Monday, February 27, 2023

From the Cradle to the Flame

Major news outlets seem recently abuzz with stories about teenage depression and suicide attempts.  Unlike the lot of them, however, I've no obstacles preventing me from placing scoops of blame on the radical left and "woke" foolishness currently, purposefully, and we hope temporarily, infecting the world's minds.

Do you have children?  Do you love them?  Do you realize how close you are to losing them to a new U.S. military draft?  Oh, hell no, nobody among the Biden bunch is going to frighten you or your kids' precious little ears with that sort of talk.  Impossible, you say!

Hardly.  As Democrats aided and abetted President Johnson during the Vietnam conflict (its length of time furthered by his personal worries over re-election chances, stopped at last when Nixon ended the war whose political considerations made it unwinnable), I, too, received the improbable in my mailbox:  A draft notice, scary as hell.  This was followed by the insensitivity of standing in a long line of other young men clad only in underwear as we received cursory physical exams in some monolithic office building prepared for the occasion.  Two boys with whom I had attended high school were present also, each rejected for military service because of medical problems.  No such luck for me.  Eventually, I enlisted, my "final invitation" to report arriving barely a week after I had already departed for Air Force basic training in Texas.

Among members of today's young generation who endure schools more concerned with gender and race than in teaching them about true American history and how to think real thoughts are, we dare suggest, a majority of or nearing age 18 folk who don't have a clue how close they are to a Biden military draft (no matter what they hear).  Seen the Armed Services lately?  Recruitment is way down.  Could have something to do with woke nonsense and men in female attire, that sort of thing, and matters will only worsen if Biden's brand new Executive Order to infuse critical race theory throughout the federal government sees the light of day before the courts strike it down as blatantly racist and unconstitutional.  

So where does a nation find military bodies in a pinch when ol' Grandpa Joe, loved by all, insists upon doing more for Ukraine than for his own country, teasing chances for a wider skirmish or World War III.5 after he has already decimated our Armed Forces?  A draft, of course -- and this time, Canada won't be taking in young folk attempting to escape forced service.  There was legislation years ago to prevent that.

So, your kids are stressed, Tik-Tok has pretty much desensitized their brain tissue, and (sorry) in many cases there are men and women who had no business making doomed children from the get-go after enjoying reckless bedroom (or equivocal barnyard) sexual encounters of carnal thrills with no clue of consequences.  Morons-R-Us, should read the signs.

Why young depression?  Hmm.  Start with the incorporation of out-and-out lies by the woke community which makes transgender surgery normal and has somehow converted medical teaching hospitals into believing men can have babies, while magically causing the American Medical Association to advise physicians not to put gender on birth certificates.

Unfortunately, ignorant, detached or unmotivated parents buy into this politically motivated crap and influence their kids' thinking tremendously, cementing in what their children's peers already believe.  "The planet is dying!" scream shrill voices intent upon forcing us to believe the impossible.  Check the Internet, dominated strictly by its lords of absolute compliance, and you'll discover similar pleas orchestrated by the nameless and faceless.

Yet, speaking of the planet, there are relationships to depressed kids: Forest, farmland, wetland, animal species and vacant field depletion traded for pavement after pavement, house after house, tall building after tall building, wind turbines and solar panels galore, and a potential end to tranquility and exposure to natural elements necessary to build and sustain one's personal environment.  What d'ya get instead? You got z-o-m-b-i-e-s in the schools and on the streets.

Nor should one try to "fool Mother Nature," as an old TV commercial dictated, by conveniently inventing genders which exist only in a sick fantasy world, topped off by contrived pronouns intended to drive the sane among us into madness and confusion.  What kid needs this gobbledygook while he or she is just trying to grow up and learn enough about the real world to protect them from the dangers of  government indoctrination and illusion?

Unfortunately, all school grade levels and especially colleges and universities are populated by an alarming number of disturbed and disturbing teachers and professors who swing their art with an agenda, and students who disagree may feel their wrath in grades or classroom experiences.  Some of the most radical were long ago destroyed by the Marxist fumes baked in their own classrooms, and the classroom is often the only place where at least some modicum of respect will delight them in their pathetic existence as tragic manipulators of the young human mind.  Home schooling can allay some human depression by avoiding professional depressors.

A shortage of psychologists and other mental health professionals is making children whose emotions already lie as bare as useless dish rags worse off, but some may suggest that a monumental need for such professionals means it may already be too late for an entire generation, and maybe for the next.  And is it really necessary to add that the mental health industry, like all occupations, also hosts its own mental deficients?  There's a lot to be said about people in the psych business who educate themselves and work in its realms particularly to understand themselves.

Depressed young people?  How about Covid shots they don't actually need -- and all the cardiac issues, altered DNA suspicions and perhaps female infertility caused by the mRNA immunization system?  Haven't seen that on your favorite mainstream media/propaganda TV station, have you?  What of those idiotic masks people are/were forced to wear all the time?  All recent studies indicate that masks, even the highly touted M95 mask, provide no protection at all.  However, I'm quite confident that masks really do something, and that is taking organisms we exhale into the masks, allowing them to flourish outside the body, and then we inhale them back into our lungs, causing even more disease probabilities.

Suicidal, particularly young women?  Anybody looked at the lack of nutrition lately, where processed food is full of hitherto ignored chemicals and nobody knows exactly what deleterious effects occur in young bodies?

Not to forget Biden's borders, where cartels and illegal aliens transport deadly tons of Fentanyl and other substances kids will devour just for thrills and the "kicks" usually associated with playing Russian Roulette.

Youth-wide depression, why?  It's not a mystery.  Solid neighborhood connections have disappeared in so many cities and towns across America and residents are left regarding each human encounter as a stranger to be feared or avoided altogether.  The customarily guided risks and activities involved in growing up to produce adults of stature and confidence have been reduced under CRT and other nearly criminal options to foster a generation of clueless wussies who cannot think for themselves, as society celebrates softness over entities imbued with a steel-like hardness of mind and body.  Behold a generation who believes in little except the cult of blind acceptance, equating a higher power with the newest Apple product for sale.

The radical political left has created this emotional downfall, yes, they own it and they ultimately possess every fizzled-out youthful brain in the country.  It's just what they hoped for in the name of mass compliance without question, and we may be sure they aren't finished tearing America's constitutional republic apart to their liking in the guise of "democracy."