Monday, October 25, 2021

A Caravan of Locusts

Still the caravans come, composed of people by the thousands, ignoring the Southern border and consequences which used to mean something.

They come "for a better life," each and every one making our lives worse as they inevitably end up bleeding welfare payments of one form or another out of American taxpayer pockets.  These are not normal times for border invaders.  As we already see, the U.S. is on the path to a somewhat jobless society as automation becomes the solution to absurdly heightened wages dictated by government agencies which really should stay the hell out of the way.  

A lack of meaningful jobs will result in more crime, more unwanted pregnancies perpetrated by illiterate and stupid people who excel at and contribute nothing more than screwing in bed, and the progressive destruction of the United States will continue.

But the criminal invaders don't care, so they travel over desert and mountains and rivers and garbage-littered paths left as clues for the next and the next and the next poised to defile everything in their way just by sheer numbers.

Yes, compassion is a wonderful thing.  But how long can it last when invaders come by the hundreds of thousands, accompanied by large families to complicate the complicated further -- and joined by pregnant women who long to drop their festering bundles of nine months here in the states for obvious reasons?

Just as locusts consume every item of nourishment in their rampage, the caravans will do the same if rational minds don't stop this madness.  Trump's wall should have been built and the Biden bunch needs to be arrested, tried and imprisoned for years for allowing this outrage to happen.  Obviously, this is not the only outrage.

Energy independence:  Remember that?  With the lunatic religion of the Green God and its disciples in charge of government this is the result.  And still the masses will vote for Democrats, historically the party of the Klan, the plantation and slavery.

Should one not wish a green God, then some will join that other nouveau religion, The Church of Compliant Vaccinationists.  If you refuse an experimental crap shoot in a needle, you can't join and you're condemned to lose jobs and be shunned throughout eternity.  

OH GOD how I want these bureaucrats at the White House, CDC and every other state and federal government agency entwined in the evil of dehumanizing and dismissing people-who-won't-comply arrested, jury-tried and just sent to prison for years.  They are the New Gestapo.  They are non-uniformed Nazis armed with illegal mandates instead of guns.  Their actions are blatantly unconstitutional and un-American, and unfortunately the courts grind slowly when it comes to administering justice.

("Let's go, Brandon.")

Meanwhile, kids' mental health problems are mounting, and we hope some of these victims don't end up going to crazy or politically bonkers mental health "professionals" whose idea of a cure or coping is more radical leftist education in corrupt public schools successfully ruined throughout the nation for years.

Ships that don't pass in the night (or the day):  We watch all those ships at sea off the West Coast chock full of giant shipping containers by the thousands, and we think of all the stuff shipped from China and other nations which ends up in landfills sooner or later.  Where do we put all this stuff when its usefulness expires?  Maybe Nike can invent shoes one can launder and eat once they wear out.

Notice how ABC-TV often has Jonathan Karl doing stories critical of Donald Trump?  Notice how Jonathan Karl recently wrote a book critical of Donald Trump?  Nice to have a ready-made TV audience to push your work, JK.  Maybe it will help your ESG score.  Journalism at work, 2021.

Domestic terrorist parents:  An apology from a teachers' union for calling parents attending school board meetings domestic terrorists?  So what are they called now, peeping Toms?  Voyeurs?

Bill Clinton exits the hospital after a serious urinary infection: We wish him good health, of course, but what was the diagnosis again?  Epstein-cigar virus?