Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Anchors Aweigh, But Anchor Babies Must Go Away

Congress could, if its members wanted to -- and we aren't so sure -- at least sit down and rid our immigration quagmire of "anchor baby" allowances.  Simply being born in the USA should not qualify one as an instant citizen anymore, even if the law may have had a reason for existence many years ago.  As we watch hundreds of thousands of illegal people violate our borders, many public representatives seem to have forgotten about the anchor issue, and we can bet that aliens are screwing their brains out in hope that a fetus parade will make the whole family legal somehow.  Dangerous.

Speaking of numbers, how about China, drastically losing population as men continue to far outnumber women within the nation's 1.4 billion population?  If little else, this state of affairs will encourage China all the more to invade Taiwan and other areas to regain some of those missing slave bodies.  Were I Taiwan's leader, I think I might give serious thought to booby-trapping every chip plant and other locations of interest with explosives in order to attempt a deterrence of sorts if (?) the day comes when China makes that unfortunate move on its neighbor.  Frankly, the Taiwanese would be treated badly by communist invaders no matter what amount of shambles such destruction would create.

UFO news as an erectile dysfunction:  The government finally released a scheduled status report and it really didn't say much.  Nevertheless, a significant portion of reports remain unidentified and if we're really, really lucky reports of more consequence will emerge in the future, around the same time when Bigfoot and Ronald McDonald join forces as a singing duo.

California rain:  Is "atmospheric river" a term conjured by the climate folk, or just 'nother woke progressive designation?  In any event, maybe those folks releasing crap into the sky in order to prevent climate disaster (you can't make this stuff up) should stop doing so, and perhaps the rain will stop.  Meanwhile, the smartest people in the world who fester in California still haven't taken advantage of all that rain to store it in reservoirs which nobody has bothered building over the decades.  Yes, there are water warehousing plans in the works now, but this issue should have been addressed long ago.

Why do the world's elite want us to eat bugs -- when human teeth clearly indicate that we were born to rip, chew and swallow meat sources?  It's pretty difficult to paint carnivores green when those pearly-white canines stare us in the mirror.

And since the world's elite are currently having a meeting in Davos, a big-boys' (and women's) tribute to the World Economic Forum, may I suggest that they consume one another after marinating in the world's finest spices?

Who wants to be a cop?  Keenan Anderson, cousin of Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrice Colors, died in Los Angeles after getting the Taser treatment from police officers unable to manage his out-of-control behavior with a stun gun.  Seems he may have had a cocaine and marijuana problem.  Hmm.  Ms. Colors herself -- isn't she alleged to have taken a bunch of un-audited BLM money and bought herself one hell of a house?  Anyway, she seems a tad upset on the TV, enough so for us to ask the age-old question:  Who wants to be a cop?

Then five cops in Memphis were fired for allegedly beating the snot out of a runner who died as a result.  Our repetitious question:  Why don't you idiots stop running or start fighting when the cops pull you over?  Lessons never learned. . .

Who wants to be an EMT?  Well, we can rule this one out, too, now that we've seen a pair of paramedics strap down an annoying patient on a gurney face-down, and the man died of asphyxiation in that position.  What drugs or mental problems this one had, we do not know.  But the fact that both EMTs have apparently been charged with murder and could face up to 60 years in prison again asks us to beg the all-encompassing question:  Who the hell wants to be an EMT?

Cops, EMTs and a host of people sworn to protect us are tired to the bone and sick to pieces of having to deal with the human dog poop they encounter every day, so obviously unfortunate mistakes or ill-advised actions are bound to occur.  But don't think that young people formerly hopeful of becoming cops or EMTs aren't sitting back when they see these instances and have second thoughts about all the hassles before them in such jobs.

Exercise:  If God has wanted us to engage in intense exercise routines He surely would have installed perpetual motion machines in human autonomic nervous systems to accomplish the task.  Laziness sometimes seems a biological necessity.

Mitch McConnell's Faces:  The one which somehow decided to smile upon Chuck Schumer and the Democrat Senate in order to pass a giant and mostly unread budget bill -- thus leaving the new House Republican majority no power over those essential funds -- was the face of deceit, plain and simple.  Why not a perfectly good continuing resolution for the time being, Senator, rather than rewarding the Democrats with a bureaucratic sex act enjoyed only by one political party?  The only thing that can save the Republican Party is the conservative wing, which so many in the GOP despise.

Three Marines in Trouble:  As the left continues to investigate the January 6 insurrection-that-we-older-folk-used-to-call-a-riot, we now find that three young Marines were discovered to have been in the Capitol.  They seem to be off the deep end, believing they were somehow standing up for America, which could actually be looked upon as quite refreshing in comparison to fellow rioters just running around without purpose.  To me, the most amazing thing is that these three actually remained in the Marine Corps, its operations pretty much taken over by transgender and Marxist ideology.  Were I a Marine official, I would sit these guys down, blast 'em with some hot words and discipline and hopefully keep them in the Corps.  Why?  Because as nuts as January 6 was, there is still something encouraging about young military men wanting to fight for something more meaningful than changing their gender or trying to replace reality with woke bullshit.

Biden's classified document stash:  What a corrupt specimen, truly a do as I say, not as I do, sort of guy.  Now that Twitter's spiked government leash has been loosened, we hope to read tons more about this cracked family and just what influence peddling for cash might be involved at high levels.  Meantime, chief of staff Ron Klain exits, advised as a normal move at this time in the Administration.  Can't wait to see his replacement, though we anticipate somebody expert at manipulating the White House puppet strings.

By the way -- anybody checked on Obama's storage facilities lately?  He took a lot of. . .stuff. . . when he departed D.C.

Mexican jumping eggs:  When cartels aren't dumping humans into the USA, apparently they concentrate their efforts in the hen house, bootlegging eggs across the border at a substantial reduction in price over American eggs.  Three dollars instead of seven, eight or more for a dozen eggs is now obviously as hard for Americans to resist as crack is to an addict.  We just hope these aren't Fentanyl-laced eggs, which simply won't do once Easter approaches.

The electric car and you:  Word has it that thieves have discovered that hoses used at charging stations are lined with copper, and in the best tradition of take what you can they are cutting hoses off in order to acquire and sell the pricey metal.  I guess you'll need to bring your own hose, but I'm pretty sure the one on your vacuum cleaner won't work.  Anyway, don't worry about driving:  You'll be too busy trying to pay for electricity at home once The Great Reset's green cultists and inflation have their way.  Nothing like climate brown shirts to send us down the path.

Giving it right back to them:  The green cult loonies are hard at work making sure you have no plastic bags at checkout, insisting instead that you purchase reusable carriers.  Now Wal-Mart and other companies are phasing out paper bags at checkout, an outrage to people who actually use paper bags for other purposes around the house.  What to do?  I have long been concerned about stores that take cardboard boxes emptied of delivered contents and breaking them down flat in order to sell the cardboard.  But as far as I'm concerned, customers paid for those boxes, and should be able to take them out or use them to pack items in the store for free.  We would love to witness a national movement about this, because these truly are our boxes.  Let 'em "stuff" their bags, if that's what corporate management wants.