Tuesday, October 12, 2021

We Were Just Following Orders

Hitlerian rule, of course, isn't quite what the United States is experiencing as various upper echelon members of government, corporations and the social media currently exert upon Americans who, until now, lived under some semblance of individual freedom.  But darned if we haven't been lowered to the point where we're routinely demanded by people who ordinarily have no business in our lives, "Your papers, please!"  

Vaccinated or not vaccinated?  Patriot or enemy of the state?

It's for your own good, you know.  Besides, it's all we have -- at least as far as we're told.  The guinea pigs and human experimentation, it's all here and it's all for you and them.  And the money paid out for your benefit, oh the money.

Nazis are Nazis, to be sure, and we're exquisitely aware that references to these throwback (yet still popular) democratic socialists usually don't play well when making comparisons to anything these days -- yet, it seems a large number of legal immigrants who escaped to the U.S. from socialist countries are raising their voices to warn the United States that we're well on the road to an unforgivable peril.

"Never again," promised national post World War II leaders, after Hitler and his insane, though widely practiced ideology experienced defeat.  Maybe that should have been never again until everything can be organized in a different way someday.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.  Hmm.  That's a good one.  Didn't that one come out of the very mouth of a certain Democrat Party favorite a few years ago?

If you stop reading right now, and I'm likely to be wordy today, just know and remember one thing, just one:  If those politicians and others with real or imagined authority currently running wildly roughshod over the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and that dusty old standby, the Declaration of Independence can demand your cooperation in violating your own body with a still questionable witches' brew now, they will order you to do serious things against your wishes again and again in the future.

Given the chance, whether child or adult, everybody at some point wants to be king of the hill.  Some will go to tremendous extremes to keep what perhaps they shouldn't have acquired in the first place.  And they have minions, especially in political parties.

Where were government and corporate unions, speaking up for both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated, the "fired?"  Don't members pay some hefty union dues out of every paycheck, anticipating protection from thug activities and shaky advice?  Maybe it's time to kick those unions out, and even form new ones, should members desire.

In my opinion, the Covid virus, whatever its origin, was poised to attack in particular (1) people whose physical and/or nutritional condition was already deplorable, or (2) those who, because of no fault of their own, had a genetic predisposition -- immunological deficiency -- incapable of fighting off the invasion.

So we now know that Covid vaccine efficacy can be weakened in as little as two months, and while Biden, Fauci, the complicit media and the rest continue to insist that vaccinations are the only way to go, reasonable studies conclude that natural immunity and a few promising medications may replace the needle, the needle whose jab can be expensive both for taxpayers and perhaps for one's own biological future.   Did something not come out a few days ago indicating that the vaccine itself fosters the creation of other viral mutations, thus perhaps keeping the cycle going endlessly?

How long must Americans suffer liars and bad brains in Washington?  Flat out last week, Biden tells us if we get the shot we can't pass on the virus, an obvious lie.

Department of Defense statistics, reported by nobody in the complicit corporate media, clearly show that an alarming number of Medicare Covid hospital admissions occur among people who have already been vaccinated?  Wha. . .?  Some 60 percent?

Well, on the bright side, at least the drug companies and stockholders are raking in billions of dollars at the expense of those forced under penalty of job loss and social isolation to take "the jab."  Right here in America, land of the free.

And now everybody is drooling, anxious to jab your kids with the Covid vax needle, no matter the tender year of youth.  Is it a good idea to mess around with a kid's developing auto-immune system with something requiring far more study before taking a chance that the monster under the bed won't creep out and reside topside?

What really seems galling is the prospect that after this particular virus winds down to "acceptable" (?) levels, the Biden syndicate and Democrats will take all the credit for defeating or at least tamping down what would have gone nearly missing anyway with the passage of a little time and naturally acquired immunity.

Journalism lies bleeding:  It's tragic enough that major media corporations have become nothing more than cheerleaders for Covid vaccines, excluding a wealth of alternative research, discoveries and real news in the process.  Since the Covid reporting began, I've also watched local TV journalists also becoming spokes mouths for Big Pharma and Mega-Big Government, totally pushing the party line on demanded vaccinations.  No questioning, no controversy, no experts on the other side, no nothing.  Side note:  Take note not only of national TV news, but that your local TV stations apparently have loads of trouble spelling words correctly when put up on the screen.  Do their news departments even know what a dictionary is?  This week, the misspelled word is Columbus, which appears as Colombus on various stations.  Journalism schools have finally caught up with much of the rest of society, where blind compliance, stupidity and ignorance are assets.

