Monday, May 13, 2024

Driving Miss Crazy of 2024

I'm old, that's not in dispute, and I was around as a kid to watch the medium of television arise from its infancy in the 1950s to the educational, incestuous and idiot-infested tool it is today.

During those hallowed post-WW II fifties when life could be free, easy and wildly inventive, a young singer named Dinah Shore -- much later to enjoy, strangely, a brief romantic fling with actor Burt Reynolds -- sang the praises on TV commercials of buying American.  That is, she would break into song and belt out the lyrics, "See the USA in your Chevrolet. . ." and the sales pitch would continue in song.

Indeed, these were golden years for automobile sales, and while the Chevy was but one of a number of cars built with real metal for a real America, affordability was within the grasp of every man and woman with a job.  Of course, the fact that one could build or buy a house for $10,000, more or less, was also helpful in a bustling economy.

Now (sigh. . .), fast forward to today's inflation lorded over by a presidential administration which, frankly, doesn't give a damn about the average American and seems to be rabidly intent upon joining the world's elitist thugs with making our dreams almost insurmountable.  

Were Dinah Shore alive and signing the praises of the automobile today, what tune would she carry?  See the USA in your leased EV?  See the USA after you spend hours charging your unaffordable government-mandated EV?  See the USA until you have an accident and you die in your EV because first responders can't get you out without endangering themselves and their own electrical equipment?  See the USA until you need to replace the extraordinarily pricey battery and can't afford it?

Good grief, even Dinah Shore would have encountered difficulty in trying to make this EV turkey fly in the face of negative public opinion.  Any self-respecting singer would rightly go insane attempting to put a happy face on a technology which in no way is ready for everyday use by a nation of people who can barely afford food and housing, let alone a very, very unstable method of individual transport.  Or is individual transport something the left even wants us to enjoy in the future?

If the government doesn't give a whit about drivers' ability to buy cars, its insiders are certainly enveloped in a new worry -- that China currently produces electric vehicles in for itself and eventually for the rest of the world, minus bells and whistles, for only $10,000, or $12,000, and for two or three grand more one is suddenly treated to the luxury class.

Meanwhile, the USA continues getting sucked down the drain. . .as unions come back with a vengeance (truly a vengeance -- against us all).  After a profound absence, large unions are now enlisting Workers-of-the-World-Unite to organize and are doing everything they can to scuttle right-to-work laws in the country.  If we think prices are bad now, wait until unions get back in control and prices go up in order to pay for benefits many rational non-union employees will never see (unless they, hmm, join unions).  Automation and closed businesses will be our harvest from this season of planting unions and union bosses at our feet.

Breaking bad even worse:  Biden must be stopped from inundating the USA with Palestinians.  We already have the fixings for radical Islam festering in the country, and the treasonous Biden gang's lack of concern should bring them closer to trials and prison in the future.  Sorry, not to make a down day even more down for some of you, but Donald Trump must win in November.  There is no other choice now.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Everybody Talks About the Weather, But Nobody. . .Wants it Controlled by Big Government

Before the usual suspects scream Climate Change! because Texas is flooded and tornadoes seem to be everywhere -- which on scale is generally normal in springtime -- don't dismiss weather modification efforts as military forces of several countries attempt to manipulate weather conditions to satisfy one agenda or another.

I remember reading newsstand magazines in the 1970s where military weather control was infrequently a topic of discussion, but details could be scant.  Today, however, we've progressed from mere cloud-seeding to electronic influence (lasers, sound and the like) -- and from mere rumor and conspiratorial talk to scientific reality.  Unfortunately, much of this is carried out to give one nation or government the edge over another, not necessarily bad in concept, depending upon evil or beneficial reasons.

That the climate change lunatic fringe has taken things so far as to conduct experiments in filtering or blocking the sun's rays from the Earth (without our permission, natch') is especially disturbing, but just imagine what may already be happening with modern weather modification, whether it occurs two states away from you or two countries away.  Do such efforts have a bearing on current weather disasters?  It seems as though one can only blame La Nina or its variations so many times before other possibilities arise.

Thanks to Covid and Covid immunization lies, we scarcely know what to believe anymore, particularly from government.  What's tomorrow's weather forecast? It depends upon the source.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Monster on the Campus -- Hamas and Radical Islam Benefit from the Dumbed-Down Collegiate Experience

Convenient, isn't it, how we can often conjure up old fifties horror and science fiction movies to make some point about the here and now?

There's a monster on the campus, all right, and while some of the hairier "protesters" may indeed resemble our friend in the movie poster from head to toe, the primary monstrous entity is ignorance and -- surprise! -- lack of a proper education at institutions of supposed higher learning.

It shouldn't be lost on us that many of the young people interviewed on the spot during pro-Palestine demonstrations don't even know what they're protesting.  Apparently, just being a part of something social with a twisted party atmosphere is enough for many.

If the current widespread and obviously well-orchestrated gatherings of people shouting death to America, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea and let's have the "final solution" don't point out how dangerous and education-starved America's colleges and universities have become under extremist professors and administrators concerned primarily with sports and endowments, what will?

