Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Grand Theft America, August 2022

George Washington and others looking far ahead from way back warned future generations against political parties grabbing power from the common folk.  And here we are.  One side in particular just pulled off a caper of impressively obscene proportions.

We need to give conservative talk show hosts credit.  For months, those masters of broadcast media who follow the Democrats' political guano in detail have advised anybody who cared to listen that the left would likely throw in one more massive spending bill before the elections, anticipating major losses and vastly diminished power in 2023.  Spot on.

What are Democrat global warming cult geniuses behind the bill planning to do about China and its non-stop plans to build hundreds of coal-burning plants in the near future?  Answer: Nothing.  Kinda negates everything the green religion folk can't possibly do anyway.  I tend to doubt that planets like ours take kindly to people proclaiming themselves regulators of the earthen thermostat.  May as well ask the Roman god Neptune to adjust oceanic temperatures at the command of basement computer gamers who don't bother to wear pants.

Let's organize all the key players in one box:  In no particular order, the World Economic Forum begot The Great Reset which Begot ESG scores which either by hook or by crook partnered with Democrat Party Marxist buddies and basically senators who hide their true intentions behind lapel flags -- whom begot the "Inflation Reduction Act"  which, according to people far smarter than I, will raise prices and help leftists in their quest to destroy capitalism as we know it.

Other than Biden henchmen possibly being stupid enough to declare a climate emergency (I think it's mostly known as a hot "summer," often with precedent decades ago), the only other dumb-ass maneuver to complete this nonsense would be United Nations personnel coming into America by invitation and administrating our environmental "safety."

The intended hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents -- apparently with plenty of bullets in the pantry already bought and paid for -- is beyond disturbing in a freedom-loving country (if most of us still consider it so, and I trust we do).  Auditing a few billionaires doesn't take long, so those new 87,000 plus, what, some 60,000 agents already employed will need something to keep them busy besides chronic masturbation -- and that something is you.

Unless a good share of truly conservative Republicans -- not RINOs -- control the House and Senate in January, where perhaps in conjunction with The Courts a significant share of this nation-killer act can be dismantled, kiss the USA and good ol' people capitalism goodbye.

With the DOJ's, shall we say, interesting FBI invasion at Trump's Mar-A-Lago this week, we must be chilled to the bone over what political operatives can do to a former President whom they obviously fear every day of their lives.  I was remembering last night about Democrat Sandy Berger at the Library of Congress, when he stuffed documents into his socks, left and faced no consequences whatsoever.  Trump?  Well, we do know the FBI ruined a perfectly good, brand new empty safe.  So WTF Democrat Party, most of whose members claim they had no knowledge of their DOJ-inspired Mar-A-Lago invasion/incursion/dirty tricks subterfuge? Uh huh.  We will venture an opinion, though we often fail at predictions, that Trump will emerge bigger and better than ever to his supporters, and should he become President again he will hasten to drain the swamp in ways we can only imagine from a rightfully vengeful leader scorned.

For our part, we look forward to witnessing the Great God Fauci and Democrat/leftist thugs carrying considerable guilt baggage answering questions during a real Congressional investigation, not the dog show Democrats have been so adept at producing on behalf of themselves lately.

Yes, our ancestors were correct about political parties, but we appear to have little choice currently for a solution to the growing rot creeping across the country.  Sure, there's always a revolution, an armed civil war, but that's exactly what the left wants.  They can taste it.  After all, they would be the first to step in and "save" us.  Instead, we're forced to trust an opposition political party, and we hope that eventually a lot of criminals on the left will go to prison for years and forfeit substantial assets.  Anybody aware of just how quickly the USA is approaching Venezuela status can only vote one way in November, and it must be Republican.  One may be a Democrat, do or die, but no good Democrat ever anticipated a partnership with in-your-face Marxism and weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and other formerly non-political entities.  Cozying up to the U.N. and its working parts is national suicide for America.

Meanwhile, the sports world and its pampered denizens agonizes over Russia's imprisonment of basketball player Griner, apparently born too stupid or disconnected to check what she packs in her luggage before entering a communist snake pit.  Funny how the fact that she's an athlete motivates the entire country to beg for her release with the bonus of perhaps also obtaining the release of a truly worthy American hostage.  Which merely points out my long-held belief that professional athletics in our society override everything and make so many of us the uninformed dolts that we are, as the country is set on fire by political agendas with no boundaries.

Of course, the other ounce of stupid here is Griner as husband and her lesbian partner as wife.  Being gay is just fine, but the husband and wife designations are patently ridiculous and we would suggest that the brains behind rainbow flags would take some time to come up with other words to describe the he and he or she and she relationships.  Current dictionary definitions got it right -- then again, we're sure that woke dictionary writers are already hard at work redefining husband and wife definitions.  We currently endure a society invaded by consistently deteriorating plastic support systems, undetected by the brain-compromised woke bunch.

