Monday, June 27, 2022

Republicans Perform the Best Abortions

A couple of brief preambles here:  First, if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas could have ever indirectly engineered better revenge for that Anita Hill/Coke can/pubic hair thing by throwing abortion to the curb and enraging his detractors, he won.  We love Justice Thomas  for his intellect, and we particularly delight in observing that The Usual Suspects can't call him a racist in this instance.  In fact, we're sure a significant faction out there is devastated because they can't play the anti-abortion race card on a black SC justice.  Thomas and other justices actually made a reasonable decision on abortion, which always should have belonged with the states simply because abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution.  Even the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, hero of the left, opined early on that there were serious problems with Roe v. Wade as a federal issue.

Second, yes, it would be great if both men and women would take personal responsibility for the process of impregnation, and in this era of numerous pre and post birth control options the possibility of unplanned pregnancies should be extremely low.  Unfortunately, the "sex drive" demanded in biological terms just tends to "F" up everything a logical brain suggests during sexual encounters.

Now, with all of that said. . .

Republicans, you did it again, and this is not a compliment.  You complain, correctly, about Biden attempting to put an end almost immediately to fossil fuel dependence in the United States.  Yet, in a similar fashion, as soon as the Supreme Court announced its abortion decision, you folks jumped up faster than a (now legal) speeding bullet to squash abortion clinics, medical personnel and the clients dependent upon their long-established services.  State after state, Republican governors and legislators are coming down ruthlessly on abortion providers with sledgehammer decisions.

The political right should have learned long ago how this works.  Just as they make significant strides among American voters, illustrating the left as the predominant lunatics, fascists and fools many of them are -- and the left generally demonstrates this aspect of themselves with no outside assistance necessary -- the Republican Party dutifully throws its Cloak of Our Supreme Entitled Decency on the abortion issue and sends voters scurrying just in time for personal electorate decisions to be made.

Conservative Republicans seemed to have all the potential for big winnings in November. But now?  Not only have they urinated on the boiling hot abortion issue, but as some observers may have noticed this week, gasoline prices are on a possibly continuing decline and minuscule aspects of the economy are beginning to look a tad hopeful.  Will this give radical Democrats the edge in November?  Everybody knows they will do everything to prop up all the essentials by election time, and after winning they will continue chewing the American people's rights to pieces.

Republicans are the best abortionists on the planet because they know how to effectively self-abort, and we're talking about advantages, not babies.

Of course the respect of moral values is important, but unfortunately humans and nations change for better or worse or, as we experience currently, trend toward a sense of an amoral existence.  Thank you, elementary and high schools and universities for much of that.

Ramping up the outrage, too, are in so small part national radio and TV talk shows, whose hosts frequently cheer-lead about an end to abortions based obviously (MORE than obviously) upon their religious beliefs.  Like politicians in many states, they engage in the dilemma known as imposing your religious thinking on the lives of others PERHAPS because they believe doing so will help assure their own individual place in an afterlife paradise someday.

Chief among their rants is their tearful pronouncement that some 65 million abortions have been performed since Roe v. Wade began.  May I just ask:  If all of those 65 million babies had gone to full term and delivered, thereby growing up and producing more children and grandchildren, etc., etc., where would we put them all?  How many is enough?

As a political independent who leans somewhat conservative much of the time, this "65 million" chant coming from the mouths of conservative talk show hosts and governors troubles me because these are the same people condemning the hundreds of thousands of criminals crossing the Southern border -- many of them, no doubt, pregnant and ready to pop out more.  Based on their "logic," these broadcasters and politicians should be happy as clams about our border invasion which continues to import a never-ending torrent of humans every week.  American talk show moderators and their Republican counterparts, unfortunately, are often so wrapped up in their religions that they fail to calculate the horrors inherent in "the miracle of life."  We are all the cockroach, but that line of thinking is not going to play well among the heaven and flowing white robe faction -- and to keep everything tidy, immaculate and squeaky clean, the Republicans will sacrifice everything to help keep Democrats, the "Do Something!" people in power starting today.  All it requires is a one-track mind coming into play as soon as the word, ABORTION blows up, after which the Republican Party grows blinders and can't concentrate fully upon defeating plans long under construction by Democrats.

Individual states -- and particularly the religious right, the self-abortionists and primary factor in this inglorious multi-sided mix --  must come to realize that the year is 2022, not 1950, and we are far removed from a time when the masses willingly catered to shared beliefs.  Far, far removed.

Shoot 'em up:  The Supreme Court hit a home run on gun rights, it's no more complicated than that (though our leftist friends will make it so).  Did you ever watch that older cable TV show, "I survived?"  Women and men gave personal testimony to instances where, disturbingly often, they were abducted or held up by criminals who used illegal firearms to perform rapes, torture and murder to get what they want.  I was thinking, how excellently would these situations have ended had the victims been armed and ready to defend themselves from the start?  With the new ruling, depending upon how leftist state legislators and governors screw it up, easy-picking victims may frequently be victims no more.  Women should be delighted, for this is a great day in America for self-defense among those who need proper tools the most.  I guess pepper spray is nice, but some instances require something a bit more decisive.  

The only drawback I can imagine is a depression in the sale of chalk, as police chalk lines may no longer prevail to show where unarmed victims were killed.  Then again, chalk sales may increase if stupid perps continue to attack with reckless abandon toward possibilities for their own demise.

States such as New York are busily working on ways to make personal firearm carrying difficult, obvious by a current nearly stone-cold silence in Albany.

However, one thing I do know as a veteran:  The VA medical centers and clinics are going absolutely whole-hog on preventing veteran suicides, which are currently out of control.  If you go to or phone a VA facility, they will question you about suicide, relationships and all manner of things they never used to approach.  In the current climate, I harbor no doubts whatsoever that if a veteran even hints about suicidal or homicidal tendencies -- even a mere mention off the cuff -- people with guns may well come and remove firearms from their homes.  For a day?  A week?  Forever?  

"Red flag" laws, unless "shot down" by the courts, are poised to put a throttle on gun ownership as never before, and regarding the Democrats (in general) not especially thrilled with the military OR the veteran population, I say beware veterans, beware. If you are truly engulfed in a desire to take your life, you will need to reach out and trust somebody, and if it comes down to the VA, that will have to do.  I hear that dead's not nearly as exciting as being alive, even under what may seem the worst of circumstances.

And about some troubled young people and others plotting and planning to do serious gun-induced harm at schools, churches or malls, may I suggest that they have possibly learned a valuable lesson from extensive media coverage, and will now refrain from posting anything online in advance, in addition to saying nothing about their intent to peers?  "Cunning" works on both sides of the gun issue, unfortunately.

A final word, this to our friends in Hollywood and on Broadway:  In consideration of the new, more sensible gun law, looks as though you may have to update "Annie Get Your Gun" to "Annie, Carry and Conceal Your Gun!"