Monday, December 16, 2019

A-OK: Usurped by the Left

Well, isn't that just the greatest?  Even as minority students at Syracuse University protested and marched across campus before the holidays, making the national TV news in the process as several raised the familiar "black power salute," students at military academies and other universities apparently ran afoul of campus "hate speech" police simply by placing index finger to thumb, producing what has long been acknowledged as the "A-OK" sign -- an all-encompassing signal indicating that everything is okay, fine, accomplished proficiently, not jeopardized, etc., etc.

However, to borrow the words of brilliant Swedish teenage sky-is-falling proponent Greta Thunberg, How Dare They!?

Somewhere along the way on the political left's increasingly rocky road has quickly evolved a typically insane pronouncement, this time warning that the A-OK sign actually represents W H I T E   S U P R E M A C Y.

We assume this further attack on dictionary words (American and English dictionaries now being equivalent to forbidden pornography among those who despise established culture in this country) is intended to put white folk on notice.  A-OK finger signs must not be tolerated, lest perpetrators be called out by those who spend their lives watching for somebody to violate social norms -- especially the new, contrived social norms.

Authorities of various roots are making a big deal about the A-OK hand gesture appearing among uniformed personnel at West Point and at the U.S. Naval Academy -- all because the sign is used among white supremacist groups.  I say, so what?  Which came first, the hand gesture or the loons?

Keep this nonsense up and soon we'll all need mouth gags and tied hands to conform.

Back in the 1960s and seventies, another popular depiction dominated the finger sign market:  The "peace" sign.  Fingers depicting a "V" dominated the hippie and college communities, but this was not the "V for victory" symbol espoused during Winston Churchill's era.  No, this "V" represented a wish to stop the (Vietnam) war and "give peace a chance."  Strange as it may sound now, flashing the peace sign in public was expressly counter-culture.

The photo shown here, taken in 1970 when I* and fellow physical therapy personnel joined together in our clinic at the Air Force's fifth largest hospital (Texas), exhibits an anomaly no more dangerous than the A-OK sign so demonized by race-baiting leftists of the current day -- and yes, as the circled area shows, it's a peace sign flashed by a member of our Air Force clinic staff.  Had USAF authorities of the day wished, I suppose they could have made an issue of it, being that a man in uniform "dared" express a symbol.  But that was then, and "now" involved the equally innocent A-OK sign. 

The left will stop at nothing to destroy American culture, and if the race-baiting aspect can be utilized, that's what we'll receive, loud and clear.

Me?  I've found myself using the A-OK sign frequently of late.  I wonder why that is.  Could be white supremacy, or maybe it's just a plain old infestation of white privilege guiding my hand.

* (If you really care, I'm the one at the bottom on the far left. Um, I don't look like that anymore.)