Thursday, May 12, 2022

Border Babies and Yours

So. . .how well are babies crossing with their parent(s) illegally at the Southern border eating in comparison to your infants?  Apparently, very well.  How much baby formula intended for American citizens has absconded and gone South in order to show that the Biden administration cares (for them, not you)?  Apparently, a lot.

We sure wish that "hope and change" might backfire one day and put the most elite and elegant of government officials in prison cells, exactly where many of them increasingly seem to belong.  They did take oaths, remember.

So. . .what are Americans feeding their babies right now?  Is that why it's so hard to find canned dog food, or is it really an aluminum shortage problem after all?

In a perfect world, we could return ample formula to the nation's babies and feed the dogs canned politicians. Yum.