Monday, March 7, 2022

Communism Defined, 2022 Version

Really, I much preferred that infamous painting of Putin (with Medvedev)wearing a dress over the actual Putin, even though the artist didn't hang around for tea & poison with Vlad once Vlad and the world became aware of it a few years ago.

Just before Ukraine's brutal invasion by Putin, I may have been sitting around, contemplating why, in a nation populated by so many brilliant women, the ladies chosen to occupy ABC-TV's "The View" seem to define aggregate stupidity. Well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Nor can I do much about the obvious dilemma of a White House administration staffed by Marxist dogma and a feeble, corrupt President.  Then there is Russia's Putin, the lethal yet cowardly dictator who forces others to accomplish his dirty work. Putin and Biden -- each name composed of five characters and each ends in "n." Would astrologers read something into this?

Before our very eyes we observe a mini-Hitler for our time, doing everything in Ukraine desired by his authoritarian monstership.

Immediate lesson learned from Ukraine? More guns for the home and community in the USA (you too, Europe).  Ukraine gave up their nukes and other weapons and look where that got 'em.  Too bad the Sandy Hook parents wrung 73 Million dollars out of Remington Arms' remnants because a very dangerous message was sent out, essentially condemning manufacturers and gun owner rights.

What of oil and gas?  Should one worship the Green Cult until world democracies are extinguished?  Has anybody consulted that supreme global intellectual mind, Greta Thun-Borg?  Would she take up a rifle in Ukraine to keep the grass around nuclear plants green?  We were energy-independent under Trump, and now we're just energy-pathetic.  

And why the uproar about Trump's reference to Putin as "savvy"and "genius?"  The most proficient serial murderers are both of those things, evidence tends to demonstrate.

Neither savvy nor genius is an administration bent upon raping strategic oil reserves essential for national defense and attempting to cement in oil contracts with nations clearly known to be our enemies.  We must become energy efficient using our national resources, and substantial solar,wind or whatever aren't part of that equation for decades. Let's not dismiss nuclear.

Thanks, Big Guy J.B.  When Biden says everything is on the table regarding energy, does he mean the autopsy table?  These people wanted us paying more for conventional energy sources nonetheless, so to believe there are no smiling leftist faces in our own government enjoying every minute of the crippling energy-related aspects of this chaos would be foolish.

But a bird's-eye focus upon quite another issue should not be overlooked:  Refugees.  From Ukraine they march to Poland, far surpassing a million humans, lines probably longer than a battalion of Russian tanks encroaching upon conquered roads into the country.  

A fair percentage are likely to come to the United States -- a deal almost sealed because refugees are being asked where they wish to go.

Americans are generous and welcoming when refugees and people who enter legally are involved.  Unfortunately, thanks to continuous and stubborn bad decisions perpetrated by the Biden gang, the Southern border remains open, sucking in hundreds and hundreds of thousands of illegal crossers every month.  With this situation ever worsening as woefully unguarded border areas suck in criminals, terrorists, drugs and weapons like a giant vacuum cleaner, here comes the Ukraine refugee outrage.

Before we welcome a significant portion of these newest teeming masses of misery, I wish I.C.E. could be reincarnated as a guard dog on steroids, scouring the country to locate and rid us of likely millions who should not be here.  Sure, the strength of a country can be reflected by its people, but filling the house until the ceiling bursts with bodies of any age which came in the back door against our laws is dangerous and possibly catastrophic to an orderly society.  Before the refugees come, clean the house.

In the meantime, I'll continue patiently watching the skies as China perfects artificial intelligence, hoping for a planet-killer asteroid before quantum computing destroys us in other ways.

"Havana Syndrome" on the attack?  Sixty Minutes and the CIA continue investigating this one -- and I was interested to note that the latest government research mentions, and does not exclude ultrasonics as a culprit affecting brains and neurological systems. I wrote about potential ultrasound injuries caused by UFO activity in 1971 and again in 1976 and, UFOs aside, this still needs to be ruled in or out.

Sympathies to a Jet Blue airline pilot pulled off his plane a few days ago for being drunk in NY.  My question is, why aren't all pilots and flight attendants of all airlines drinking by now?  Passenger quality isn't exactly worthy of sobriety these days.

Chips, chips, chips:  Why not produce automobiles less dependent upon chips?  It's remotely possible that we can use handles to roll down car windows. . .

What's the best thing about White House press briefings?  Genuine reporter Peter Doocy, of course.