Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Cat, the Mouse and the Fox

(A quick word to Republicans who, predictably, made abortion the curse word of the campaign:  See what it got you?  For years, I have spoken or written until I'm blue that this issue is between a woman, her doctor and whomever she chooses, difficult though this may be to swallow.  I respect the religions of those who condemn abortion the loudest but, again, here we are after an election season -- and to quote Ronald Reagan quite out of  original context -- "There you go again."  Wow, I can hardly wait until the next election that you folks blow. . .what's that about being insane if you do the same thing over and over?)

, at least it's over.  Boy oh boy, is it ever over.  Now we can return to TV commercials boasting of testosterone enhancements and Christmas glitter, with a little bit of Thanksgiving cost warnings thrown in.

I like to look at political parties as members of the animal kingdom, which is often correct in ways I won't even bother to address here.

For instance, take mice.  Demomice.  When I think of radical Democrats, I think of mice (and sometimes rats).  Mice are smart little critters, cute, but generally almost identical in appearance, depending of course upon particular species. Sort of like members of the Borg hive of Star Trek fame.  In fact, they are the Borg, each spending its day much like the others, and that includes chewing things, making nests, fornicating, birthing in great numbers, pooping and urinating all over your house, for the most part in places not readily discovered.  Yep, mice are crafty and they hide while accomplishing their foul deeds.

And cats?  Republicans.  Republicats. Generally lazy, do-nothing cats, sleeping away the day, only occasionally half-heartedly swiping their claws at a passing mouse intent upon causing damage to the house's structure.  Despite their fierce reputation on the streets, cats don't always live up to their reputations.

Finally, we have the fox.  The fox, for quite some time, was a rarity among the political right, mainly because the Republicats hid from him, either terrified or steeped in ridicule over the fox's reputation, for, you see, the fox is the political conservative.  Yes, a Conservafox.

The thing about the Conservafox is his growing presence in society, slowly regaining the strength he was noted for in past decades when Republicats actually were brimming with Conservafox genes in their physical structure.

While the Demomice play, tax and spend, and while the Republicat sleeps, snarls and utters purring, vacant promises about dealing with the mice, the true Conservafox entertains no respect for either, and at the drop of a hat will go on the attack to convert both mouse and cat into fox food, doing his part to bring the house, now devoid of nasty munchers and do-nothing critters of ill-deserved reputation, back to normal.


So the nation had a new Conservafox win here and there, but not nearly in the "red wave" pollsters and talk shows anticipated.

The political mix proved strange, considering inflation, the border and other hells weighing heavily upon American minds.  Or so we thought.  Florida and Desantis emerged looking almost heroic, while Pennsylvania chose to be represented in the U.S. Senate by an, unfortunately, brain-compromised stroke victim who refused to offer up his medical records for public review.  Then there was New York, renewing the Cuomo-Hochul dark ages by electing leftist monster Kathy Hochul as NY's first female governor, a job she held on a temporary basis since Andrew Cuomo was kicked out of the governor's office.  In NY, it's all the same creature, and strings of corruption were re-woven into similar patterns, primarily by NY City voters, this year.