Monday, August 1, 2022

If It's a Recession and Quacks Like a Duck, It's a Quacking Recession Duck

Once, twice, three times a lady.  But just once, two times a recession.  Here's WordWeb's definition of a recession:  

"The state of the economy declines; a widespread decline in the GDP and employment and trade lasting from six months to a year."

Six months equals two quarters.  Yep, that's us -- though the lying, radical roach-infested White House denies it, as they change the definition to something more pleasing to their own administrative fantasies.

As the left continues its cattle drive to maneuver us -- the cattle -- toward a blatant fascistic government, it's probably no surprise that The Usual Suspects gripping the reins of the social network are censoring a good deal of any proof or claims that the last two quarters in our economy point to a recession.  If senators pass the incredibly anti-American "inflation reduction" bill this week, there won't be any better evidence that Democrats never, ever want individuals to be in charge of our own country or personal destiny.  There's wealth and power to be had in the United States, but it's not for you, Mr. or Ms. small business owner.

Intentions are obvious, even as another bill came up in the Senate last week to care for military veterans exposed to "burn pit" toxins.  While Republicans were blamed for defeating the bill by all the leftist TV networks, these crack boob tube journalists could hardly be bothered to mention that Republicans shot the bill down because Democrats had thrown in, what, some 400 billion dollars of extra spending having absolutely no relationship to helping affected vets.

Meanwhile, as communist countries and other nations who hate our American guts move forward to destroy us in a thousand ways, we continue to worry about gender pronouns and climate lies.  How much confidence do I have in the Biden (and hanging-on Obama) bunch?  All I need do is have a gander at the utter joke appointed as White House press secretary.  If one really must select a black/gay/woman to do this important job to please radical lefties, at least take the time to select a black/gay/woman who can do the job and actually know what she's talking about without a necessity to thumb through pages of pre-designated dog(crap)ma.  Apparently, it's not enough that Biden himself is a national embarrassment.

Nice that Homeland Security is finally getting around to building more wall on the Southern border, even though nobody will man or woman up enough to admit that's what they've been forced to do (too little and too late, of course).  When Republicans regain power -- and we're referencing those of a conservative bent, as opposed to the do-nothings who go along to get along -- Myorkasmyass (sorry about that spelling...) and others need to face serious justice for facilitating the invasion of our country.

Suggestion:  Can we grind up illegal aliens and turn them into fossil fuels to help replenish our strategic petroleum reserves faster than Biden removes and squanders this essential national security substance?  Otherwise, Americans are about to pay big for expensive oil intended for replacement.

Congratulations Eight Billion!  Yes, planet Earth now holds some eight billion humans, most of whom are poised to endure miserable, hopeless lives controlled by political monsters and murderous opportunists.  Yea!  Eight billion to destroy natural resources, continue aiding in the immense extinction of animal and plant species, and just messing up everything good under their feet.

But why this?  Is the tightly face-lifted doctor lady on those televised commercials for Omega XL purposely trying to look like fifties horror mistress Vampira?  There must be a reason why I'm bothered by trivial matters -- not that Vampira was trivial.

Class action lawsuits:  Enough already!  We're so unimpressed with the barrage of TV lawyer lawsuits popping up with regularity.  Why would anybody invent anything or attempt to sell innovation, now that there seems to be an attorney waiting behind every tree and under every outhouse to extract millions of dollars?  None of this is accomplished pro bono, of course.  I guess one has to do something if there aren't enough ambulances to chase.  We would love to see class action lawsuit attorneys sue others in their profession using those same heartrending commercials.

Hey Congress:  Just a gentle reminder.  Again.  Whether by the sun or by virtue of enemy activities, isn't it just about time to insulate our infrastructure from EMP radiation?  If we think experiencing a chip shortage is bad now, wait until every chip in every device in the country is fried into worthlessness in the blink of a high-atmosphere nuclear explosion.  There was a time when protecting our digital resources and the grid in general wouldn't have been expensive.  Now?  Well. . .

Why are Chinese communists buying up American property, especially farmland -- and more important, why are they allowed?  This needs to be squashed quickly, and the fact that some of this land is near sensitive U.S. government and military installations makes this a national security fault of unknown proportions.

The ESG Playground:  Now Canada's moronic iron-fisted leader Trudeau is falling in with the Netherlands, telling farmers to do less farming in order to help the climate.  No, wait, he's doing this for the same reason other nations' leaders are -- to gain more power over the people.  First, they all go after the farmers and the farms to control food production, supply and access, thereby giving them extraordinary powers over otherwise non-accepting lives.  We long for a day when the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and other evil international plagues and dictators will loosen their grip on people's destinies.  Maybe it WILL take the biggest asteroid in the universe after all. . .

TV Networks, now among the biggest political campaigners for the left ever known, joined families of 9/11 victims to jump on Donald Trump for associating with a New Jersey golf tournament hosted by the Saudi government, yet said networks offered nothing controversial about Biden's trip to Saudi Arabia to beg, grovel and plead for Saudi oil.  These people are so phony in their "expert" reportage, they deserve no serious attention whatsoever.  Their commercials make them little more than drug pushers anyway.

Increase the stockpile:  Guns and more guns, please.  Seeing the pathetically overt incompetence and dishonesty of the Biden administration, we have every right to fear the future -- and to fear the future intended by enemies beyond our shores.  Could we get to a point where militias become as essential as our serving military?   Does it make sense to secure as much firepower of every nature as possible to be placed within reach of every citizen?  These are hard questions, and not very long ago they were worthy of raised eyebrows and, to some, utter contempt.  Unfortunately, the country, our thoughts and the world have changed faster than anything alleged by the climate change cult.

When mental illness kills somebody else:  Pretty much every time there's a mass shooting or some human death and injury disaster, we are told that the perpetrator was known to have mental health issues.  Are we not becoming tired of "mental illness" used like a crutch for explaining away a multiple homicide scene?  Yes, people who suffer mental problems deserve help and understanding, but when mental chaos translates to killing or injuring others, I'm all in for a quick execution solution, the ultimate cure.

By the way, hmm -- so, you call the cops and say, pleeez Mr. policeman, our daughter is having mental issues and we need you to come and help right away!  And the cops get there and your 18-year-old daughter is just nuts out of her mind -- which is really a parental problem, but okay, so the cops restrain her and stuff her into the back seat of the police car.  Then, on the way to Crazytown Acres or wherever, seems a rear door wasn't closed and the person tumbles out, causing hospitalization and death.  Oops.  Yes, the cops screwed up, and like well-lubricated clockwork there's that famous national civil rights attorney on the scene as fast as an airplane can transport his ass, eternally intending to make every case a racial discrimination case.  No indeed, accidents NEVER happen, it's always something racial, and by Jesus attorney Benjamin Crabs will take this case to court and make 'em pay and after millions of dollars are awarded he'll be on the alert for the next tragic case able to be contrived into something obviously involving racial hatred, give or take.  Surely, a hero to all.