Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bits and Pieces for March 2022

Why aren't governors, mayors, other high officials and, in particular, one presidential administration's members arrested, tried and convicted by now for forcing people to allow freak experimentation "vaccines" inside their bodies at the cost of jobs, careers and lives?  I've been looking over the Nuremberg Code and Trials and find similarities to what so-called current leaders
and what Nazi experimenters did very interesting.

Everybody Hits Chris:  Rather than finding myself merely appalled at actor Will Smith's  high-octane bitch-slap to Chris Rock during the Oscar presentation, I wondered whether it wouldn't actually be a good idea for Oscar winners who come across as leftist lunatics with a long list of people to thank for their drug-induced careers to be smacked about on stage.  The real shocker this year is why the Academy Awards rollout showed a significant uptick in viewership following several years of decline.  Maybe Hollywood folk should increase violent confrontations for the TV cameras and just rename the gala presentation's location Slapington Manor.

Conversion to a digital U.S. dollar?  Really?  Just as black Americans await a new 20 dollar bill adorned with the face of Underground Railroad heroine Harriet Tubman this is on the nearby horizon?  I wouldn't want to be the politicians who kill off the Tubman twenty just as it sees print at the mint.

Biden signs trans permission:  Yea!  Your children can now change their genders as easily as choosing vanilla over strawberry ice cream, and parents with other plans can just shut up and like it.  Might have been a good idea for Biden to simultaneously approve the suicides many will do when they get older and realize change was an irreversible horror story.

Which brings me to Disney.  How many gender-sickened morons have captured this place and made it a curse upon the very name of Walt Disney?  As I watched The Mickey Mouse Club on TV while growing up, there were only two genders.  Nowadays, the place seems infested with demonic gender fantasies from Never-Never Land or someplace really dark and final.

Lap it up:  We doubt the New York Post has received any apologies for being absolutely right about the H. Biden laptop from the start.  No longer can the censorship-lovin' major media deny reality, but feel confident that they will pull out all the stops (as long as they can) to deny Russia, Ukraine and China payoffs reaching from the son to "the big guy" himself (hint:  The big guy is not named Trump).  Looks like the Dems will need to quadruple-down on the January 6 Capitol riots so nobody will pay attention.

Check your oil?  Biden will allow a million barrels a day to be removed for six months from the Strategic Oil Reserves, rather than undoing all the obstacles for exploration and pumping put in place by his administration of green cult lunatics.  There's a reason why we keep oil reserves, and automobile gas tanks aren't really in the mix.  Whew -- good thing we aren't encountering a war anywhere on the planet. . .

Microplastics in the environment:  We're reading more and more about this.  From my point of view, I really wonder whether increasing amounts of microscopic plastic particles in human and animal blood streams and organs can't help but interfere with essential electrical activity, effectively insulating bodily functions from internal control and messaging.  We certainly aren't talking about a substance capable of conducting electrical bursts, just blocking, weakening or diverting them.  Scary.

Another amusement park ride kill:  Just saying, but for these especially thrilling rides in Florida and beyond, shouldn't there be a passenger weight limit?  Gross obesity and questionable seatbelt capabilities, plus quickly evolving speed will not always result in cake and happiness during spins of life's roulette wheel.

A mind of her own:  That's apparently what Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife is NOT supposed to have, even though a private citizen.  Truth is, the left could barely let Thomas himself leave the hospital before blaming him for his wife's thoughts and demanding HIS resignation from the Court!  Obviously, this bunch isn't going to be satisfied merely with a "token" black woman who can't define the word woman assigned to the Court -- they want to dump Thomas and have good ol' Joe and his puppeteers choose one more radical Court newbie.

Putin the War Criminal:  Well, why not Putin the terrorist?  It's what he is and terror is what he accomplishes.  If he actually uses chemical weapons and Biden was correct about responding "in kind,"  I suggest the United States and NATO send Russia a giant mass shipment of bottled farts in dark containers labeled Rare Earth Elements.

American kids melting into puddles of tears and emotion:  If parents and their children aren't taking a good, hard look at Putin and the world's other monsters -- and acting quickly to reverse the emotional softness and fear instilled by leftists intent upon taking down the United States -- the young are doomed to perish as individuals whilst simultaneously building one of the largest modern slave plantations on the globe.  If parents don't overpower the teachers' unions and once again deal with imparting the basics to kids over concerns with gender and other things which are clearly not part of school education in classrooms where real knowledge counts, the world will trample us like a stampeding herd of autonomy destroyers.  We tire, do we not, of local TV news shows focused upon people who sob, cry and swoon under the influence of incidents and situations which actually call for strength and resolve?  Tears solve nothing, once expressed, and international monsters have never been drowned out of existence with oceans filled with tears.

A horror show on 60 Minutes for all:  I happened to watch a segment a couple of weeks ago showing an investment firm representative who exemplified a growing industry of buying up houses and property by the thousands and then renting out homes to people who might otherwise have desired to be homeowners.  That I really had bad vibes about and didn't like the guy interviewed (probably because of the work he does), I was more concerned about the trend for investment firms to buy up everything, thereby stealing the basic American dream for the masses.  Blackrock appears to be the most noticed firm involved in similar activities, and we hope Congress will take a long look at what appears to be going all around American standards.

Warning of the week:  Alopecia may be hazardous to the health of the person who doesn't have it.