By now, it's striking, but also rather a laborious chore to suggest that those who take full advantage of the First Amendment to support Hamas and the Palestinians under its control simultaneously lend approval to a Middle East throwback society which has absolutely no tolerance for freedom of speech.  Let us not forget that a majority of Palestinians chose Hamas to lead them, and likely would again.

Unlike those who follow Christian religions within the framework of established government, Islam's people endure a religion which is a governing unit unto itself.  Its tenets also allow followers to lie in order to achieve cherished goals, which include obliterating Jews from the planet.

These college protests make no allowance for students who just want to attend class and graduations, for they are just pawns in a game supported by throwback radicals pretending sympathy for the people of Gaza, while the real intent is to wipe Israel and its Jews from the map.  Unfortunately, most teenagers attending college and swept up into these well-planned public displays of hatred for every concept of Israel -- and the West -- simply have no idea how they are being used.

Israel, no matter current negotiations with the liars of Hamas, really has little choice but to invade Rafah because, like money stored in a bank, that's where Hamas' worst will be found, hiding behind hostages who are or are not dead.  How can one ignore those whose every waking moment involves the development of ways to murder and destroy their society?

But back to the "Monster on the Campus."  Once a fifties horror movie, it now becomes an image exemplifying the beasts of ignorance and hatred on campuses, hairy or not.  Student protesters and those in alliance with evil intentions need not transform into brute creatures, they need only be led by the agents of destruction who feast upon the ignorance of the young to accomplish their goals.  If you hanker to exist like a zombie under the most extreme aspects of religious fascism, radical Islam is your ticket.  If you're a young woman intent upon being treated like a cow without a mind for the rest of your years as a slave, radical Islam is your passport.  If you're gay, lesbian or self-impressed with believing you are an alternate gender -- and willing to be killed right from the get-go -- this unforgiving belief system seemingly steered by murderous lunatics is waiting for you.

Biden on The Wall:  No, not the TV show. Biden has been forced to build a 17-mile fence at the border in a late, late attempt to choke off some illegal immigration. Has President "No Fences" seen the light, or is election season creating a temporary dose of common sense?  Probably the latter.

Or maybe he had nothing else to do, since his party decided to take more time to determine whether menthol should be banned from cigarettes (which really means:  Don't piss off black voters who smoke menthol cigs before the election).

Or maybe he was all in a dither over attending the White House Correspondents Dinner, an annual affair apparently intended to solidify leftist politics among what little remains of America's press members.  I would use the word, journalists, but that's a rare bird to be found anymore.

Americans who forgot and left bullets in their luggage as they went to Turks and Caicos on vacation:  Several now face 10-12 years in prison for their mistake. Actually, I think Caribbean lawmakers are in error here because the U.S. can -- should -- easily ban tourists from going there until our people are released, as USA tourists are very important to the economy of this Caribbean fun place and they will suffer greatly without American dollars.

In the meantime, the wonders of "Bidenomics" continue to push inflation up, food prices uncomfortably higher and gas prices toward the $4.00 mark.  The sky is truly the limit here.  Thankfully, illegal aliens -- criminals one and all -- continue to receive great care here in America, currently the land of government-supported tyranny against taxpayers.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bits and Pieces for April 2024

Isn't is strange how fast time passes when you're having a -- bad -- time?  25 years since the Columbine High School massacre, and as I recall it didn't take long for the jokes and humor visuals to fly.  It's often within our nature as humans to get past tragedy by injecting laughter into the worst of situations, or at least it used to be that way.  Now, we generally collapse into puddles of tears, scour the landscape for victims appropriate for TV news tear-jerkers and wallow in depression for weeks on end with no humor pressure valve available to make a tidy escape.

We do note that yet another young tranny wannabe was caught last week with plans to kill students in at least two schools.  He seems to have been a he who wanted to be a she, but in the end was just another school-age tranny criminal in waiting.  His long, long manifesto apparently indicated hero worship for the Columbine shooters, whom we remember were named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, every girl's vision of hot prom dates to the very end.  We've little doubt, as schools all over the country continue to employ both personnel and tactics intended to make students go bonkers about their sexual identities, that Columbine hero worship will continue among young brains crushed daily by so-called higher education.

Workers of the world unite! as their U.S. counterparts continue to join revitalized labor unions, thanks to pressures by Joe Biden and his union cronies.  The UAW, for one, is on a path to turn so-far (at least 13?) unaffiliated auto plants into union property, thereby helping America turn even more toward socialism as workers who think they are getting something better actually become pawns of elite union bosses and often unwilling donation cash cows for the Democratic Party.  Congratulations, newly unionized Tennessee VW plant, you folks just lost more than you will gain, and you can't even see it.

When farmers organize on their own, however, miracles may happen.  Current demonstrations by farmers all over the world whose livelihoods are threatened by the planet's elite are having some effect, as people are waking up to the realization that evil forces want to force humans into poverty and starvation, and farmers into unemployment.  Forces such as the World Economic Forum and supporters of the now-somewhat faltering ESG allegedly drive a good deal of this monstrosity.  Add this to Biden's inflation and spending and the Fed's persistence in printing money like it's no big deal and disaster is almost knocking on the door.

