Monday, June 24, 2024

The Sad Truth About Renewable Energy

I feel a draft:  When I suggested several months ago that a new military draft may be in store for young Americans I received some pushback from those who find the idea unthinkable in the current day.  What?  The current day among any current days since the Vietnam draft seems so increasingly tilted toward a brand spanking-new world war that what's old may indeed be new again.  Anybody paying attention to the undercurrents of news reported last week would have detected a subtle discussion coming out of Congress about the draft in general.  While some members focus upon keeping women out of combat -- or exempt from any compulsory military service whatsoever -- I don't observe a laser-focus destined to keep young men out of a draft.  Warning to young males:  If somebody tells you you're eligible for the draft, they probably don't mean a football contract is in your future.  At this time, encouragement of the annoyance of signing up for the draft at age 18 appears to be the biggest news, but even wildfires have sprung up through the innocence of a match tossed aside.

Bright Supremacy:  Oh, pity of pitiful moments, the Democrats hate the fact that the Supreme Court is doing its job, and results aren't to the liking of this corrupt, spoiled political party.  It's funny how these folks are always tearing down "democracy" while claiming efforts to save it.  If rational party members don't tame the growing beast and mental illness they've created to leave Americans ultimately with a one-party nation, our seemingly rock-solid liberties will evaporate like water on the surface of Mars.

Did you hear the one about?
. . .A Government Green Energy Wizard, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny all walked into a bar and. . .

Ah yes, energy.  Truth is, I'm often so turned off by the constant manure stream hosed upon us by the television industry that I retreat to talk radio, classical FM music stations or anything wholesome enough to flush the glittering muck out of my visual fields.  Radio broadcasting has its own problems, of course, but when one looks for it there's lots to "see" with the human ear.

This weekend, I happened to catch part of Michael Brown's national radio broadcast, a weekly (Saturday) three-hour show generally known as "The Weekend."  Brown, a former Homeland Security chief and politically conservative, is very good at taking complex issues and breaking them down, though, like any good radio show host, he knows how to drag time out a bit.

Brown was discussing increasing failures surrounding the solar panel and wind turbine industries, and the problems are immense.  For one thing, solar panels' ability to harness and contain electricity is fading years faster than expected.  Certain crucial components have shown a disturbing tendency to deteriorate, and there is also the now known observation of toxicity.  As these supposedly wondrous panels from hell are mass-produced by the millions, questions regarding eventual proper disposal of worn-out panels are poised.

Wind farms with giant metallic-blade turbines pose another environmental headache, and Brown references the scandal of "graveyards" where abandoned turbine towers several stories in height end up.  The astounding span of acreage rented by land owners or procured through government efforts to construct these towers, and their solar energy counterparts, appears almost criminal, in environmental terms.  Extraordinarily important farmland is being plowed under these new "farms" can thrive.  Scotland, Brown asserts regarding a story I read myself previously, had taken down millions of trees in order to convert forests and farms into solar and wind "farms,"  thus depriving their people and the world valuable natural resources and food.

In the end, growing evidence seems to support significantly the futility of these hastily planned solar and wind projects.  The question is, what measures will governments and partnering investors take to convince a skeptical public otherwise.

From good radio to potentially very, very bad radio:  Everybody's favorite world transformative influence, George Soros, hopes to purchase Audacy Broadcasting, the second largest broadcast media corporation in the U.S.  If he gets this past the Democrat-dominated FCC (and why wouldn't he?), some 135 million listeners may be affected and, to say the least, important conservative voices may soon be banished -- which may be exactly the game played here, we suspect.

The What Store?  On a not-too-dissimilar note from the above, another mentally twisted killer tragedy has unfolded in Arkansas, this time in front of a store called "The Mad Butcher."  Of course.  I see a motion picture coming out of this.  I wonder what the title will be.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Done Man Walking

How divorced from the truth must one be to gaze upon the President of the United States every day and fail to see, not a competent leader of the free world, but a cadaverous and mentally compromised geriatric male who obviously isn't running a damned thing or making national and international decisions without the help of the unelected bureaucracy?

Unless American voters succumb to some bizarre national coma during the elections, one can hardly imagine a re-election of this, this thing called the Biden administration.  Of the man himself.

Most recently, Biden and his fellow Democrats' disparagement of the Supreme Court -- a separate branch of government of which neither the President nor Congress has control -- is particularly disturbing because, as usual, when rulings don't support or can actually overrule Democrat positions, people like Biden, Sen. Schumer and the usual suspects cry foul and make overtures about changing the Court.  Beware.

