Monday, April 4, 2022

Let's Do Human Trafficking This Way

Someday, may it be sooner rather than later, the vast, seemingly unbounded universe will deal with us, obliterating the planet and every historical burden it carries.  No more warring and destructive humans toπŸ’€ annihilate good things in the misleading name of building for the future, no more cats, no more venereal diseases, no alcoholism or hard drug abuse, no more space program or satellites sent in all directions, no more Mars, no more Jupiter, no more Justin Bieber songs, no more Oscar presentations, no more faked orgasms, no more police to defund, no more new world order or ESG scores, no more pharmaceuticals for every stupid occasion and psychologically invented malady, no more democratic republic, no more communism or fascism, no more pavement devouring the good Earth, no more members of The Green Cult, no more gender controversy and no more brain-sucking TV comedies or late-night politically progressive TV fascists. No more school boards guided by critical race theory, no more fast-food French fries cooked under conditions making them equivalent to a pack or two of cigarettes when devoured by a hungry child, and no leaking condoms.   Absolutely no trace will remain of our cosmic footprint unless sentient entities retrieve a little something for an intergalactic museum way, way, far away from that which immediately and temporarily encompasses us (until they, too, are gobbled up by the hungry universe).πŸ’€

But until that time. . .

"We came here for a better life," exclaim many illegal aliens as they crush, primarily, the Southern border.

Well, you know what?  I'm an American citizen from birth, and I'm here for a better life, too -- and the thing is, my life gets better every time we capture and throw those folks out of my country. The evacuation of illegal humans, gangs, drugs, crime, murders and nameless terrorists who crept in from nations all over the Earth make life worth living for the rest of American society.  A cascade of clueless, uneducated people who excel only at screwing and cowardly making welfare-eligible babies to use as anchors on American soil is throttling the country.  Maybe this barrage is welcome news in some corporate board rooms, and surely among progressive lunatics, but it's purely nightmare stuff for Americans who cherish their lives and risk losing precious resources and rights at the hands of legislators deserved of the mother of all supreme punishments.

The realization that a vast majority of border jumpers are young males from a variety of countries unbound should be of paramount concern.  And did the great Obama not work to overwhelm this country with uneducated, ignorant dolts from near and far whose best quality was their willingness and ability to be manipulated by the left as potential voters?

The borders must be closed. . .for starters.

But we're on the verge of Title 42 going away, and again the flood gates will drench us with chaos even more.

I'm cautiously optimistic that a wealth of progressive Democrat congressional representatives and maybe a few leftist-deluded senators will be tossed out on their asses come Election Day -- yet, will those on the right who replace them at last tackle illegal immigration appropriately?  That remains to be seen, now that common sense is so difficult to find anywhere.

However, regarding the here and now, from Eastern Europe come new refugees to the United States, chased out of Ukraine by Russia's murderously thuggish leader Putin, sort of a resurrection of Vlad the Impaler for the 21st Century.

Real refugees are coming.  Not throngs of people journeying long distances because they can -- because they have come for a better life.  No, this time it is human suffering beyond the pale, the kind of situation America is equipped to handle.  But still the unidentified interlopers arrive by the tens and hundreds of thousands, responsible to nobody as they walk in uninvited, unwanted by all but politicians and corporate moguls who really must be arrested and punished severely one day.

International law intends that people fleeing dictators or whatever plight need to seek asylum at the first country to which they arrive. In our case, this would be Mexico.  Mexico should deal with the onslaught, not the U.S.  Yet, here we are.

Biden and Co. (that includes the corporate media) continue lying to us.  He blames the Russia-Ukraine conflict for a rise in oil prices, but anybody of a rational mind knows that gasoline prices were already a dollar higher and rising soon after "the big guy" Biden assumed the Presidency and began instituting "green" policies demanded by leftist lunatics whose rage against the petroleum machine has no truly workable alternative options in the near future.

This administration continues blaming skyrocketing inflation on everything but themselves as election affairs begin to ramp up, and we hope Americans see through the mud and cast votes appropriately.

But in the meantime, Ukrainian refugees come, maybe 100,000, maybe more, and here we are, mobbed by border-violating criminals who know exactly what they are doing as they enjoy support by legislators whose actions border upon treason and should eventually be treated exactly as treason.

So what to do?

There is a solution, but it will be swift, harsh and unforgiving.  And it all depends upon a significant sweep toward the right in this year's elections.  This is also the simplest and most common sense variety of solutions.

When and if Republicans -- with both guts and a conservative bent -- take over the House and Senate, it is vital that the existence of and all funding for such behemoths as the Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy and a host of other redundant and long irrelevant agencies be ended.

Barring lengthy lawsuits and screaming initiated by unregulated bureaucrats and union officials, take the Brobdingnagian amounts of money required to fund those banished government play lands and immediately increase funding for I.C.E. and other law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to levels never before seen.  With renewed resources and staffing, with deputizing of principled people where appropriate, start making UNANNOUNCED visits to all places where illegal aliens may have taken up residence or lurk in hiding. Current yet unenforced laws should easily allow these activities to go forth.  Every city block, every rural community, every nook and cranny must be examined on the spot.

This will be expensive, controversial lawsuit bait for attorneys who thrive on defending the most rotten aspects of a nation, but everybody needs to know that this is not a case of Nazi storm troopers coming to take people away and kill them -- it IS a drive to capture and expel people who crossed the border illegally.  Illegal is illegal, right Mr. Dictionary?

Of course, the same old dilemma arises and can easily be addressed:  Any border criminal who expected safety and compassion because they produced children in the USA will be given the choice of leaving those absurdly "new" American citizens here with legal family OR of taking them back to the parents' home country.  However, in any case, parents cannot remain here, as they arrived under criminal circumstances.

What happens to people who violated our border "for a better life" and are returned to a home country which may not accept them with smiles?  I don't care.

An unworkable plan?  I don't think so.  Americans in general are plenty pissed about the borders, and that extends to both sides of the major national voting bloc.

We've refugees from Ukraine ringing our doorbell (unfortunately for the Democrat Party, these folks aren't exactly the color preferred during the Obama immigration era), and the best way to accommodate their needs is to literally confront and humanely eject with prejudice those who have casually violated our borders and moved in to chew their way into the United States like rats.  

Maybe political and corporate opportunists drool over the prospects of continuing to flood the country with mentally pliable, uneducated breeder people who will work and eventually vote with loyalty for the enemy within, but none of this should appeal to Americans who fear Joe Biden's reference to a new world order, because there is no room for a strong America as chaos and the "order" roll out.  We must demand human trafficking. . .in reverse.