Meanwhile, the plastics industry has some 'splainin' to do!  In what seems a well-kept secret, we now learn that recycling of plastic bottles and other plastic materials is a waste of time, as most of it ends up in landfills.  Apparently, the plastics industry has been slow to solve this dilemma while insisting that recycling works.  Lies, fashionable these days.

"Where the Boys Are" was a popular sixties song, but today it becomes more of a question:  Where are the boys?  Sports, education, media -- female domination seems almost a plan, accepting also, of course, boys who SAY they are girls.  Young males seem to have become almost second class citizens, perhaps not surprising in a society which emasculates almost any quality identified as masculine.  If we had a military draft tomorrow (and, by the way, I still contend that a draft is not far off) how many of the young men conscripted will bring along any testosterone whatsoever, since high schools, colleges and "woke" concerns have already locked a good share of it away in a drawer somewhere?

Israel pursues Hamas:  Good.  Most surviving "Palestinians" in Gaza chose and would choose again to have Hamas lead them (80 percent?). These people do not want a two-state solution, they want a one-state solution with 100 percent dead Jews and no trace of Israel in sight.  Our colleges and universities abound with dumb students indoctrinated by committed, yet nevertheless evil professors.  Surprise:  Diplomas don't make one a genius.

This has also brought to light just how dangerous and out of touch college campuses have become.  Students in the U.S. taking the side of Hamas have no idea how dreadful their lives would be if they went to the Middle East and joined these cut-throat throwbacks who treat women like cattle and murder anybody exhibiting anything but heterosexual tendencies.  Our stupid children have grown into stupid adults and sheep with no ability to think themselves out of this box.  Congratulations, American education system.  Let's throw more government money your way.

At least the birds can sing their way through spring, relatively untouched by the human condition.  Well, except for bird deaths caused by wind turbines, toxic solar panels, over-development, lawn care chemicals and other poisons.  Kind of hard to sing your way through this stuff.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Scared to Depth: The Left is Incapable of Free Thought

As a kid in the days of President John F. Kennedy I was too young to have any concept of differences between the political left and right.  Years later, I was still okay with the Democrats until LBJ succeeded Kennedy following his assassination in Dallas.  I think it was a matter of basic trust, because Lyndon B. Johnson had this aura about him, an attitude of somebody who would do anything he wanted to do no matter the result or consequences.

By the time 1968 claimed the nation, and frankly overtook the world with sadness and horror following the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin L. King, the military draft was after me and at last I understood something of what LBJ was all about.  After enlisting in the Air Force and following the news as often as I could, I became a lot "smarter" about LBJ, his intention to do anything to win re-election (even if it meant manipulating a war)-- and I started thinking seriously about the Democrats.

The Democrats I remember are mostly gone now.  The "blue dog" variety, the thoughtful leaders I remember have become but a wisp in the wind.  Now, we witness a party experiencing a stranglehold by followers of extreme politics and of even more extreme religious beliefs.  Our lives balance indelicately in the hands of a geriatric President of questionable abilities, backed up by an administration and bureaucracy serving its own agenda despite the existence of the American people.

We now fear the government which was originally set up to fear us when it faltered in its mission.

The new and improved Democrat Party hates patriotic and freedom-serving brains, as well as independence.  That's why one of their primary targets is Elon Musk, arguably one of the most intelligent and inventive humans to walk the Earth today.  The Democrats despise his talents because he won't submit and become a leftist buddy.  He also has lots of money.  So do many Democrats in Congress, but they don't consider their funds evil-got like they do Musk's bank account.

When one looks at attempts to impeach Donald Trump, and now this Democrat-directed multi-trial circus performance in which their hope to clobber him effectively before the November elections, the most obvious things coming out of this is the fear of a political party nearing ruin.  Their own.

It's no wonder this bunch has done everything it can to hijack Americans with DEI, CRT, the incredibly inept and just plain wrong "1619 Project," and other stupidities among a bundle of American values-hating Democrat snot rags.

It's the fear, stupid.

This time around, the left has very little with which to bamboozle American voters except, of course, abortion and that old standby favorite, race..  But the economy, illegal immigration, job quality, deficit terrors and a host of social problems caused exclusively by Democrats who have no way (and generally no intention) of solving them are multiple and growing elephants in the living room.

Are the Republicans much better?  No, but the rare addition of actual, though far too few conservatives among them helps to provide at least a modicum of integrity and the possibility of better times ahead.  The RINOs populating the Republican Party are the main problem, while just surface out-and-out mismanagement and corruption are the left's legacy as we go into another election.

For starters this month, watch Senator Schumer and his ilk in the Senate refuse to do anything about impeaching Mayorkas over the borders.  It will be as if he had no responsibility whatsoever as millions of future Democrat voters -- and, not to forget, terrorists in waiting -- wandered on in.

Which reminds me, when terrorists get around to accomplishing another act of horror in the United States, remember who brought them here:  Joe Biden and the Democrats.

