Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The New Civil War -- Equality vs. Diversity

I've been a little busy lately, ignorantly unaware that I'm supposed to apologize for being white -- that is, a person of non-color.  Wait, that's too elegant and phony-sounding, so I'll just refer to myself as a non-colored person.

Then again, should I chance to extract all remnants of whiteness out of my body in apology, I'm not quite sure what's left in there.  But for starters, I guess my newfound un-white integrity would necessitate that I immediately discontinue using anything ever invented by white people. 

Hmm.  Not such a good idea.  Maybe another time.  Heck, even as a non-colored person I couldn't entertain joining forces with the now so-o-o-o corporate (and filthy rich thanks to, um, business "contributions") Black Lives Matter folk because I don't especially cater to embracing Marxism, which cares not for black people or constitutional freedoms.

Remember when everybody was striving to obtain equality for all?  Apparently, being equal wasn't enough.  Society needed a step up to that thing called diversity, where everybody could not only be equal, but equal by degrees, depending upon one's ethnicity, color and non-color.  From what I've seen of college and corporate diversity classes, being something other than a non-colored person makes equality work even better as diversity rolls along.

Igniting the publishing world:  New York's favorite egomaniac governor, Andrew Cuomo, plans to write and release a book about his Covid-19 trials and tribulations just before the November elections, natch' -- though we're rather doubtful that chapter one will deal with thousands of nursing home residents who died due to his moronic decision to place elderly Covid-19 positive patients in said nursing homes when the pandemic panic started.  Brilliant leadership, just brilliant.  Not to worry, as NY City falls due largely to Democrat rule and Covid continues to dominate progressive minds, Cuomo will twist and turn all the right words to make himself look like a war hero, as opposed to a Covid-19 Mussolini.  Bartender -- a round of piano wire for everybody involved in this outrage, please.

Attorney trash:  Don't tell me what a great lawyer you are as you and your buddies engage in this hideous lawsuit against the Boys Scouts of America.  Aside from the multiple millions of dollars all of you anticipate collecting at the trough, I continue in my profound ignorance to wonder just what settles victims' lives by grabbing an organization's wealth for remedial (curative?) payoffs.  Does the pain or memories of unwanted sexual encounters or porno displays somehow find therapeutic benefit depending upon the number of dollars showered upon one?  And how is it that an entire organization's funding must suffer because scoutmaster personnel aren't being sued individually?  Of course, it's all about where the big bucks hover, and the "punishment" goes where the green stuff grazes.  Like so many class action lawsuits which make nobody happier than the law firms involved, this one reeks of cheap suits and a greedy cluster looking to snatch both cash and prime real estate from an entity, not the individuals responsible directly.

The Democrat "Convention:"  I tried, but I just can't subject my optic or aural nerves to this overwhelming exhibit of liars, defectives and political criminals who might best spend their lives in prison, away from decent folk.  How anybody allowing themselves an opportunity to learn about this fetid bunch could vote for one or all says a lot about the state of self, public and college educations in this country.