Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Human Club

This is one of those weeks in my fantasy world where I would applaud a Nobel Peace Prize going to a team of international scientists whose diligent work results in an organism capable of wiping out every human on the planet, but after being unleashed globally does no harm whatsoever to every other species.   A critter-friendly Andromeda Strain, if you please.  I mean, as long as we're on a course of civilization suicide, why not just get it done?  Haven't we all been a Putin of sorts at some time in our lives? We wield quite the instruments of self-destruction, clubbing ourselves in the head the way hunters beat the skulls of seals, and human societies of every flavor have often demonstrated a capacity to do so.  And the worst of the worst have nukes.  I know what we are.  Don't fret, I'll get over it, at least temporarily.  Blame my age.

Putin?  He'll flood the West with refugees and drown his enemies in waves of sheer miserable humanity.  As food, fertilizer and other necessities become increasingly jeopardized by either natural forces or (particularly) intent, Western European nations and the United States will feel the customary brunt of weaponizing humans merely as chaotic numbers.  Compassion is honorable, but it can kill and destroy its very foundations -- a lesson some in the U.S. fail to learn, even as our Southern border bleeds trouble, death, drugs and nation-killers.

So let's go, Brandon.  You helped put us where we currently stand, even before Putin commenced a new round of killing by numbers.

Laptop Lap Dance:  The New York Post was right all along about the documented authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop computer, but good luck while waiting for mass apologies from the usual major media suspects who denied reality from the start.  We hope that dedicated criminal investigations are underway regarding payments involving Ukraine and Chinese corruption leading to "the big guy" who became President of the U.S. Unfortunately, such dogged inquiries are in the hands of the Democrats themselves, so not only should we expect miracles -- we should expect nothing.

Speaking of Black Lives Matter supporters (yes, we are), isn't it amazing how major media have reported very little, if anything, about the absence of accounting for disappeared millions of dollars?  Especially since some three million allegedly went toward building extravagant housing for at least one BLM Inc. "official."  Yes, there is said to be a government inquiry. . .well, we'll see.

Lia Thomas, transgender swimming icon:  Oh, good grief.  Because the most mad of scientists have taken to inventing weird things in the lab, is there some way to cause all future babies to be born with zippers on their bodies from head to toe?  With this scientific advance, we would have the ability to unzip everybody to show them whether they are born with male or female parts. We aren't likely to find a uterus peeking out at us in a male child, and the pelvic structure of a girl won't really look like genetic guy property.  I suggest the zipper because I'm not sure how much crazier we can become when a man hormonally disguises himself as a female swimmer.  As we've said before, by all means play in the doll house and hold the tiny teacups during your fantasy party, but the bulk of non-transgender society will not form around you.  And if your parents allow you to change your gender when you're still a growing child with evolving emotions, they are as condemnable as anybody, because history demonstrates they're sometimes playing with their kid's eventual suicide when reality meets lies perpetrated by the spooky agenda crowd.

Covid vaccines and boosters:  Sorry, but my mind doesn't cater well to reports of vaccine-induced cardiac problems and, particularly frightening, strange coagulopathy (blood clots which may have the capacity to be fatal) effects associated with the jab.  I am less impressed with pharmaceutical miracles as days grow shorter and physicians possess less autonomy.