However, as much as I abhor terrorists, I will look even more critically upon people who vote to bring the current crop of corrupt bastards back into Office in November, should that be the case. Think of the voting booth as The Last Chance Cafe, where one selects from a menu featuring the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and endlessly failing Democrat policies.  Is it really that difficult to make the right choice?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Total Eclipse of the Country

Now that we've been properly "mooned" with a moon shadow perhaps best understood in musical notes by recording artist Cat Stevens, I'm frankly worn out from a plethora of TV and radio stations which spent days or weeks attempting to own this rare event.  Last time I experienced a solar eclipse -- a partial eclipse -- I was driving out near a large shopping center, and everything on the ground momentarily took on a rosy tint, as if colorized by a palette hosting only one color.  With warm weather accompanying this phenomenon, life just become ultra-pleasant for a few rare seconds before returning to basic normal.  Kind of like nature's spa.

Old Clement down in Texas told me he planned to pay an illegal immigrant a few dollars to sit in a chair, facing Monday's eclipse and staring into the sun, and then Clem planned to sit up close to the guy and watch the sun's eclipse reflected in his eyes.  This may have been a hair-brained idea, probably a joke, but really, what ARE we to do with these people as they march in like zombies?

Zombies remind me of Biden, clearly not the one making all the dumb-ass decisions originating from the very much tainted White House these days, but still walking and talking as if he is in charge of a zombie factory.  No, I don't know what I just wrote, either.

So, as soon as I heard the latest jobs report boasted of over 300,000 new hires last month, I resorted to wondering how many were actually bloated government jobs, and was not really surprised to discover some 71,000 positions were indeed of the government variety.  Then a lot of illegal aliens were found to account for job "growth."

The reason for treason:  The more I check out dictionary definitions, the more I am unable to grasp why anybody in Congress wants to "impeach" scoundrels.  Clearly, treason is what we've experienced at the border for three years, as established laws were not being followed and Biden could have stopped the invasion immediately.  Once eclipses and elections are out of the way, I very much want treason to become a daily word as long-awaited investigations with clout must take place.  If Elon Musk recognizes treason at the border, why is everybody else afraid to use the word?  Many players must be involved here, and each deserves a fair opportunity for prison and perhaps something a little more final according to federal law.  Our lives are clearly in danger because of the current administration's policy, or more accurately a lack of policy.  Some appear to believe that the Constitution is rather firm about treason, but I say go for it.

We did a double-take when Texas governor Greg Abbott's visit to NY City precipitated a comment from dim-bulb NY City mayor Adams that it was Abbott's fault that the city is crawling with illegal people.  Mr. Mayor, do you not know that you have a sanctuary city -- and that your real enemy in all of this is the Joe Biden gang?

Meanwhile, author J. K. Rowling continues to speak "hate" to total social mental mess Scotland by using correct pronouns and language of truth, and daring "woke" officials to arrest her for speaking out..  We hope "woke" will soon be on the retreat as members of the international elite continue attempting to force people to become what we are not.  Logic rules.

Israel:  It's war, and terrible things happen.  Did the world already forget what happened on October 7?  Hamas seems content to keep hostages, including several Americans.  The global community hates Israel anyway, and always has, so why wouldn't the Jews continue obliterating their threat, even in unfortunate excess?  I only wish Israeli soldiers could get permission to enter the United Nations building and kick all those sorry-ass criminal "delegates" out on the street and back to their greedy, America hating and terror-creating countries.  OMG!  Was that hate speech?  Let me tell you how sorry I am. . .

Covid and Covid immunizations:  Anybody catch "Full Measure" on TV this week?  Nasty stuff about weird clots found in arteries of the Covid and Covid-immunized dead (we have mentioned this phenomenon before), and an absolute indictment of our government health care system.  I don't think I'd ever want to meet spike proteins in a dark alley, and I surely don't want them injected into me, no matter what so-called authority insists they're just fine.  They are not..  (Pssst -- by the way, Ivermectin works!)

Monday, April 1, 2024

Cancer Without a Cure

While millions of Christians around the world were taking Easter Sunday very seriously, I was trying to put together in my own mind how a society could be so enthralled with the conviction that Jesus rose from the dead -- yet almost no member of "conventional" society would ever accept the evidence involved in the 1973 Hickson-Parker (Pascagoula MS) UFO encounter, where entities seemingly greater in ability and far different from our species had their/its way with two mortal men who were subjected to pure terror.  Where was Jesus?  Where was God?  Was this a sign?  If Jesus ascends in death, can something or somebody of unknown origin not descend very much "alive?"  There were witnesses, flesh, blood and bone people existing in real time.  Some skeptics would blame demons, and debunkers would excoriate science itself.  But there was reportedly radar evidence.  Anybody looking high and low for an "Easter miracle" of sorts would do well not to dismiss a potential miracle of frightening proportions which graced the planet momentarily in October of 1973.  Yet, the majority will remain comfortably in denial forever, tuned in only to their brand of events supernatural.

Meanwhile, the affair of UFOs (our preferred term) within the U.S. government continues to remain murky.  At least publicly, officials are ignoring an incredible number of solid reports, if not degrading their quality for purposes unknown. My link list features several good sites where you can remain current on government documents and activities.

Aside from that, you'll note that we did mention cancer in today's title.  I was quite taken last week with a post from a site called Peachy Keenan's Extremely Domestic.  Her exposition entitled "The Princess and the Pea-brained" sternly and prophetically warns that it won't merely be cancer which heralds the eventual downfall of English royalty: Islam will consume everything in its path in Great Britain.

