Monday, February 12, 2024

Things That Should Just Go Away

Spring house cleaning is still several weeks away for those of you eager to rid your home of dust bunnies, but there's no harm in making a list of other things requiring an exit from our lives.  Such as?

Black History Month:  If inquiring minds don't know something of black history by now, they never will.  With the Internet at arm's length and information galore freely available in most communities, the idea of BHM has become redundant and clunky.  Other races of people may well wonder, where are their own months of historical remembrance?  I've heard black people also concerned about BHM's ongoing space on the calendar, so this white guy isn't speaking out because I have a secret KKK membership or something.  Nevertheless, there are those among us who will condemn me for even entertaining this thought.  That pesky First Amendment, you know?  If those who teach want to get it right, I hope they mention that the U.S. also had plenty of black slave owners who were themselves black and, while there is no excuse for slavery, the truth is that other countries were far more "into" slavery than America.  The miracle of slavery, besides its termination, is how the Democrats went on to twist history and blame Republicans for all the bad things that happened back then.  That Democrats, original champions of the KKK and Jim Crow, as well as opponents of civil rights legislation for black people, managed to make Republicans the villains despite their efforts FOR black rights is worthy of an Academy Award for best lies and manipulation.

Devastation in Green:  And we don't mean Kryptonite, Superman.  Right now, across the planet, members of the criminal elite and well-intended, hiding in plain green sight, are banning common and traditional forms of energy, not to mention fertilizers necessary in order to grow food and sustain life.  Recent polls alone indicate their disregard for human life.  As a result, farmers and others faced with a dire future are rising up, but our feckless media refuse to cover the truth.  I don't care about their credentials, their activism or their disturbing agendas, but I do remain concerned about the "climate change" lies that first erupted from the University of East Anglia years ago, followed by other instances of outright lies and fudging from various universities and "studies."  The planet will do what the planet will do, but fully prepared to take advantage of public fears are governments, corporations and individuals interested in grabbing our power and wealth, making us always subservient to their social pressures, unwarranted regulations and constitutional interference.  When those in whom we trust betray us so thoroughly and so dangerously, putting our lives in jeopardy, what are we to do?  What action does one take when government representatives are no longer responsive to their constituents?  What options remain when law schools are merely turning out leftist clones every year, with outright hostility toward students on the right?

The Perils of Plastic:  Years of research into plastic and its effects on the environment are well-established, but the latest findings suggesting that just one little ol' 16 oz. water bottle contains hundreds of thousands of plastic pieces -- micro-plastics -- certainly tips the disturbing scale.  As if the medications we take and excrete into the ecosystem where animals and insects re-absorb them aren't bad enough, tiny pieces of plastic known to travel through arteries and into organs add to the horror.  As we suggested in the past, we wonder whether such microscopic particles can build up enough to interfere with the body's electrical activity, and there is now an additional thought that these non-degradable particles might block cells from obtaining proper nutrition, thus driving bodily systems into utter chaos -- and eventual disease patterns.  Will bottling and food corporations return to those thrilling days of using glass, smashing and adding significantly to shipping weight along the way?  That's probably a no.

Singing Pharmaceutical Commercials:  Why aren't they vocalizing a tune when the narrator reaches the part about how the drug described has a potential side-effect of death?  Other countries have the right idea of banning all pharmaceutical commercials, and while I condemn censorship in general it seems like common sense to let physicians, not patients glued to TV screens, choose the right drugs, should drugs be needed.  Additionally, when I think of Covid immunization lies, Fauci and needless school and community shutdowns, the pharma industry isn't looking too good right now anyway.

Go away, Biden, Obama hold-overs and every deviously incompetent member of the current administration:  To hell with those sympathizing with Biden's mental status.  Truth is, this old bastard has made one wrong decision after another.  If it wasn't withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving billions of dollars of equipment and runway space behind, it was the senseless instant cancellation of over 90 Executive Orders Donald Trump had initiated to keep the border safe -- successfully.  The country is now awash in crime, drugs, assaults, daylight robberies, murders and rapes-in-waiting, and even as we attempt, hopefully, to get millions of illegal immigrants -- I call them "fib-igrants" because they lied to get in -- out of here, problems and taxpayer expenses are destined to build among this unwanted population for years to come.  Anybody voting for four more years of this Marxist-style hell on Earth in November truly has no clue about the invasion danger and leftist-organized chaos we face.

A Biden decision that WON'T go away will hit us shortly, and that is higher energy rates because of his tantrum over Texas daring to protect itself at the border and consequently cutting off exports of 20 percent of liquid natural gas.  This is an outrage among many energy shocks perpetrated by the Biden gang.

Hamas must become a dinosaur skeleton:  Go, Israel, go.

United Nations:  Kick these thieves and tyrants out of my country, they're smelling up the place.  Maybe it's the poop in their beards.

Us:  Why are we not extinct?  I briefly checked into the Super Bowel show and its halftime entertainment, and instantly wondered why the universe just doesn't say the hell with this and we all just disappear in a flash.  Devolution and lower IQ scores around the world may well be our future, so curb that positive attitude and join the crowd.  Doing so may be inevitable.