional agenda. The word, much over-used throughout the years, is treason, and it no longer sounds like a political fantasy cooked up by a lunatic fringe.

We offer lies and fabrication, vote for us, might read Democrat campaign posters.  The Republicans aren't heroes, either, for it was theirs who just squelched potential release of a lot more information about UFOs than we have now.  

New York's governor Hochul, perhaps the most capability-questionable governor currently holding office among the 50 states -- hers recently being named again the very last in supporting basic freedoms among all 50 states as residents escape by the growing thousands -- signed legislation to allow a "study" into the viability of offering reparations to black people with slave ancestors.  Congress has tackled this issue and put it to bed years ago, but here we go again.  New York's funds have basically run out and the state is running  on air, yet the Democrats have no shortage of ways to find money in support of socialism by way of dividing everybody into them and us, this time called reparations.  Will dead black slave owners, themselves numerous back in the day, find their great-great-great grandchildren forced to fork over funds to pay off current black folk who wouldn't know a plantation if it showed up on the evening news?  What of nearly 800,000 white soldiers who died fighting against slavery during the Civil War?  Will their heirs be showered with riches paid for by innocent New York taxpayers who had no dog in that particular fight also?  We fondly hope that Hochul's reparations commission remains the sad joke that it is, yet one can't help raising an eyebrow, knowing how the political left has a knack for turning bad ideas into glitter financed on the backs of people with no voice in the matter or reason of spending.  One would believe that a cavalcade of opportunities established for the racially discriminated since the sixties might already have met the challenge, but in a society wrapped up in greed these days even the unlikely becomes possible.

I think, the more authoritarian a person or leadership becomes, the more they are susceptible to a mental illness.  It certainly demonstrates itself increasingly as time goes on.

But not to worry.  As the birth of artificial intelligence and its successors gets its hooks into us, I'm sure it won't do something like create and engineer transportation for a new virus intended to kill all life on Earth.  Happy 2024!