Thursday, November 4, 2021

Carry Me Back to NEW Virginny!

Well, there you go.  Virginia's new Republican lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears, strikes a pose that I only wish reflected a fighting stance in every American, as this country currently faces an incredible and unconstitutional power grab by radical leftists and other global economic/environmental/freedom-denying terrorists itching to complete the "fundamental transformation" of our country with "The Great Reset."

Sears' parents came here from Jamaica when she was six.  She served honorably as a U.S. Marine, loves the country and when speaking before the cameras and microphones expertly communicates rational thought to those who make everything about race.  To date, we don't see her succumbing to politically correct speech intended to prevent college students and Democrat activists from sobbing in their handkerchiefs or peeing in their britches.

This photograph will remain one of my favorites.  A duly-elected black woman holding a rifle in a state where any such pose gone public would have subjected her to unimaginable punishment just decades ago offers visual comfort and hope for the future of a nation which badly needs all Americans to stand up for our basic rights and defeat (with legislation, of course) leftist horrors and international invaders of all kinds, be they elitists or border-crashing criminals coming "for a better life" as they degrade ours by invading by the hundreds of thousands.

While Ms. Sears can't be President because she was not born in the continental USA, there's little doubt that she burns with the inner firepower necessary to accomplish tasks of enormous national benefit as time goes on.

Some look upon the Statue of Liberty as America's welcoming symbol (though historically that's not exactly what it's all about), but conversely we suspect that a few strategically-posted images of Winsome Sears at the Southern border might have the ability to ward off illegal aliens.  So we leave you today with one frightening photo-shopped possibility: