Monday, September 30, 2019

Dead End Derangement -- The Party of Banning, Censorship, the Modern Plantation and Obfuscation of Individual Rights Suffers its Ultimate Psychosis

Oh, they have him now!  When you're sitting around the old fishing hole every hour of every day for three years, waiting to catch anything, even something as tiny as an amoeba, a mere tug on the line can send those who restlessly fish into a frenzy.  Strange thing is, 'twas the deep state swamp association itself doing the fishing, desperately hoping to hook something of political value flying by in the open air.

Oh yes, they have old Trump now, don't they?

Pity the Democrats and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  They constantly seem to be making an attempt to flush one little thing out of their lives, just one, yet each time they jiggle the toilet handle a little differently everything backs up and floods the place with their own rivers of hatred and disappointment.  This time, looks as though they may have broken the handle clean off, resulting in a deluge of stuff they may be powerless to stop, dispose of or explain.  A recent poll indicating that 65% of Democrats approve of socialism won't help, either.

When the current impeachment "inquiry" subsides, or even after an actual impeachment, President Trump will still be in Office, and chances are he'll be more popular than ever in the 2020 election.  What we currently see before our eyes is a political party in mental distress so intense that it's just about ready to fall off the cliff of sanity on which it has been precariously perched since Trump beat Hillary Clinton fair and square.  Dems don't believe in fair and square, it seems.

Life sure is funny when the politically and media Elite join forces to defeat the will of the American voter. Regarding Ukraine, Trump merely appears to have communicated as the leader of one country to another, something all Presidents do.  Maybe he could have handled the situation regarding Biden & son differently, but this whole affair becomes murky at this point and the Democrats' (and others') dreams of removing Trump from Office via yet ANOTHER way will likely go nowhere.  How many contrivances can be thrown about before crying "wolf" annoys, rather than excites the panting and howling leftist masses?

Meanwhile, as expected, there's a rise in Americans wanting impeachment.  Of course -- when you get all your news from TV, the Internet biggies and a Web traffic jam composed vastly, mostly of leftist sites, there is no "other side."   Losing one's country takes very little effort when communication is so dangerously flawed.

Particularly interesting in this contrived mess, however, may be a track-down opportunity for Republicans on Trump's side to pursue alleged connections the DNC, Hillary, Obama, the deep state and others may have had in Ukraine for years -- and yes, ultimately a Democrat "Russian connection."  The revelation that George Soros is all over this thing, too, stirs things up.

Adam Schiff's invented self-pleasing interpretation of the Trump/Ukraine phone transcript before the House was shameful enough, but we've every confidence the Democrats will muck up everything else, cleverly converting truth and fiction alike into accusations sweet-smelling enough to use as the 2020 elections approach.  Really, what else can they do, having absolutely no sane agenda to sell to the American people?

Apparently, it remains a crime for Donald Trump to love and work hard for America and attempt to do good things for all Americans, including and especially ripping apart the deep state "swamp."  We have no doubt that the Washington, D.C. swamp people are working furiously behind the scenes to diminish Trump's power and increase their power -- while they strive to remove ours by overwhelming the nation with illegal aliens (more votes for the left).

Trump needs to continue doing particularly what his heel-nippers hate the most:  Continue appointing Federal judges (over 150 so far) and get ready for almost inevitable Supreme Court appointments in the near future.

Gotta Be Joking Department:  The Anti-Defamation League considers the A-OK sign (index to thumb and three fingers stuck in the air) a depiction of white supremacy and it should be banned immediately?  Man oh man, my love fest for the left just grows larger every day.  When does this hokum stop?  How?  This is exactly how you cruise toward communism, little by little.  I'm going to keep my A-OK sign, ADL -- and I'll raise you a middle finger.