Monday, October 2, 2023

Bits and Pieces for October 2023

Maybe it would be refreshing to learn, as Charles Fort suggested, that we are indeed someone else's "property" -- but not the property of our current government dictators. If alien entities from some other galaxy took possession of the Earth and demanded only to perform anal probes once a month on everybody on the planet, I think we could live with that.  I mean, wouldn't it be better than losing our basic rights to tax-and-spend Democrats and the Republicans who consistently not only let them get away with it, but join in the congressional slop feed?  

This month, speaking of alien matters, I truly intend to pay at least a minor tribute to the 50th anniversary of the alleged (?) Pascagoula, Mississippi (Hickson-Parker) UFO encounter/abduction of October, 1973 on the banks of a river.  This is the one, the lone UFO abduction case that makes me quiver mentally beyond all others in search of an answer, ANY known rational possibility which could explain this bizarre, yet fascinating incident.  I, we, come up empty-handed, empty-minded.  Brains on hold.  Explain this one with a final, normal walk-in-the-park explanation and I may just go away and become a recluse in a banana grove.

I've also planned a several-part series which I COULD have called, "Thrilled to the Bone in Mexico," but settled upon another title instead. Please keep checking in because accompanying the words will be somewhere around 15 photos -- and the whole affair actually could have spawned an international incident of sorts, had anybody raised a ruckus, which they apparently did not.  Maybe that will change now, though facts come much too late.

Today?  As the USA continues to labor and crumble under the Marxist influence of some very, very nasty people who deserve eventual arrests, trials, prison and probably even execution by firing squad, various issues must be kept in mind as the voting season nears.

Under the Biden bunch and Obama influencers (oh yes, they never went away), the United States government has become a babbling crap hole of lies, liars, censorship and determination to inexplicably (or perhaps not inexplicably)fill the country with criminal invaders, whilst doing everything possible to make real Americans as irrelevant as the nation's former leadership in the world.  Voters might actually care -- if a disturbing number of them weren't born eternally clueless and programmed to vote only for names with a D next to them.

Increasingly, I am bothered by the word, "democracy' being flung about by politicians as if its meaning is nothing more harmful than a Frisbee.  Those on the left, particularly, rejoice in calling our government a democracy, when it is actually a constitutional republic which, on its best day, is composed of fairly elected representatives of the people who gather, debate and sort out ideas best for the nation before voting upon them.  A democracy, on the other hand, merely involves the mobs voting with a mob mentality on issues requiring more thought and wisdom than may be found in mass elections involving those who have no way of determining implications all around.  Nor is it an accident that most "democracies" are wielded by dictators and puppet masters whose turnouts and final results have already been written in stone.  Venezuela, Cuba. . .and the list goes on.  If the American left wants to fashion itself after China or Russia, go right ahead, but leave me out of it, and expect pushback from whatever remains of rational U.S. voters whose brains aren't already poisoned by social media, Hollywood and aspects of the music industry.

As major stores close and depart primarily Democrat-run (into the ground) cities because of flash mobs and professional thieves robbing them blind, the best solution to convince thugs and thieves to abandon their crimes is to start shooting them dead in-store.  It won't take many before the message becomes clear, but this is something that governors, mayors and district attorneys would need to support -- which they won't. These fools may believe in the power of rehabilitation, but I believe in the power of the only good one is a dead one.  Simple, yet so effective.

The borders?  Same solution in many ways, but at least close the damned thing and start deportation proceedings en masse.  I was most impressed with Ramaswamy's legal talk about the "anchor baby" populations actually NOT being eligible for automatic U.S. citizenship.

NY rain:  You knew as soon as the subways were flooded last week what was coming.  Every cackling TV reporter at the scene or inebriated by the glow of the anchor desk gloated about "climate change."  Looks like they didn't see or care about that giant petition just signed by international scientists and others who declare that there is no unusual climate change.

Student loan payments resume:  First of all, I didn't co-sign for anybody's college loan, so don't expect me to pay for it any more than the Supreme Court thought I should.  Second, as never before, insist that your college scoop up some of those monumental endowment funds and use them to cover student financial obligations.  Colleges and universities have the money!  Common sense and smart.

The Freedom Caucus, despised by Republicans and Democrats alike:  Yeah, they want to cut spending and do teeny-tiny little things like close the borders.  Wow, isn't that worth contempt at all levels?  The people in this country are gonna get a well-deserved ass-kicking like they can't imagine if they don't speak up, speak up, speak up and demand action from our representatives.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes, the Democrats are purposefully pooping on Texas with illegal border crossings.  Until Texas turns blue, this will continue unless elections solve the problem.

National radio talk show hosts:  You folks want to end abortions and take deliberations away from women and their doctors. So. . .that should mean that you of the microphone class love and embrace as many illegal alien pregnancies as you can get, right?  Want to throw in your support for anchor babies, too?

A military draft:  As we said before, a reinstatement of the draft is not out of the question.  Democrats, as usual, look forward to a war, but need something with which to fight it.  That would be your sons and daughters.  Our President is just itching for a big battle, and I don't care what line of nonsense his people set forth to say otherwise.

Prices on the rise SHOULD decimate the Democrats next year, but anymore my confidence in the voters wanes.  By the time already rising energy prices, unaffordable automobiles and disappearing gas stoves and furnaces become obvious, it will be too late.  

Speaking of energy -- gotta go nuclear, small plants are now quite safe.  Also, there is evidence of continuing breakthroughs in energy production, but don't expect the left to give up on toxic solar panels and giant landfill-nightmare wind turbines.

The unions? They serve a far different purpose than they did when formed by necessity.  Now, it's unreasonable demands as its members' products become unaffordable and beyond the reach of the basic man or woman on the street.  The solution, inevitably, will be AI and robots.

General Mark Milley retires:  Goodbye and good riddance.  Sorry, I'm a veteran, too, and I remain unimpressed.  Watch for this one to write books that no sensible reader would find room for in a library -- which is to say, leave the mousetraps where they are and don't bother making book space.  The left, of course, will take "the bait."

Donald Trump in New York's court:  Trump is in the wolf's den, a place where people disguised as honest and esteemed legal folk are actually dime-store social justice warriors rats, often afflicted from birth with reverse racism.  The actions taken against him in NY are simply an appendage of the Trump-hating Democrat Party, and everybody should know it.  I live in New York, and my daily advice to all interested in moving here is to go elsewhere, escape before this petty, conniving government gets its claws into you, your property and your bank account.  A conservative Republican is the only cure possible, but NY City residents overwhelmingly swallow stupidity pills just before voting every time and whatever the rest of the state decides in the voting booth becomes instantly worthless.

Finally, beware the manipulation of your First Amendment rights.  The left continues to take a curet to anything it can't control when truth interferes with Marxist propaganda.