Monday, April 18, 2022

Is Musk the Vaccination for Twitter's Infection?

Elon Musk has his detractors as well as admirers, to be sure.  On the admiration side, his interest in gaining control of the censorship-consumed Twitter and re-opening it as the free speech vehicle it once appeared to be is a concept every rational person should embrace with joy.  Of course, while this would be a tremendous asset for communication in America, government authoritarians in other countries will dump Twitter faster than a junkyard dog can dig a hole for secure bone burial.

Oh, oh, oh, the implications.  No longer would radical leftists be sole owners of the ultimate social media weapon of obfuscation. Gone forever would be algorithms hyped to detect and censor anything not approved by the group-think political bunch.  Doctors with opinions and research opposite those of the ruling government scientist class would no longer be excluded and banned by the digital world's thought police.  Never again might one be tossed into "Twitter jail" for expressing views contrary to "green" cultists attired colorfully in leftist robes, always on the ready to sacrifice those who are not they.

"Worst" of all -- the return of Donald Trump?  The left must already be experiencing moon quakes in their pants with the mere thought.  Good!

Leftist censors, may you one day spin in the graves you have alrady dug for yourselves with shovels constructed of  knowledge deprivation for inquiring masses.

Whew!  What's a United States government infiltrated by Marxists and other crazies to do in the face of this threat?

For one thing, for starters, they can make sure the Securities and Exchange Commission goes on the attack against Musk's Tesla operation.   Oops, already doing that. Then what?  Why, anything Twitter's leftist government buddies can come up with.  The "poison pill" approach in just the beginning.

By now, can there be any doubt that Twitter's evolvement as a leftist tool played a significant role in getting Biden elected?  Polls indicate that 20 percent of Democrats said they would not have voted for Biden had they known abut the Hunter Biden laptop affair -- which they could have, had they taken the New York Post seriously (100 percent accurate) on this issue.  Unfortunately, Twitter banned all references to the NY Post revelations, and "the big guy" Joe Biden was elected minus a wealth of knowledge crucial to voter decisions.  Exactly what some folks desired.  Similarly, the fact that Twitter eviscerated all thought content about rigged election statistics causes one to wonder what was going on behind the scenes.  To take on the pharmaceutical industry by questioning Covid protocol?  How dare we?!

Twitter's China-like response to medical professionals and other attempting to post contrary information about Covid origins and treatment, only to be quickly banned, was outrageous.  By the way, a favorite Twitter whipping boy, a treatment involving the old drug ivermectin, has indeed shown promise because ivermectin is now a major component of a new Covid treatment pill manufactured by the god-damned lying, mega-pharmaceutical industry (which seems often to be rather slow in releasing data on harmful medication side-effects -- as in numbers of bodies affected. . .).  Thanks for nothing, Twitter.  If Twitter can currently be defined as a platform rather than a publisher, then I'm a little girl wearing a pink party dress.

If Musk is serious and actually succeeds in acquiring Twitter, imagine all the rot he'll discover regarding its basic operations.  Even better, imagine all the major mainstream giants going bonkers and foaming at the mouth over the prospect of a "new kid" on the block who might just allow open conversation to emerge -- subject matter which can cancel out the crap mainstream media hyenas feed us in a single blow when truth is revealed, rather than stuffed away according to an influential entity's political whim.

It's no wonder that media celebs are using air time on TV to criticize Musk, while what's really going on is that they are pooping in their pants over the actual prospect of being upstaged by stuff they can't hide or dismiss with a cute joke.  I don't suppose Musk could grab Facebook, as long as he's in the mood?

Speaking of Covid and Democrats -- How brilliant was it for Biden and a gaggle of governors and mayors to make sure that people's jobs were threatened if they did not take the still-experimental Covid vaccinations?  With Russia's incursion into Ukraine, doesn't America need all of those discharged, highly and expensively trained military members who were thrown out because they had the common sense not to get the jab? As medical personnel go wanting all over the nation, never forget that primarily Democrats ruined careers and caused immense personal harm to people who refused and still refuse to experience the introduction of mysteries into their bodies.  Oh Nuremberg, Nuremberg, how I thirst for arrests, trials, prison time and maybe some perfectly legal extremes administered in the public square involving complicit government members and their media friends who serve only as one-sided mouthpieces. If you folks make me inject unwanted things into my body, it's only fair that I return the favor in some way, is it not?

The Democrat Party as it currently exists is a public health crisis.  Have you checked out the border lately?  China couldn't find a better place to peddle Fentanyl, the drug cartels are enriching themselves as never before while sending in illegal people our tax dollars must pay for, and every shred of our culture is subject to doom.
Were I Russia in the current warring atmosphere (or Iran, or North Korea, choose your fave), wouldn't I be conjuring a hundred ways to sneak low-level nuke weapons into the U.S. at the Southern border?

A majority of illegals crossing the border appear to be young, military age males.  Why don't they fight for their own countries?  The only "better life" waiting for them in America is to engage in crime including rape, murder and drug running, and while radical, bone-headed, common-senseless Democrats are in charge their status is secure.

Biden says drill, sort of:  Continuing to blame the petroleum industry for many of the ills in his own administration, Biden finally had to give in and allow more drilling on federal land -- behind the scenes, even the morons dedicated to making ours a Third World country must realize the danger we are in by trying to escape the necessity for oil.  Problem is, one can drill their butts off, but only a few of the areas explored will yield significant reserves -- if anything at all.

Forget solar panels and wind turbines.  As nuclear research continues with the advent of smaller units, safe nuclear energy seems to be the perfect energy future.  Nor will it fry neighborhood robins who chance to land upon what looks deceivingly like bodies of water, and it won't chop up, slice and dice birds.  Or are birds just sacrificial lambs to the green cult?