Monday, March 27, 2023

The Dear Friend

Villainous statesman, all around thug, mass murderer and, we hope, mis-calculator of future fortunes known as Russia's Putin was greeted by China's (ditto background)) Xi during their meeting as a "dear friend."  I know that people who offer expert conjecture for a living are far better than I at predictions, but one might just wonder whether Xi looks upon the militarily desperate Putin as curator of a country China might have an interest in acquiring one day with an offer one can't refuse.  Next to Joe Biden, Putin may turn out eventually to be the world's second biggest fool.

Apologies to racoon dogs:  Seems that racoon dogs actually were not the Covid origin culprits after all, as no Covid DNA was found among them.  Once again, corporate media lied and/or hugged the incompetent, and unfortunately the gullible left will continue to love and embrace lies offered as fine wine.

Covid vaccinations and masks:  Apparently, new studies have found that (1) masks do nothing to prevent Covid transmission AND (2) after masks have been part and parcel of operating room necessities forever, researchers now discover there is no significant difference between the proliferation of disease inside or outside of the operating room with or without surgical personnel wearing masks!  (May I suggest that you visit your favorite search engine and type in:  Dr. Barry Your Health Matters.  He broadcasts an hour-long show every Sunday at noon EST on conventional radio, but all broadcasts are available as free podcasts; Dr. Barry changed his view of medicine radically and when he mentions research like that just quoted above, he is sure to offer references.)

Devastation caused by the Mississippi E-4 tornado:  More structures, more people and more infrastructure as years went by.  Doesn't it become harder and harder for destructive weather events to work their energy off in formerly desolate areas which have been "developed" into perfect meteorological targets?  Not to be insensitive, but. . .keep making people and keep on building things to accommodate human numbers until. . .until. . .

Biden who?  In recent days, the mainstream TV media has been all wrapped up in Trump, Trump, Trump -- yet, nary a word about the Biden family and documentation regarding big money received from China.  Funny -- when I took a couple of journo classes in college, the "New Journalism" was all the rage.  I wonder if that format provided the springboard in some twisted way for fake journalism, journalism of denial and journalism of derision?  Bad enough that the TV variety can't even spell words displayed on the screen.

Unions:  Unions continue to strengthen and help kill off the country.

UFO revelations:  With government information crackdowns on the increase as the world goes to hell, opportunities for more facts and videos to be made public are choked off.  The cure is the disease and the disease the cure.  Americans' inquiring minds consequently get nothin' as the new normal reveals itself to be the same normal it ever was.  

Digital coin:  If the Fed forces us into digital currency (as it knocks off Bitcoin and all other competitors currently enjoying actual freedom), people power will be gone forever.  Representation?  What representation have we when unelected bureaucrats run the show?

Tik Tok:  We in America utilize it for "news" and to post dancing cats and stupid human tricks, while in China Tik Tok imparts educational material.  Who's the idiot?

Green unrest:  The West may be starting to understand the dismal future that green politicians have in store for us.  Now that we've reached the point where "they" are past the front door and inside our homes, dictating what energy and appliances we can use and how we must use them, they are truly the enemy within.  When they come for us, which they have, will it only be a matter of time before we fight back and come for them?  Events could get ugly, and we see no reason why they shouldn't once our families are threatened by green lunatic cultists who took control and now wield government decree like a club.

Trans-team:  No, this isn't about transgender athletes, but it is about change.  It's now fashionable to rid (censor) sports teams of names allegedly "offensive" to indigenous people.  I think much of this is just more stupid leftist woke-ism, but I won't argue the point here.  What we will do, however, is offer some alternative team names, such as:  The Oregon Insurrectionists; the California Tyrants; the New York Treasonaires; or how about the Washington Seditionists?  Let me ask a question:  Do you legislators have time on your hands to accomplish these matters while your own communities are socially and criminally on fire?

Breaking:  Another school shooting (Tennessee),  and another place where the shooter didn't expect to find guns as multiple murders went like clockwork, final toll three children and three adults -- plus an apparently very, very whacked out female shooter.  Bodies hadn't even left the building before the Democrats do what they always do, demanding more gun control (whatever that is).  Particularly curious, though not surprising, is the constant drum beat from the left to ban "assault" rifles-- which, by last count, have been in American homes since the 1950s.  These lunatics are as crazy as the shooters because not only do they want people's guns, they also insist upon crippling our energy sector until there's little remaining but an empty fool's fantasy as the nation suffers and pays and pays and pays.  Keep your guns.

Hmm.  Another movie star arrested for allegedly harming a woman.  And after all that money the U.S. Army psent on an ad campaign to promote diversity!  So what's the new poster going to read?  Beat all you can beat?