Thursday, August 30, 2018

Monkey This Up, Monkey This Down, But Monkey It

Now monkeys?  Just when I was actually understanding why radio stations seldom, if ever, play Ray Stevens' song, Ahab the Arab, along comes this from Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis, who threw the words, "monkey this up" into a speech and ticked off swarms of those who were born specifically to be ticked off, apparently having no other reason to live.  So what, I should get the scissors and excise monkey from my Webster's Dictionary?  Nobody raised such concern when the Internet was running cartoons of George W. Bush as an ape, you may recall.

The game, the game, the game -- thanks, digital megalosaurus:  One 24 year old sorry loser and homicidal/suicidal psycho stacked up against a whole world of young people whose brains have literally been moth-eaten by a constant computer screen-fed "revolution" just doesn't seem like much when one acts like an adult and gazes upon the whole idiotic world of pixels, ones and zeros.  Further evidence of how computers have made and will make our human lives more complicated, mentally unbalanced and, as a society, useless.  The late Mr. Katz, for all the information coming to light painting him as a brain wreck from the get-go, was apparently as rabidly dedicated to trading away his experiences in the real world for the land of pure fantasy as other "new normal" gamers -- except he finally swept away what remained of an ability to reason and made a terrible choice, momentarily bringing the presumed competition into his world for the kill.  Game over.

As a Vietnam Era veteran, I honor Senator John McCain for his service and remain in awe of the trauma and sacrifice he experienced as an American Navy combat pilot turned prisoner of war.  His politics were often another matter for me, but that's the thing about being an American like McCain, one person can become far more than merely one person.

NY Senator Charles Schumer's move to try and rename the Sen. Richard Russell building in Washington, D.C. after McCain reminded me immediately of Russell's semi-famous encounter with a UFO during a plane flight, reported back in the fifties by aviation writer Tom Towers, who played the role of Al Chop in the movie, "U.F.O." The Russell article can be found online, and Towers' ultra-brief movie career may, of course, be located in my "U.F.O." movie blog (see link list).

Long as we're throwing out senators' names, why is Diane Feinstein getting off scot-free after revelations surfaced about her long-time Chinese chauffeur / spy/ spy /spy?  This woman serves on the senate intelligence committee?  Ha, some intelligence from this one.  I know I have a few readers in China -- probably every one a government operative -- and I have to say, congrats, brilliantly played!  If only your Chinese communist masters weren't so dangerous to the world, my country and people seeking freedom everywhere, maybe I could manage a little applause.  But I can't.  World domination just isn't my thing.

Wha. . .?  So allegedly Chinese operatives were allegedly tracking Queen Hillary in alleged real time as she allegedly typed out messages on her allegedly infamous home computer keyboard, whilst simultaneously receiving e-mails from others, also under alleged real-time scrutiny?  Oh my, this will not make the mainstream press, if accurate.

Glyphosate for the masses:  It's not just computer screen or gaming hypnosis attacking children's health.  Updated research (with the assistance of some hefty lawsuits) has determined that high amounts of glyphosate, the controversial herbicide in the product, Roundup has been discovered in a disturbing number of cereals and granola bars, and this includes what some folks believed were the safest oat product brands in the world.  Yes, Quaker is among them.  All of this can be quantified in online news articles.  Here you go kids, have a nice bowl of poisoned grains and it's off to school with ya. . .

"Democratic socialism" seem to be quite popular among young people who have no clue about socialism's horrors.  Members of the far left are doing a fair job sugar-coating their words, but fortunately morons such as a congressional candidate from NY City are exposing themselves every time they speak.  One just needs to listen to words unspoken.

What's that new mysterious Russian satellite orbiting Earth?  Nobody seems to know, at least not publicly.  We suspect in our ignorance that "satellite killers" are becoming all the rage in space among the usual perpetrators of evil, and we trust that the U.S. will counter these maneuvers -- if only we can stop leaks from military agencies and vendors.

Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence officials have ramped up concerns over cyber warfare, warning of dangers focused upon our delicate national infrastructure. 

Combine that with the emergence of "superbugs," pretty much immune to a bevy of antibiotics, and one just wants to ask, what's next?