Immigration by hundreds of thousands from Muslim countries have already overwhelmed more than one Western European nation, but radical Islam's growing toehold on the functions of English government almost guarantees that numbers alone will win the day for a Great Britain never imagined.  And as go Western European countries, so goes the United States -- especially with Biden's unbending assistance in letting everything but the kitchen sink into the USA unfettered.

"Does anyone think the 'Royal Family' will even last long enough for a King George?" asks "Peachy" Keenan.  "Instead, I see an aged William and Kate on the roof of Windsor Castle hoisting their children up a rope ladder into a hovering helicopter as rampaging Hamas-friendly mobs burn it all down and pillage the family heirlooms.

"They will be forced into exile well, where? Canada will suffer the same replacement soon, as will all the former U.K. colonies, which are busy colonizing their colonizer s homeland and outbreeding them 10 to 1."

Her article is here:

Technology may one day obliterate all cancers, except for the ancient cancer of radical Islam. If you don't already know the dangers ahead, just try sponsoring a "Draw your best image of the prophet Mohammad" contest in your community and see how long it takes before the "blasphemy" crowd favoring head and hand chopping -- and death to any infidel who dares to create an image of the prophet-- makes its presence known abundantly.

Meanwhile, another caravan of at least 2,000 migrants is headed for the U.S. Southern border.  I wonder how many radicalized practitioners of death walk among them -- aside from what's already hiding in the USA.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

NBC's Colorful Peacock Feathers are Indelibly Blue Underneath

Well, there you have it.  Anybody who tunes in to MSNBC or other NBC-owned news shows who thought all this time that they were receiving something akin to fair and balanced reporting have been, what's the kindest word. . .oh yeah, screwed.

The evidence need not be couched in hundreds of pages of secret documents, no indeed.  The facts are right before us.

NBC's pretend journalists who put up a crybaby show when they learned Republican Ronna McDaniel had been hired, and then got their way by forcing management to scrub her contract, put their phony little cards on the table, and now they are making harrowing speeches attempting to explain why they acted so-o-o-o-o very un-journalist like.  Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd, a stable full of bearded pseudo-intellectuals and others who proclaim "If Trump is elected he'll never leave Office!" -- I mean, REALLY?

To date, demonstrating to diehard Democrats that their party has been taken over by the radically progressive left has been as successful as cloning Bigfoot.  Proving to them that Democrats accuse Trump and conservatives of things they have actually done themselves is useless. And to somehow cause them to realize that the mainstream media, administrative state and many faithful local party members want a one-party system, as American values are torn asunder, is seemingly a hopeless chore.

MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, they all push the party line and have no wish to seriously invite Republican, and more specifically conservative ideas.  The proof?  You just experienced it this week, thanks to so-called TV journalists who are actually nothing more than well-paid mouthpieces for whatever brand of failing socialism happens to delight the left at the moment.

Simply put, the Biden bunch, the progressive Democrats and their willing accomplices in the media demand that you listen to them and nobody else.  Essentially, they want you wearing horse blinders so you will forever only concentrate on and accept their point of view.  Of course they treat you nice, why wouldn't they?

A Bridge Too Close:  Maybe the Maryland bridge collapse was an accident, but we are reminded nevertheless that the world's dependence upon digital chips and computer guidance will probably always be subject to bad players who live and die to cause chaos with extraordinary damage.  In Baltimore and among U.S. investigators, we're sure they hope the word, accident will be the only cause coming into view.

The border:  The next time a swarm of illegal aliens rush the border and overwhelm National Guard members, wouldn't it be great if soldiers could just initiate an AK party and shoot all of these folks who are just looking for a better life by running over them with total disrespect?

Party On: The only party I want is a treason party with all the players arrested, tried, convicted and punished with prison and even executions where called for by law.  The eternal "jab," not to be confused with Covid immunization jabs of perhaps similar consequence, may be appropriate when all the chaos is sorted out in the USA and beyond.

Monday, March 18, 2024

MAGA vs Media -- One Strengthened the Country While the Other Aptly Demonstrated its Cultist Herd Stupidity

So many actual truth-seeking reporters on the right have labored to put the Donald Trump "bloodbath" comment into its accurate context that there's little remaining for me to say as a blogging latecomer.  Yet, the mass idiocy among the so-called journalist class among TV networks handled Trump's quote recklessly and with all the insight one might expect from a second grade elementary school student, making it imperative to call them out.

When I watched Trump making his comments about China building auto plants in Mexico, including his promise to slap 100 percent tariffs on them so they can't get away with selling cheap cars in the U.S. without American labor having a hand in their production, I immediately recognized his reference to a "bloodbath" for exactly what it was:  An over-the-top prediction that there would be major trouble in the American auto industry if China dominated the market by basically dumping their stuff into our economy.  I'm sure the UAW and other unions know what a bloodbath is, and how one gets from point A to point B when union workers feel they are in jeopardy.

Yet, TV reporter after TV reporter, as if plugged into the same brain wave alteration machine, towed the leftist party line and alerted faithful, quite often brainless and indoctrinated viewers, that Trump intended bloodshed if he wasn't elected in 2024.  Whaaaa?

