Monday, September 16, 2024

Celebrity Endorsements in the Cattle Car

(But First:
  Yet a second assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump occurred, this time in Florida on Sunday.  Generally speaking, it seems that major TV networks couldn't even bother to break into sports programming to announce this outrage.  Threats of violence against both Trump and J. D. Vance, expressed and promoted mostly by radical leftists and mental cases, have opened a very dangerous page in the current political era.)

As the planet perches on prospects for World War III with a nuclear flavor -- a perilous what-if situation, by the way, which WILL result in the mass drafting of young American boys and men into an understaffed military at the drop of a Democrat hat -- isn't it such a comfort to read singer Taylor Swift offering voting advice to the same clueless voters who would be swept up by a draft, especially under a Harris-Obama-Democrat administration?

I wouldn't know a Taylor Swift tune if a dung beetle rolled one onto the sofa, but apparently a lot of people do know the melodies and the words.  All I see is a beautiful and smart woman. talented I guess, who dates a football player, probably because it's cheaper to have one of those around than to hire extra security when threats abound.  Why else would she bother? Oh well. . .

So Ms. Swift --oh, by the way, satirist Jonathan Swift (no relation?) once replied, when asked if he liked children, "Yes, if properly cooked" -- claims she did the "research" on Kamala Harris and intends to vote for her.

Celebrities have as much right as anybody to voice their opinions, but can it be denied that Swift's necessity to tell millions of fans how she intends to vote, having done the "research," is an attempt to influence the election?

The interesting thing is that celebs such as Ms. Swift have so much money and influence that elections have virtually no consequences for them.  We are not they and have no relationship to their lives.  For the rest of us their endorsements -- however they are presented -- can certainly have a profound effect on the uninformed potential voter who will have absolutely no idea why they are casting a ballot for a candidate except for the fact that Taylor Swift suggested (?) they do so.

What "research" did she do regarding Harris, anyway?  Kamala Harris is a walking political nightmare, even among those who know her best, and enough Democrats at the top have left the Democrat Party, and are yet to depart, to serve as canaries in a toxic coal mine as top choice Walz jumps into the Marxist litter box.  The Harris-Walz ticket should read "No Admittance" during elections.

We have always believed that American voters ultimately make the right decision.  I don't know about that. If they make the same kind of decision they made last time, when Covid somehow made Joe Biden appear appealing, we are screwed.  Two obvious Marxists poised to run the remainder of what's left of the USA into the ground, lying at every turn, does not nourish my confidence, particularly when so many young voters this time around (1) won't remember how good things were when Trump was in Office the first time, and (2) don't really know a damned thing and have no vestige of common sense for reference.  Isn't it wonderful that they have Taylor Swift to direct their votes?  No, it is not, and she can say all day that she only wanted to encourage people to vote any way they want, but that is, to quote Col. Sherman Potter's character on TV's "MASH," horse hockey.  

Who is it that remarked about celebrities making statements out of their realm, shut up and sing?  If Harris is elected, I fear a lot of shut-up will be on the way, and she'll use accommodating courts to accomplish the goal.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (and what's on the menu)?  TV media sorts blame Trump for commenting about Haitians eating people's pets during the phony ABC-TV debate, but the truth is that earlier in the day the Internet was serving up many stories about pets being eaten by these folks, so it's not as if Trump invented this quagmire.  Anyway, when the Biden gang flies 10,000 to 20,000 to maybe 40,000 unannounced Haitians into Ohio in the dead of night or day, what's the difference who is eating whom?  It's a horror story no matter the circumstances.  Why are we paying for this shit?  (Note to common sense practitioners:  If rumors are untrue, why does Vance claim he is getting reports from his Ohio constituency stating that, yes, Haitians have eaten people's pets?)

Title IX lawsuit:  Good.  Women of all ages should be fighting like hell to reinstate science and the fact that there are two genders.  There are no magic wands to change one from male into female or female into male.  One is born as one or the other, and all the rest resides up in the head, where allegedly sits a brain.  Where is the National Organization of Women and a host of other female-based organizations which should be on this subject as if the future of biological females as defined clearly by science is on the line?  

Never allow lunatics with influence, money, hatred on their minds and too much time on their hands to subvert what society overwhelmingly accepts as real based upon known facts.  Maybe folks on planets in some distant galaxy consider men to be women interchangeably, but here on Earth we can only function and even (possibly) survive into the future by relying upon logical choices.  This isn't easy for me to say, having spent many years questioning what we believe to be conventional.  But isn't life crazy enough already?