Dead young people as battering rams:  Here we go again.  Now it's Gabby Petito's parents suing the Moab, Utah police for 50 million dollars for not protecting their daughter from her boyfriend who ultimately murdered her.  I'm so tired of people with dead kids going after sources of big money just as homicidal shooters go after victims in places where they know they'll have no firearm, or in this case emotional, resistance (a dichotomy?).  Here is the sad truth:  If your daughter dates or marries a monster, sorry, but if one or the other ends up without a pulse the tragedy is on the murderous monster, not the police!  Don't impose your grief or helplessness on anybody but the person who did the killing deed, period.  Good lord, how many more ways can we go after police who try every day to do the best they can?

Then there's the absurd case intent upon emptying the pockets of Alex Jones for millions of dollars.  Jones is not and never was my cup of media tea, but here again is a case where parents seem to be far more focused upon Jones than on the shooter who massacred their children.  Alex Jones did not shoot anybody, but he did shoot off his mouth with bullets of careless and outrageous words.  Yet -- voila!  Alex Jones has plenty of money, and by freakin' Jesus those families are gonna get what they feel entitled to -- actually, far more than what they should receive.  But hey, when you get to roll a rich guy, more's the better, right?

Next?  Rad Power Bikes, sued over the death of a 12-year-old girl who perished as a rider on an electric scooter.  No matter that a small yet present warning stated that the bike was intended for those at least 18, nope, her parents are suing big time in some attempt to send a message -- and as we all know, "sending a message" usually accompanies a huge if not unnecessary financial settlement.  

Not to be left out, the parents are also bringing legal action against the helmet manufacturer.  Should they not also blame the city for laying down pavement on which the scooter advanced?

Intentions?  Intentions be damned.  We regret the loss of anybody's child, but we similarly regret parental emotions spilling over on society in an "if we can save just one" mode.  We cannot save everybody, ever, and to try often ties society's affairs in a knot extending far beyond original intent.

Stink-tuary cities get their due:  Good for Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, sending buses packed with criminal aliens to Washington, D.C. and New York City.  Mayors who cry their asses off over the plight of illegal border crossers apparently require a change of underwear when border chaos is bused to their front door.  These lying frauds who manage to be re-elected over and over need to hit the streets permanently, but that depends upon voters growing brain tissue before the next elections.  Too bad New York's mayor has ideas about sending homeless New Yorkers to Texas as tit for tat.  You might know, one more Democrat plagiarizing somebody else's original idea.

Polio detected in New York:  Well, As time goes on and the Southern border attracts everything from around the globe, we American humans may be incubating all manner of diseases.  The Biden/Obama bunch don't care.  Evidence: The border remains open.

China and Taiwan:  The Chinese communists are one huge pile of collective, thieving feces, momentarily represented by himself poop-face President Xi Xi Peng, whose dominance conspired to destroy all nature of things good about China's people and  heritage.  May China's unwilling population continue to age and decline sufficiently to destroy the monster, even as other countries slowly wise up to Chinese communists' "innocent" involvement in their affairs with nonetheless self-perpetuating goals.

No more teacher's dirty looks?  If we wonder why nobody wants to be a cop anymore, the same questions might be asked about the diminished teacher population.  Me?  I think teachers will have far more freedom if/when the Dept. of Education is abolished and teachers get wise to bad things caused when teachers' unions help legislate and keep teachers under their thumbs to do their bidding.

"X" marks the sap:  Yes, there are people even more stupid than those who allow Chinese communists to purchase farmland and property adjoining military bases in the United States.  These are the gender justice champions who insisted and actually made ultra liberal New York State legislate so drivers' licenses can now feature "X" instead of M or F.  I say, good luck Darwin and good luck morons when these folks end up as near-mincemeat in terrible accidents where, for a variety of reasons, it is essential to know one's gender right away.  Rational people know that X is a phony feel-good construct applauded by, we're sure, doctors of psychological this or that, but we common folk generally realize that determining gender is as easy as having a peek in the right place -- if one can access that place in an emergency.

Celebrity Corner:  Hispanics are upset that actor James Franco was selected to portray Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in a new movie.  Apparently, his lack of Latin DNA is a roadblock.  Hmm.  I thought the actor thing usually involves portraying what one is not?  So, when the late black actor Godfrey Cambridge portrayed a black man who turned white in the seventies comedy, "Watermelon Man" the director should have switched out Cambridge for an actual white guy?  Oh, you Hollywood activists, if only you put your consistently ridiculous energies into worthwhile options. . .