Aside from the left's low-down dirty attempts to constantly manage the news and praise all things leftist, a good share of their "news" people just come off as utterly and irretrievably dumb, perfectly willing to dedicate their efforts to saying and writing things intended to please upper management, owners and viewers of a like mind or no mind 'tall.

All too often, the daily news and truth are treated like a banquet of pig slop dumped into the trough, and passing TV journalists of current vintage simply scoop out just enough to satisfy their sense of cultist-inspired curiosity, but no sense of humor is allowed to accompany any aspect of information gleaned.  Facts are in the eye of the beholder once the salad is readied.

Had even a glimmer of irony or humor been applicable to the sound bite crowd, they would know Trump and his sense of humor.  If they don't know by now how he likes to rile the press, then they are truly pathetic.  Just how much does a journalism degree spiked with ignorance and partisan favoritism cost these days?

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

We Are the Stuff of Which Dinosaur Bones Are Made

No matter the fit of a living organism's existence, in some manner almost every creature entertains the survival belief that it is the most important thing on the ground, in the swamp, deep in the ocean or atop the highest mountain.  We humans, as an example, tend to casually accept our supposed superiority with a wink and a nod, then we go on to destroy everything in our path whilst calling our efforts creating something better.

Maybe my title today comes out of my experience with a general anesthetic a few days ago. No, not a major procedure here, but I haven't been put under a general anesthetic for nearly 30 years.  Having been part of the hospital atmosphere during my years in the Air Force medical community, I visited my share of operating rooms, but when it comes down to one's self lying on the table everything changes. Personalization? You bet.

General anesthesia reminds me of alleged alien abductions, where people claim to be poked and prodded and remember nothing of their experiences until years later, if ever.  My only "souvenir" following this month's general anesthetic was a pretty deep laceration my teeth inflicted upon an upper lip during its administration.  Not uncommon, but I look forward to a day when light and/or sound will replace customary chemicals to put one to sleep or apart during procedures.  If we last that long.

Carl Sagan was too kind when he referred to us as "star stuff."  True, of course, but I prefer to go a little retro and stop at the era of dinosaurs and their bones because, while I have a hard time imagining my earlobes as remnants of a doomed asteroid, comparing my bone structure to that of some prehistoric saber-tooth mosquito beaver seems much more basic.

A lot happened while I was "out of service" last week, reminding me of our destiny to become yesterday's dinosaur bones despite our best intentions, and yes, AI will transport us to the bone graveyard faster than we can imagine.  Dinosaurs had no say over their ultimate disposition, and though it may come as a surprise to those humans who think we will live forever, neither do we.  We self-conspire by nature, begging membership in eternity's flatline clubhouse.

Now, where are we . . .oh yes, nowhere at all. Nevertheless. . .

TREASON is just a word, though it really needs to be much more.  I was delighted to see Elon Musk mention that very word regarding the Biden gang and the illegal alien invasion. Why delighted?  Because our otherwise blowhard members of Congress appear unable to even whisper the word.  Tell you what -- when the dust settles, I want every person responsible for the border invasion to be arrested and tried, and when convicted either imprisoned for life or executed as per government standards for those who commit treason against their country.  Of course, all of that will be dependent upon finding prosecuting attorneys and judges who aren't lodged so far up the left's political ass that retrieval and logic are impossible.

If the United States were a ranch right now, I think it could be called "The Double T" (for treason and tyranny).

Speaking of the Biden bunch, we see that Syracuse University might have ranked at one time among several colleges and universities being considered for Biden's presidential library.  Wouldn't that be cool?  The very campus where Joe Biden is famously known to have plagiarized at least one school paper would hold a new building filled with his lies, stupidity and reckless decisions. (Note to nobody special:  While Biden was draft-dodging and attending S.U. in 1968, I was attending Air Force basic training, having enlisted with a military draft on my heels.)

Anyway, I could certainly see:



Ah yes, the Biden bunch.  The people who, we now learn, flew under cover of darkness some 320,000 illegal aliens to 43 U.S. cities a while back.  Treason is afoot.

Kathy Hochul, New York's governor and arguably the worst governor in the U.S. has dispatched NY National Guard members to NY City subways, currently under siege by vicious young predatory insects presumed human.  Oh, and they are forbidden from carrying long guns, perhaps leaving them to the merciless mercy of the NY subway criminals.

Because these generally young criminals seem immune to logic and verbal warnings, I think the Miranda Rights card should be altered to something like this:

"You have the right to remain silent.  If you can't afford an attorney who will treat you as a victim of society, one will be provided.  Please note that if you are convicted and go to prison you will quickly discover that there are no women in a men's prison and you will be forced to endure romantic relationships and painful sex with other males as long as you are incarcerated."

Biden's Budget:  Good grief.  We love, as we always do, the part about making corporations paying their "fair share" of taxes in order to take pressure off the taxpaying public.  Except if corporate taxes are raised, companies will raise their prices and ultimately make the consumer pay for increased government taxation.  The folks who believe the government is giving them a break are the same ones who consistently vote for Democrats.