Speaking of Biden and Schumer, House Resolution 2 continues to grow mold on Schumer's desk, probably because it provided common sense solutions to the border disaster.  Instead, Biden would rather complain about that other bill, thankfully defeated by Republicans, an expensive policy which would have done little to address illegal immigration.

No matter.  One may or may not put much stock in polls, but Trump's chances for a victorious return to the White House appear likely.  In the meantime, the dollar continues to be worth about 20 percent less since Biden stepped in, fuel and grocery prices remain outrageously painful to the average American, much of the world no longer respects the U.S. and the military has gone so woke and absurd that, we assume, soldiers could conceivably be facing court martial for using the wrong pronouns between gun rounds fired.

Even worse, there can now be no doubt that illegal aliens are murdering Americans and confirmed terrorists have effortlessly infiltrated our society merely by walking in.  This is the true insurrection, these are the results of an administration guided by treasonous actions.  Joe Biden is the reason and Joe Biden is the culprit.  We cannot fathom, without a little help via the election machinery, how this man could ever be re-elected.  Maybe it all depends upon how convincing the mainstream media can be as its prize "journalists" ramp up lies guaranteed to swing votes.

Climate Change before there was climate change:  So I'm watching the "heat dome" panic on national TV news shows and then I focus upon local TV, whose willing meteorologists list high-heat periods -- and lo!  There is always precedent for heat domes, even going back to when weather was first documented on a daily basis in the early 1900s.  Yes, brutal heat.  As my grandparents used to say, or would have if they weren't worried about surviving the always-feared crush of mastodon herds or attacks by sabre-toothed tigers or dinosaurs on the prowl, there really is nothing new under the sun.  At least, not in our solar system.

Friday, June 7, 2024

New York Seeks Potential Zodiac Killers

You can't beat New York State for dumb ideas, seemingly always in competition with California to win the golden idiotic fleece award.

NY now allows motorists to order license plates adorned prominently with their personal astrological signs, joined apparently by phases of the moon depicted at the bottom.

Shades of the old "Zodiac Killer" case.  Can there be any doubt that murderous stalkers looking for potential victims based upon clearly displayed astrological signs will have a field day?  Should it be one killer's pleasure to murder a Taurus, just locate one on a license plate and discreetly follow the driver home, then return at an opportune time to satisfy one's blood lust.

On the bright side:  Those dispatched by new-age zodiac killers won't need to suffer the indignities of NY governor Kathy Hochul's disastrous energy program. which bans all traditional energy sources in the cultist-style belief that toxic solar panels and cumbersome landfill-unfriendly wind turbines are the answer to providing electricity for everything.  After each half million-dollar electric school bus eventually proves its aversion to NY weather and treacherous roads, it's just a matter of time before life itself becomes defeated.

In the meantime, enjoy that vanity license plate, Mr. or Ms. newly-crowned Zodiac Killer.

Then again, who needs a Zodiac Killer when you have woke medical schools?  California stands out among others, but the disturbing fact that numerous medical schools are accepting substandard applicants to accomplish the fantasy of DEI should frighten everybody.  One report even mentions a medical student who failed to name a major artery when asked, and in return excoriated the instructor for putting the student in a position to be embarrassed by its own error!

As medical universities continue to meet quotas by taking in vastly unqualified students, that means they will also graduate them and allow them to proliferate the country as they end up becoming our physicians.  I fear that many will begin their careers by allowing an abundance of unnecessary medication prescriptions to cover their ignorance or inability to diagnose properly.  Modern general medical practitioners already rely heavily on medications as opposed to ultimate curative options (such as proper nutrition, a subject rarely a major focus in medical school teachings, unfortunately).

Until medical schools return to the common sense necessity of accepting the best and the brightest, beware, for Dr. Quackandstuff is coming to a hospital or physician's office building near you, and he or she brings pills, lots and lots of pills.  Nowadays, everybody wants a pill, yes?

Alex Jones:  We may not like his stuff, but no way should he be fined over a billion dollars to somehow make the Sandy Hook families feel better or vindicated.  Jones did not shoot their children.  The only thing he shot off was his mouth, with the help of guests who seem to believe the case was a hoax.  Sorry, but the First Amendment can be a bitch.  This case screams Supreme Court all over it.