Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Town Dump

Title 42?  May as well call it Entitle 42 for all the good attempting to enforce it will do with the Biden gang in charge.

Little by little by a lot, enemies of the American people who hate the country enough to foul it with the world's demanding multitudes go forward.  Hook the progressives up with the U.N. and the World Economic Forum and there's no place to walk except off the plank of freedom.

Hate Trump?  Fine, hate Trump, the one person who successfully built a good share of border wall before people of a Marxist mind decided what's good for America is certainly not good for progressive Democrat ideol. . .idiol. . . idiot-ology.

Who voted for this?  Who craved making the United States a welcome toilet for the world's invading masses whose enormity in sheer numbers will only lead to chaos unimagined?  Millions of illegal -- criminal -- invaders whom by law should have no comfortable access to jobs, health care or the food needed by American citizens who may soon experience serious shortages themselves will fill the streets all over the nation, forced into lives of crime, drugs, prostitution -- and endless sexual encounters resulting in even more humans the country does not want.  What to do?  Ask the most devious of politicians and they will merely suggest amnesty for all these new potential voters who may well condemn us with one-party authoritarian rule for years.

Political leaders took oaths to make national security their priority. They have not.  They do not.  At some point they must be arrested with serious charges and tried like every other citizen.  The circus acts of "impeachment" are hardly adequate for current developments, every one intentional.

Too bad the Biden gang can't stop the surge long enough to find out and tell us where all those billions of dollars to Ukraine are actually going.  Zelenskyy (the actor, remember) isn't stuffing a secret bank account with comfort money easily grabbed from American hands?  Or does a precipitous amount end up as Democrat Party donations in the allegedly proud tradition of Sam Bankman-Fried?

How is it that a presidential administration so concerned with clean green and pollution allows and encourages the fouling of our own nest by the catch-and-release hordes whose benefit to the United States is negligible from any point of view?  Compassion?  Is that what this is? How can anything be compassionate when the presence of the saved destroys the good Samaritan?

If the Republicans ever grow a pair and rebuild I.C.E. into a criminal alien-eating mega-force, maybe there's a chance for our rights to exist without tampering by evil hands, including outsiders intent upon the transformation of the USA to something they can manipulate forever.

To what may we look forward?  UFO revelations?  Still waiting.  But the next best thing might be the conservative Republicans' hope for prime time televised hearings regarding the Biden family and just who might have been on the take and for how much and was national security compromised, etc.  Can hardly wait to see what Hollywood whips up to make a nice-Bidens-nice propaganda film, sort of quite the opposite for what they did regarding Trump.  This time around, I really, really want the popcorn for this proposed nighttime excursion into darkness.