Israel bites back:  I say, go get'em until Hamas is but a flamed-out wreck of bearded rat feces.  Regarding the "Palestinians" which, strangely, NO Middle Eastern countries wish to take in, ask each and every adult -- and certainly children educated in the ways of terrorists -- that one basic question:  

Does Israel have a right to exist?

Responses are not likely to be in the positive.

When your neighbors want you dead and demonstrate their murderous skills, going on the attack is the only option, and Israel is maneuvering the only way it can.

Numbers USA:  We note that some of our leftist friends, who experience intense orgasms every time they find a reason to condemn organizations with constitutional leanings, now consider the work of Numbers USA (see my link) "hate speech."  I guess they don't like the organization's ability to let just plain folks express illegal alien views to members of Congress effortlessly by hitting a few keys on the keyboard.  Shameful!

Measles outbreak:  Hmm.  I wonder where measles came from. . .

Tik Tok Lock?  Congress voted today and the fate of this controversial web site is up for grabs.  That so many young people get most of their news from Tik Tok is horrifying enough, but the Chinese communist connection is of terrifying concern.

Unions are popular again thanks to Biden's hard work.  And they will destroy America along with the Democrats, complicit media and fellow travelers.

Particularly as a former medical worker who knows the importance of nurses, I express my sympathies to the family of murdered nursing student Laken Riley.  I can add nothing regarding the illegal alien bastard who killed her that the Riley family is not already thinking, though I tend to believe their thoughts are far more charitable than mine at this time.  Joe Biden, you and your gang are a hideous crew of monsters.

Monday, March 4, 2024

2024 State of the Ruins Address

Why wait for President Biden's State of the Union address this week when you can get what he might be expected to say right here, right now?  It could go something like this:

Good evening, my fellow Americans, members of Congress, too few members of the Supreme Court -- and a special greeting to millions of undocumented aliens, who one day will be given amnesty and allowed to vote for the Democratic Party which made their welcome to the United States possible with the help of clueless American taxpayers who have no choice but to pay the bill.  On that note, may I also offer a special thanks to legions of immigration attorneys, almost solidly a Democrat force, whose efforts at slashing and burning established laws for decades to come will assure, like a human roach motel, that those who come across our southern and northern borders without permission will never leave.  Similarly, the American taxpayers and their offspring far into the future will support these compassionate and ceaseless efforts by stepping up and continuing to pay their fair share.  Where are my socks?  Oh, how about that, I think I'm wearing them.

I am pleased to announce that the state of the union is rock-solid.  Every American needs only to walk into any grocery store and will find that things are improving significantly, even though prices are high and apparently increasing for the most part.  Some food corporations have also indicated they have no intention of lowering prices, and we have been in contact with them to say that may be a good thing for climate change.

My son, Tucker is a good boy and -- oh, oh, gosh darn I meant to say Hunter.  Did I really say Tucker?  You know, Hunter and I once took a trip to. . .that's when I was vice-president and Barack Obama was. . .well, actually, he never left and still has a home here in Washington.  But no, he wasn't on the trip.  The Secret Service went, but that was before there was a dog or two who bite the hell out of them.  So, we. . .

You know, folks, Haiti just underwent a prison break orchestrated by gang members, and all the prison guards were killed as somewhere around 4,000 prisoners escaped.  Chances are pretty good that most of them will find their way to the United States because we have room for everybody as we continue to demonstrate our compassion to the world's poor and hungry and sometimes guilty.  Because our own military is lacking a sufficient number of new recruits, we plan to explore taking a good share of these people and offering them an opportunity to get full citizenship by serving in our military.  We know from our intelligence agents that these Haitians already know how to use weapons, the sort of firearms that we obviously cannot trust our own United States citizens to keep at home.  But in the hands of experienced, desperate people we are certain we can make good American soldiers out of them in no time.  A bonus is that some of the Haitians even speak one of our many mandated languages here in America.

Which reminds me of a funny story about freedom of speech.  Back in the sixties, some TV people and I flew to, um, oh, somewhere country, and when we met with officials of. . .I can't recall what country, but it. . .well, and we're lucky to have a free press in this country because its reliable members always report about and usually praise our decisions as we attempt to do good things for the American people.  Look at my opponent.  Mr. Trump doesn't like freedom of speech because he tends to blurt out things without thinking them through, and the press doesn't have a chance to convert his meaning into what they think it should be.  I think that in France, right up to today, even their president Mr. Napoleon champions free speech like we do, and I intend to speak with him later this week.

Nevertheless, we also anticipate that home loans may be easier to obtain this year, though there will be few homes on the market because interest rate are monumentally high and nobody can afford to leave and sell their current homes.  This may seem like a problem, but as I said to the chairman of the Fed last week, we really need to find. . .a. . .I hear there's a solar eclipse coming. I wonder if it will make my dog bite the Secret Service people?  Also, we need to build housing quickly to satisfy millions of undocumented immigrants.  

What is that?  Do you hear that?  It sounded like a bee hive.  Well, it's gone now.  Jill, did you hear that?  So. . .

