The little things. How many little things does it take to clarify the bigger picture? And what happens when a growing mountain of little things obfuscates logic as we know it?
Yes, I've been rolling along with old news clips lately, and United Press International (UPI), like the Associated Press (AP), rarely failed to inspire the reader in previous decades whenever the UFO subject popped up. Every once in a while, another maddening little piece of the puzzle appeared in newsprint. Here's a little Mexican UFO story from May of 1975, not reported in much depth by UPI, but intriguing nonetheless:
So let's say you're lounging around a control tower in Mexico City in the summer of 1975, watching air traffic control personnel do their thing at the Benito Juarez International Airport. Sitting at two separate radar screens are Julio Interian and Emilio Estanol. Turning attention to a small Piper plane flying miles away, each controller suddenly sees an image of an unidentified object pacing the craft off to one side. Terrified pilot Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel, age 23, noticed something, too -- he claims that a total of three UFOs had followed him for 10 minutes as he approached the airport at 15,000 feet.
Though Montiel saw three objects, the controllers noted one. "I observed the plane from the moment it was over Tequesquitengo (50 miles south of Mexico City) until it landed," explained Interian. "When it was above the Ajusco (Mountain), I noticed another mark on the screen move rapidly away from the plane." At that very moment, Montiel radioed that the multiple UFOs he observed had departed.
Of considerable interest was the pilot's admission that he was unable to control his plane while the objects remained close. "I started to cry out of desperation," he later reported.
UFOs, radar, witnesses and effects suggestive of mechanical or electromagnetic interference: All elements of a story that never seems to end.