Monday, November 28, 2022

A Little Something for Them to Remember You By

et's see if we can
get this straight.  Biden's buckaroos, dedicated body and soul to softening climate change and therefore absolutely responsible for shutting off oil pipelines and dampening exploration in the United States, have now skipped and jumped to Venezuela's dictator like little school girls to beg petroleum from those oil fields?  So, we decrease oil production here to prevent nebulous pollution, but asking Venezuela to pump more doesn't cancel out Biden's "clean" goal?  What a new version of the shell game (and we don't mean Shell Oil)!  Interesting.  We have the inept President of the United States negotiating with the dictatorship directly responsible for forcing its citizens to eat zoo animals as it sucked wealth from what was one of the richest countries in the region.

Maybe Biden's gang is particularly concerned because we need that ill-found energy source to provide heating resources to keep millions of illegal aliens cozy and warm this winter.

In any event, whatever takes place in Venezuela won't matter for quite some time.

Meanwhile, winter's chill fills the air, and it's not even winter yet.  As usual, however, the rest is yet to come, the bitter cold, several feet of snow, outside sports for the hearty, and driving into snowbanks during blizzard white-out conditions.

Unfortunately, particularly surprising for those who haven't kept track of the future as they happily voted for Democrats, and consequently the Biden/UN agenda this year, winter has the potential of bringing something else, something terrible to contemplate:  Either an inability to afford electricity, gas or heating oil to maintain a reasonable amount of warmth -- AND/OR the absence of energy sources to provide any heat at all.  If the latter occurs, as it surely may in colder climates, a lot of people and pets will die.  Imagine, this in America, once respected as the strongest nation on Earth until political elites of no particular reasoning power ruined everything, including abundant and affordable energy.

We have a bold, admittedly off the rails suggestion.  You already realize the impossibility of fighting back when it comes to dangerous bureaucrats secluded from public accountability, determined to make your life a living hell in the name of "the public good."

Let's fight back.

Get yourself, family and friends seated comfortably in the living room.  Take a large white poster board or white cardboard on which you can write with a black magic marker.  Next, put your names in small characters at the bottom, leaving a large amount of space at the top.

In the top space, print the names of Biden, your Democrat Senator, Democrat congressional representative, and any Democrat you hold responsible for putting us in a now very precarious winter energy position, and under their names in large letters print the words, THESE PEOPLE ARE DIRECTLY AND CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR TRAGIC END.

Next, everybody gather together on the sofa or floor and position the sign in front of yourselves so that somebody holding a camera can get one, two or more good photos of you and the sign.

Now, you need to take the photos and send them to TRUSTED relatives or friends who live in a warmer climate, instructing them that if anybody in the photos succumbs to cold weather this winter because of the Biden administration's (and associates) political action you want them to flood social media and your local TV and other news media with these precognitive photos to make it clear who was truly responsible.  Your contact need not assess blame personally, which could get tacky in a legal sense, but just dispense the photos "because they said if they died this was their request" and say nothing more.

Yes, all of this sounds crazy -- but no less so than the previously unanticipated fact that we are now told that energy shortages may not just be a reality this winter, but that all forms of energy might possibly be non-existent in some areas. Forget Ukraine and other developments:  This dilemma is Biden and green cult material, every shred of it, and if you didn't get the message when Biden shut off the Keystone Pipeline and restricted energy exploration just after he took Office -- resulting in a gasoline spike of over a dollar almost immediately -- then you've either been asleep or sucking unawares on the Democrat Party's lying nipples.

So smile pretty for the camera, don't forget to hold a crying baby or puppies in your arms, and sit back , confident that if the winter of 2022-23 claims your life, your elected representatives can share some modicum of responsibility as participants in something akin to manslaughter perpetrated both by the weapons of executive order and congressional legislation.  The question is, will the press and public care, even with the evidence placed at their feet?


Virginia:  Looks like Wal-Mart's managerial diversity training has a few kinks to work out.  If Andre Bing had lived in New York City instead of Virginia, somebody would erect a statue for his attention to treating all races alike, and Governor Hochul might have expressed gratitude that at least an AK rifle was not involved in the massacre.  How many crazy people will it take before the political left admits the problem isn't the gun?

Science -- you know, that thing that transgender and pronoun-twisting lunatics cherish until you use it against them -- has come up with darned nearly a cornucopia of new and contrary findings in recent days.  Foremost are statistics (of which the aware were already aware) indicating Covid kills "vaccinated" people at a higher rate than the unvaccinated (mRNA and spike proteins are not "vaccinations" to me or the thinking medical class, thank you); red meat isn't the enemy after all; fasting routines may actually shorten your life; and "good" (HDL) cholesterol is not good, according to new research.

And then we have a growing number of green lunatic scientists, I think in olden days they were called "mad," who want to block the sun's warmth by filling the sky with reflective chemical stuff.  Um, what's that old chestnut about whatever goes up must come down?  Oh well, I guess the new science is our friend.  If men can have babies, it's probably okay to screw with the atmosphere and all the other spheres and wait for News at Eleven to tell us everything is fine.

Finally today, a tip:  Stop softening the children.  It seems that every TV show is filled with kisses, hugs and tears -- and that's just among the men!  We need to harden up both mentally and physically, and we need to do it fast because monsters with hungry eyes watch us here in the states every day, waiting to pounce. Does anybody doubt that we've already experienced a pre-pounce by the globe's worst?