Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Scamala Harris and Cat-less Child Ladies

It's democracy in action and the coup-coup clock has chirped midnight!  A Democrat-ick Party so concerned with saving democracy just un-saved it by all but solidifying "Scamala" Harris as its next presidential candidate in waiting.  Forcing electoral delegates into submission just days before its national convention takes the comedy stage in Chicago, the highest of the high in the party took no time at all in usurping delegate obligations by essentially telling the bottom of its loyal from-the-bottom-up crowd that they possess no voice in this matter.  Yes, Joe Biden was nominated to serve again, but his name is about to disappear down the oft-mentioned Memory Hole surmised by the author known in the literary world as George Orwell in his book, 1984.  In this perpetual land of absurdities, we wouldn't bat an eyelash if a Hollywood celebrity donor was nominated as vice president.

As members of the goddamned leftist-complicit mainstream media sharpen their claws in a continuing effort to take Trump down by any means necessary, we marvel at official and press denials that Scamala was Biden's "border czar," a fact made obvious by the release of numerous media pronouncements of that very designation in March of 2021.  With her having never visited the troubled Southern border areas even once, it's rather difficult to sum up the results of her seemingly invisible efforts.

Harris, almost hands-down the most radical Democrat ever to sit previously in a high congressional position, leaves behind a trail of well-documented acts of official horror, available -- but quickly being scrubbed away -- online for those who keep score.  Offering to bail out participating street rats who burned cities and were arrested during riots following the George Floyd affair was just one of her execrable actions, but to explore further and understand her past maneuvering to alter the tools of a state and nation that made America and Americans respected world-wide is an eye-opener.

Shockingly, Harris was part and parcel of an administration bent upon hiding the truth from the people -- lying -- about a President seriously in decline.  And now. . .and now she is top dog in the Democrat candidate dog park.  Common Democrat voters be damned, mission accomplished.

Anybody prepared to vote for the scam that truly is "Scamala" Kamala Harris needs to keep in mind that with her help as the next President, the influx of illegal immigrants of every ilk will increase, not retreat.  Call her a czar, call her a star, the borders will stay open.  If you like taxes, hordes of foreign people sharing and caring nothing of our heritage, heightened world war chances and deficits, this is your champion.

Obviously, for the star-struck among the left, that phony-appearing congratulatory phone encounter between Harris and the Obamas put frosting on a political turd, and it is unfortunate that the party faithful, so appealing to the gullible, would stoop to this nonetheless predictable level of bad drama to glorify a terrible candidate.  But the fix is in.  The progressives' coup-coup clock ticks forward to hide and obliterate the past.  The Memory Hole will repair what was before into bright promises for the future, couched in words guaranteed to assure misbegotten votes by the beguiled.

Biden pretends he is in charge:  His saber rattles impatiently about changing the face of the Supreme Court, just another valued Democrat wish, indulged in by Sen. Schumer and other radicals.  Having pretty much infiltrated every department of government already, the Democrats thirst to control the one institution which, until now, has resisted poison pill legislation from the left.  This panic is all about the left losing big time in the Court, as primarily the conservative Justices strive with some success to curb big government influence and return its workings to the people.  The fact that the Court has attacked the bee's nest which maintains an all-too-cozy government-corporate relationship drives senators such as Schumer and Warren into a frenzy.  Term limits for the Justices?  How about first having term limits for Congress -- and for people such as Schumer himself?  If you want your country to turn to pure socialism, a take-down of the Supreme Court establishment is the left's final necessity.  Can you say h-e-l-l-l-l-l-o Venezuela?

J.D. Vance wants YOU (to make babies).  My position, simply put:  Hooray for the childless cat ladies.  Somebody needs to care for all those damned felines and, despite warnings of too few humans inhabiting the planet, I say enjoy the absence.  Too many, too few humans, whatever -- we destroy far more of our surroundings than we save, killing everything and destroying the habitat of other creatures as we do so.  Meanwhile, cat-less child ladies should stop producing large families and take in more cats (and don't forget the dogs).  As far as J.D. goes, he believes what he believes.  So what?

California fires rage on:  While weather can influence the eruption of forest fires, I'm darned well convinced that more than one arsonist is responsible for the steady diet of blazing infernos devastating the country.  You know they're out there, and we suspect they exist significantly among the climate change cult and other concerns dedicated to keeping the flame of chaos alive to "prove" a point.

The Paris Olympics:  You know (said the person who hates sentences starting out with "you know"), I've never been able to get into this mega-athletic thing.  To me, the competition in all sports is like a farting contest -- like who can fart the loudest, send it the farthest, express it the longest and produce one smelling worse than its competitors.  Beyond that, this is all such a personal ego thing where somebody can claim their something or another is bigger and better than somebody else's something.  These folks, hard though they train, claim to represent their nations -- yet, as a resident of the USA I get neither a gold, silver, bronze or even a brightly painted clay  medal in gratitude when "my" athlete wins. Why should I care about any of this when I harbor enough of my own neuroses to keep me mental for seconds at a time?  Like -- isn't Iran or North Korea just about ready to produce a nuke that can join me for a scrambled egg breakfast?  Maybe I could just deter a nuke with a wave of the Olympic torch.  And the winner of the highest ascended fart competition goes to. . .