Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg is gone.  A friend of mine, retired from the medical profession insists, tongue-in-cheek of course, that she probably passed away weeks ago, her body yet refreshed with drugs, careful photography and a burning emotional ember of dislike for President Trump.

We can honor the person in death, but we can also condemn the radical leftist whose far-out ideas were simply bizarre and antithetical to established roots of American culture.

As tributes fly and words of gratitude cascade across the nation's most hallowed grounds, let history nevertheless not forget Justice Ginsburg's extremist views.  We'll not explore them here, for they are readily available in her writings and decisions.

Along with her demise comes the Democrats' shock realization that their influential decades of riding herd over The Court and many lower courts may soon become little but dust in the wind for years to come.