Monday, July 22, 2024

Just One Little Reason Why Kamala Won't Win

Revelations don't come cheap in the Democrat Party.  With the announcement Sunday that Biden won't run for re-election, it was ready, set and GO for the party's adoring mainstream media, whose almost total Democrat registration cell lamented the situation as if it were Biden and not Trump who encountered a sniper.  These, the so-called journalists who still report on national TV every night that something was "completely" destroyed, when common sense dictates that the added word, "completely" is purely superfluous, reported about this tragedy with sad faces, often appearing despondent.

However, despair not, for these are the same folk whom, along with every Democrat operative and White House staffer high enough to pull the national strings, knew for nearly four years (if not earlier) that this dufus and veteran political hack was too incompetent to make a rational decision by himself.  The delayed drama of shock and horror is simply frosting on a moldy, perpetually unappetizing cake.

Yet, hardcore Democrat voters, with their party's lies now staring them squarely in the face, probably won't care for the most part because the media and a plethora of other sources have done their propaganda job well, convincing constituents that Biden "saved democracy" while trashing and subverting it with social media censorship and withholding of freedom of speech in every way possible.

Kamala Harris for prez?  Are you kidding?  Almost up to the very moment of Biden's alleged pull-out this obvious DEI VP praised his abilities and mind status.  These people are liars among the lying, and who cares?

Here's my take on Harris as nobody in particular, but mark my words:   Just as a significant population among voters was turned off (if not turned to stone) by Hillary Clinton's shrill voice on the campaign trail, so it shall be with Kamala, whose shrill inflections and anything BUT infectious laugh equate to the screeching sound of fingernails on a blackboard.  Nobody with normal hearing and common sense wants this.  Note the common sense part of that sentence, which is so lacking anymore.

Farewell to the brilliance of the dearly departed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee:  Only she knew that American astronauts have walked on the surface of Mars, having mentioned this little gem on one occasion years ago.  Um, I think she was in error, but who am I to question a public servant of her stature?  I suspect perhaps the congresswoman spent too much time swimming in the sulfuric oceans of Venus during vacations.

Donald Trump spoke for 92 minutes:  Yikes!  What an. . . insurrection?  Those who complained should realize the man was obviously changed by his near-death encounter, and if he felt the need to deviate from the script and the clock, he was entitled.  Good grief, how we tire of his critics who are intent upon making us forget what a great first term he had as President, until Covid and the virus that is the Democrat Party entered the stage and fouled everything up.

Crowdstrike struck:  Pardon my legendary technological ignorance, but may we ask what we're supposed to do once AI gets a foothold and experiences a computerized psychosis which no software can repair?  Today's little problematic software update escapades do not reassure us about the future -- and as we've often said, remember, "Star Trek" was fiction, not necessarily a successful blueprint for the future.