Monday, October 21, 2019

Hillary Clinton as Baby Jane Hudson

"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"  A Movie title, yes, but oh, so much more.  Hillary Clinton IS Baby Jane at the movie's end, having gone irrefutably bonkers as she accuses, we presume, Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard of working with the Russians!

No, Hillary's not Bette Davis, and what she's dumping out of a wheelchair at the beach as secrets unravel isn't Joan Crawford; instead, it's a bag full of corruption, missing e-mails and globs of frustration -- for, alas, she will never be president of anything more than a legion of the ignominious.  The wheelchair, its contents growing heavier by the year, is her albatross, burdensome to push but mechanically delusional enough to squeak from its wheels at every revolution noises that sound like, "Everybody loves you, run, run, run. . .".

As a presidential candidate opposing Trump she lost because she presented herself as phony and unlikable, and a lot of the women expected to kowtow in her direction were, frankly, unimpressed.  As a NY State senator, Hillary was as useless as her successor, Kirsten Gillibrand, who herself will go down in history as one of the most ineffectual senators New York ever elected.  Then again, Gillibrand isn't Baby Jane, at least not yet.

There seems to be a respect for Hillary -- and Bill -- among some UFO researchers because they made attempts to learn more about UFOs while he was in Office.  Nice effort, we suppose, but the Clintons' UFO interest doesn't cut it with me because the road to hell can be paved with good -- that is, paved with intentions, period.  When one's intentions reach as far as accusing a presidential candidate of some form of Third Party Russian collusion, well, that's Baby Jane Hudson losing her mind at the beach blow-out, never entitled to be taken seriously again. 

Eat Up, Kids:  Hmm.  So up to 95 percent of baby food contains unacceptable levels of lead and other heavy metals, and we're just finding out?  This may be affecting human IQ levels, we are told, and though we could make some politically incorrect comments about the here and now, we shall refrain.  If this has been going on for decades unknown and unabated, then there's little to do except. . .

Drug out on your cookies:  New research suggests that one's craving for chocolate, as in chocolate chip cookies, is on par with cocaine addiction, and maybe even more intense.  If you can't chow down on the baby food and the chocolate chip cookies need to go into the garbage, then. . .

Spend your evening staring into the light of your smart phone or computer screen. . .except watch out because new science based upon research with fruit flies determines that the little buggers actually aged faster while exposed to the blue light emitted by these devices.  What does this mean for humans exposed to LED/blue light?  Statistically, if all of this is true, seems we'll all be old and dead before we can write the results.

Why is the mainstream media not reporting that our Southern border is now being invaded by thousands of Mexicans, not Central Americans, attempting to escape from their country's troubles?  Looks as though another humanitarian crisis is quickly piling up beyond our control.  Meanwhile, the only issue on the minds of congressional Democrats is Donald Trump and impeachment, and the country can just wait on that.  Before we fret over planet-killing asteroids, we really must focus upon the Democrats' favorite nation killer -- illegal immigration.

Why planes crash:  Because the flight crew needs to concentrate on leftist etiquette.  At least one airline now insists that its flight attendants address passengers as "everybody" instead of "ladies and gentlemen" when making announcements.  Strangely, the all-inclusive term, ladies and gentleman, actually DOES embrace "everybody" because science determined long ago that there are only two genders.  Corporations which continue buying into this leftist nonsense will one day be called out for defying logic and common sense, neither of which exist in a single drop in the leftist pantry.

Obamacare:  Remember the promises, and remember them good:  The $2500 or so everybody was supposed to save by using this monstrosity now costs the average family $20,000 a year at worst.  This is all Obama, not Trump, and we assume the Obamas have found a way to squeak by on health expenses now that they are multi-millionaires who care ever so much about the disadvantaged.

Fox Tales:  Oh boy.  This network is turning left faster than a black hole can suck in a whole solar system. 

Democrats and their news media buddies exert an amazing hold on Democrat viewers because, unlike talk radio, where the real news lives, TV offers glittering objects which serve to hypnotize and convince.  The downside is, its fans believe Trump can be beat in 2020.