Thursday, October 17, 2024

Keeping Up with the United Slaves of America

Fond, some are, of saying don't worry, the American voters know what they're doing and they will always come through and make the right decision.  Yes, and every weekend you can jump into the car and trust your dog to drive you down the interstate until you reach the deceptively quaint little town of Joy.  Or you go over the cliff, same thing.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, advised a key Democrat operative a few years ago, and when Covid entered the scene while Donald Trump was President the Democrats put a lot of logs on that fire.  Once the public was sufficiently in panic mode and elections came about, a slim majority of Americans set aside all the good things Trump was in the process of doing and instead elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to guide us.

Do you feel guided today, in positive terms?

Meanwhile, ABC's David Muir confronts Trump with false information about crime statistics during a key debate, and then CBS -- apparently for the first time ever -- refuses to release the FULL transcript of an interview, this one with Kamala Harris, amid accusations that they changed words and edited comments to make her look good and say things in a different context than what she may have screwed up.  What else, we wonder, can you do with a calculating, though inept, horse-faced lying liar raised with the flavor of Marxism?

The robustly leftist mainstream media and Big Internet have spent every waking moment determined to make Democrat voters hate Trump passionately, downgrading and abandoning his accomplishments all along the way.  If the hate-you factor works -- and, sadly, it does -- among those who find it easier to believe the electronic poison pumped into their heads every day in the name of news & entertainment than to question the source, the job is done.  Those now enslaved by the exponential growth of national and state governments will vote for even more restrictions upon constitutional rights and the now rare commodity of plain old common sense.  The Democrat dog is driving their car along the busy interstate after all, endangering every warning sign and obstacle of freedom in its path.

I find it interesting, that political TV commercial making the rounds, attended by former members of Trump's administration and others who condemn him heartily -- most of them despicable in their own right and in some cases more than likely tethered to the "Deep State."

How many Democrat voters are aware of Mark Zuckerberg's letter to Congress (we posted it several blog entries ago), pointing the finger squarely at the Biden bunch -- at last -- for encouraging Internet censorship regarding Covid facts?  How many Democrats know that Trump requested and was denied thousands of security personnel prior to the January 6 incident (via Nancy Pelosi and Capitol Police)?  Why are Democrat officials so intent upon calling ours a "democracy" (a word appropriate for any banana republic of slaves) instead of the democratic or constitutional republic it actually is?

Even as Democrat rule brings millions of criminals across the border, along with enough Fentanyl to kill every American several times over, we're supposed to feel sympathy for women, children and especially military-age (danger!) males who invade simply to get the welfare we all pay for through exorbitant taxes and fees.

An alarming number of women, already enslaved by the myth of gender change, will vote for Democrats even as all of our faces are rubbed in the dirt to convince us that a man can become a woman and a woman a man.  Why must we deny what internal medicine education spent hundreds of years perfecting through logic and vision?

Kamala Harris will expand the Democrat plantation, the very one they originated during the early days of American slavery, with the exception that now there is room for everybody of all races and colors in their tent.  If Democrats claim the presidency, probably the House and maybe the Senate, kiss free speech goodbye and saw hello to communicative restrictions unimaginable, whether on the streets, on radio and TV or on the Internet.  These are the same people currently in fear that Trump will pursue his "enemies" if elected, whilst they have spent years doing the same to him.

The nation is truly at stake this time, and the whole world knows it.  Western Europe is on the ropes and will suffer if Harris wins, while Xi, Putin, Kim, Iran's crazies, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, every communist on the planet and George Soros (new majority owner of some 200 USA radio stations now, thanks to what appears a legally questionable deal) will rejoice.

Those enslaved too long to remember their previous freedoms will, we fear, happily vote like obedient robots for Harris-Walz, potentially tipping the scales far enough for constitutional government to fall off, unlikely to return in the foreseeable future. To become the united slaves of America isn't exactly what the nation's founders had in mind.  Will voters choose wisely?