Monday, December 4, 2023

We Got'cher Hate Speech Right Here

The varmints I hate most are the people dedicated to banning "hate speech" from public view.  Hate speech for one might be love speech to another, or at the least a different perspective on something allowing the reader, viewer or listener to contemplate and decide what is worthy of interest, or perhaps not worth the time of day.

Regrettably, the worst purveyors of censoring so-called hate speech are government agencies with the clout to influence multimedia forces -- as we recently discovered when a plethora of documents began spewing forth regarding government and pharmaceutical company lies about Covid vaccines.  In those instances, hate speech was anything in conflict with official statements from somewhere on high, especially if alternative comments happened to be absolutely true (which they often were).

Excessive brain power should not be necessary to figure out the identities of the true hate speech haters, as documents continue to emerge.

Nevertheless, my jaw dropped last week when reporter Michael Shellenberger appeared before Congress and dropped a crap-load of documents showing how the governments of five Western nations have developed a method of spying on each other's citizens for years in order to accomplish something even more nefarious than snooping:  An ongoing attempt to change public thinking on various issues little by little, in such a seemingly insignificant manner that nobody notices how they have soon been spun into a spider's web of compliance which they thoroughly believe they concocted all by themselves.  The eventual goal appears to be the end of free will in any Western society, and to observe the situation as even more wicked it seems that nations let other nations perform the dirty work in their own countries in order to keep the public off guard regarding a domestic influence which by design appears nonexistent.  Wow -- hate speech definitely required here.

All of this, of course, is a prelude to major governments drooling to control the Internet and your thoughts censored on or off the Internet.  Remember:  Biden in collusion with the FCC just gave the administrative state vast powers to control the Net, no matter how they announce it publicly.  And just look at Canada's disturbing leader, Justin "Blackface" Trudeau, who insists upon censorship (so Canadians can't say anything negative about this appalling elitist moron and his failing administration?).

I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this because I've only glossed over a few news reports (no, NOT the poop currently splashed on your TV news), but instances such as this demand that you stay in touch with sites such as (see link), whose ever-changing menu of must-read stories will keep you informed as informed was meant to be.

As governments have doubled down around Covid immunizations, knowing full well that the damned things can apparently cause immense health problems and even deaths, watch for further attempts to censor well-credentialed researchers who try to tell us the truth.  I hate censorship and the people who wield its barbs for purely political reasons or because the bottom line financial agenda is at stake and must survive at all costs.

Who else deserves hate speech?  This week's TV episode of "Full Measure"  revealed an albeit short list of big money interests promoting the transgender issue, and their influence upon young now-mutilated people and their overwhelmingly unprepared parents.  My hate speech easily extends to anybody encouraging young people to mess with their gender almost as a fashion statement, and I hope one day the few ("from the top down," per the report) who organized and then set this tragic phenomenon afire upon society's weakest who never had the chance to develop as nature intended receive the punishment they clearly deserve.  We, of course, are not making reference to the tiny minority who actually require transgender intervention.

What's not to hate?  With hope, we applaud the win of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and remain curiously cautious about the new president of Argentina, both seemingly on the political right.  If they don't rule to the point of tipping their countries overboard, perhaps we'll have something to celebrate in a quickly changing world.  Then again, here in the good old USA we still suffer the corrupt Biden and his gang of magnificently inept clowns for the foreseeable future.  Quick, find me more hate speech. . .