Monday, September 14, 2020

The Dangers of UFOs and Toilet Paper

Presidential elections grow ever closer and the mainstream media's hair is on fire as if both a product and manipulator of a war which ignites out of control especially every four years.  The same tired old hacks of what was once called the "new journalism" continue to grind out words and then flame out, hoping somehow to remain relevant, many of them obviously longing for a return to the days of Obama and Biden, when everything was promised and nothing much evolved except racial disparity and a suddenly very wealthy First Couple.

Funny.  As long as I've followed the UFO subject -- and that encompasses somewhere around 60 years, additionally creeping into the fifties when I was a kid -- all manner of UFO writers and investigators have peddled the theory that the government would never tell the people the "truth" about UFOs. The truth, as it flows throughout society to this very day, holds that the possibility of something or somebody else riding herd over human existence and coming and going at will across skies and borders with the performance of seemingly impossible aerodynamic maneuvers is knowledge which governments are censoring in order to avoid panic.  Panic.


Which brings me to journalist Bob Woodward and his ASTOUNDING REVELATION picked up and cackled about by the Washington Post, Sixty Minutes and others that President Donald Trump lied, lied and lied some more to us, telling the public that Covid-19 (It's much more fun to call it what is apparently is, the "Wuhan Flu") wasn't a-l-l-l-l-l that bad -- while telling Woodward and others that Covid-19 was indeed very serious, much more serious than he stated early on.

So now the cackling media is all aflutter that Trump wouldn't just come out earlier and encourage terror in the streets by using the word, panic, as these stalwart journalists of note insist the "people" could handle the truth.

Well, yes, we should, and we deserve the truth -- but just look what happened when rumors of a new illness hit the streets and people immediately emptied out grocery stores, with a special fascination for toilet paper.

If the President had loosed the "P" word on the nation in any sense, can there be any doubt that chaos and even more craziness would rule communities all over?  What good would that do in a population already revved up and poised to explode?

I'm thinking the people of the United States would handle the "truth" about a UFO invasion a lot better than we did the Chinese virus (and yes, I currently lean toward the side of medical people versed in microbiology, perhaps not nationally or internationally well-publicized, who say the damned virus was engineered in a lab).  At least a disturbing UFO "truth" cascade would probably empty out gun stores long before folks race off to the toilet paper section at Costco.

If we generally find it ill-advised to yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater, how is it that Trump hasn't exhibited some perfectly reasonable sense in not attempting to initiate panic in the streets?

A Covid-19 panic?  Please, not.  But a UFO fact panic?  Well, we HAVE waited a long, long time for a decades-old officially certified government "disclosure" on that issue, should such an ultimate documentation beast exist.  I say go for it, long as the damned things haven't been emerging from some incompetent lab in Wuhan all these years.

Maybe some of these  journalists, likely trying to beat the clock and burn Trump's chances to a crisp before the elections they dread personally, should just sit down, cool off and eat their egg "flu" yung.