CRT + DOJ = FBI?  Anybody laying claim to a functioning mind can't possibly ignore King Biden's orders for the FBI to monitor and, we suppose, directly interfere at school board meetings when irate parents dare demonstrate their rage at racial hatred being instituted in the classroom.  Freedom's very foundations are rocked by this dangerous nonsense, and you don't throw immense federal government powers in places where local law enforcement can do the job.  So what's this about?  It's about more control over us, and it's a leftist wish from people who want to remove parental power over children's education from the earliest grades.  Did we not think for years that it was just colleges and universities subverting malleable minds?  Infestations apparently know no age limits in public schools.

Even worse, you just know that the usual, every-day FBI agent doesn't want anything to do with this foolishness, this travesty, this absolutely un-American action.

We are shadowed by political tyrants secured safely in Washington, D.C.  The best cure is still ballots in the box, and we hope never to see rationality replaced with bullets to the head.  Yet, hello and surprise, Venezuela. How tasty were those zoo animals before your people got around to eating their house pets as the dictatorship was doing just fine, thank you?

Biden building bad back and bullying badder:  How many houses does Bernie Sanders own?  Capitalism sure works well for those who hate its trappings.  Leftists and unelected regulators are the ones who manipulate and animate Biden's puppet strings, with a lot of help from outsiders' whims.  The only thing the Biden gang is building, aware or not, is a better runway for China's influence and, one day, maybe more.

I still don't remember voting for Greta Thunburg as President or the United Nations as Vice-President of the U.S.  Nevertheless, we in America are systematically being strangled to green death by people who have no business telling our country what to do.  I guess it's just easier here, because China, India and other giant polluters don't care.

Yet, we were intrigued to learn last week that Antarctica just experienced its coldest weather ever recorded.  This obvious discrepancy in the pre-planned list of the way things are supposed to be in the land of green death must be dealt with immediately, lest it pick up steam.

But nobody has time to bother right now because winter approaches, energy prices are skyrocketing quickly and high enough even to make Obama blush in approval, and some folk are actually wondering how they'll afford heat this winter.  Great job, Biden geniuses, you couldn't have screwed our domestic energy production abilities at a better time, and as inflation continues to dominate in numerous formats your dreams will be complete.  Rational Democrats who still cling to the vine will surely remember an upcoming winter crush of the green fantasy, come the next election.  Or we can hope.

Meanwhile, thank GOD we have hundreds of thousands of Southern border invaders whose foot-slapping and body movements help create substantial heat to warm Americans as winds take radiant illegal alien energy north.  (That's human change, baby, not climate change.)  What a high favor the ACLU performs by helping to keep the national cockroach conquest in force.

Then there's that special, Academy Award-winning appearance before the House by Frances Haugen, former Facebook official, last week.  If she wasn't the human equivalent of a potted plant ushered on in by progressives hungry for government regulation, I'll consider eating ivermectin horse pills.  We had a really bad feeling about her from the moment she opened her mouth, sounding at first as though she were against censorship, but then seemingly almost devouring the very concept of more government control.  Don't buy into it.

Gender identity reminder No. 4,672:  To reinforce this -- there are only two genders among humans.  I know because I worked in hospitals and found no other genders hiding under the beds.  Everything else is one's individual perspective, stage acting, fantasy embellishment, playing with tiny teacups in a miniature doll's house or delusion.  All we know is, when one goes far enough to finalize everything with surgery, an uncomfy number of suicides and extreme mental illness result.  Society is never going to cluster around the transgendered, and colleges, high and elementary schools really need to shut the heck up and let students discover who they are for themselves without destructive progressive prodding by people likely hateful of their own humanity.

Can't close today's entry without mentioning the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed street protesters apparently intent on attacking him as he wielded a firearm.  My verdict:  Some poor judgment with this boy, but not guilty nevertheless.  Set 'im free and make him Secretary of State.  May we suggest, too, more legal guns for the U.S. population, and that includes giving them back to our soldiers who are allegedly about to forfeit theirs "for safekeeping" until needed (as if) under the nitwit Biden administration.