Anyway, we are also happy to report that job numbers are up appreciably, even though figures were readjusted and things don't look as good as we expected.  But what's important is the will of the American people, many of whom individually count as holders of two or three jobs as they try to afford the current economy and pay their bills.  With their help, we are on the way to conquering inflation with only troublesome numbers remaining high.  Additionally, by making the American people pay for the college loans of students, that will make taxpaying Americans unlikely to afford new cars and that will keep interest rates down or up or something.  As you know, if you don't drive you don't add to your carbon hand print.  Years ago, my secretaries used carbon paper to make copies of letters and their fingers became smudged, it was quite a mess.

When it comes to education, a large amount of the nation's children are less than proficient in math and science and can barely read or write.  However, they embrace social media and the tenets of Chinese communism education without question, assisted by teachers' unions, so at least they are learning something.  The public school system, by the way, has never been in better shape, and when I and our Democrat friends in Congress return to office next year we may consider arresting, imprisoning and in some cases executing parents insistent upon home-schooling their children, a crime obviously interfering with states' rights.

We are indeed fortunate that artificial intelligence, manipulated overwhelmingly by computer experts on the political left, is currently deleting or altering American and world history in order to make the past more palatable to an up-and-coming generation of young people who will obey and never question authority, and will never feel it necessary to join the military in defense of our country.  But isn't that a small price to pay for compliance to any public and private partnership?

But let's not be fooled.  Climate change is the most important problem we face today on the planet.  Even as China, Russia, Iran, Serbia, Canada, Switzerland, Peru and North Korea are stockpiling whatever amounts of various energy sources they require in order to turn the United States into toast or dust or both, we Americans are wisely being compassionate toward our planet to the point that we will soon be in terrible jeopardy.  But isn't that what America is all about?  Do the right thing?  Remember:  Our country. . .that reminds me of a story when I was vice-president and. . .and in our country we embrace solar panels and wind turbines for energy.  Yes, they are toxic landfill disasters as they wear out, and are made in China, but that makes us more independent as Americans seeking our destiny.  We may end up sweltering in the summer or freezing to death in the winter, at least some of us, but America has always been about sacrifice.  Did I ever tell you about -- which way should I turn when we finish here? -- did I ever?

Oh, we have guests in the gallery tonight, and I would like to introduce them.  First, as I look out over the audience assembled here this evening, I see. . .faculty members from. . .the Confucius Institute?  No, wait, that can't be right.  Who is that?  Where am I?

Oh, oh, okay, let's start.  Good evening my fellow Americans, members of Congress, the. . .I'm here this evening to give you the state of the union.  The union couldn't be in better shape than it is right now, take it from me, and I will tell you. . .wha?  Oh, I guess we are finished, thank you and goodnight.  Jill?  Jill?  Is that you -- or are you my sister?

Monday, February 26, 2024

Biden ('s Border Policies) Murders Another American

The What:  Illegal alien from Venezuela who has parked his ass in the United States for years.  Caught and released in NY a while back after a crime.  Allegedly engaged in a "crime of opportunity" when he raped and murdered a young nursing student in Georgia.  Apparently has a brother in possession of a phony green card in the U.S.

You know my views on illegal immigration and the borders (south AND north), so I won't rant today.  Biden and his Democrat gang are directly responsible for every American killed due to their obvious lapse in law enforcement, and that doesn't even begin to account for avoidable military tragedies.

The gang must be thrilled to learn that Democrat mega-donor George Soros is about to become a major stockholder in the nation's second largest broadcast corporation.  That leaves iHeart Radio to carry programs telling the American people the truth, because we surely aren't destined to get it from those on the left who wish only to have power over us.  The fascism thing, you see.  If Democrats win in November, we're pretty much there. Toast.

Does anybody elected to represent us give a damn anymore?  And just how many globalists does Biden work for?  It's easy to say that, because foreign nationals quite obviously have a bearing on the workings of our government.  "Green" lies, for instance.  Green lies for which we will all pay out of our pockets big time.  Get ready to freeze to death or starve as well.

Biden could have kept building Trump's wall.  He could have ended illegal immigration the first day in Office, but he did not.  Instead, he says "that's all I could do" as they still come by the millions, and we are expected to pay for their luxury housing and shut up.  Same with Covid immunizations, which we now know can be dangerous as hell to the human body (it's the science, stupid).

So Biden and co. currently do what candidates for office notoriously do:  They are handing out goodies, including college loan "forgiveness" which other people must pay for.

I have no problem condemning Republicans, whose party borders on near idiocy, save for the support of conservatives with brains.  But the Democrats have just sunk into a sewer pit beyond imagination, and the nation-killing concept of DEI can only hasten the scourge.  If we don't soon wake up from WOKE the America we know will be lost.

Artificial intelligence will help, of course, programmed by leftists with no wish to maintain America history accurately.  If Google's Gemini AI can't even manage to produce white people with white faces, it's pretty obvious the game being played, and it isn't called history.

Wouldn't it be nice if George Soros would cease trying to influence elections and contributing to decidedly anti-law and order district attorneys and attorneys general throughout the United States?

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Putin's Other Outer Space Surprise?

Russia's homicidal bully-in-chief had some pretty good days last week.  Putin's military made a significant advance in Ukraine, and then he surely celebrated over the more than obvious murder of imprisoned political opponent Alexei Navalny.  One doesn't usually drop dead at 47 years of age.  From most reports of past years, Navalny might have turned Russia into a nation of certain freedoms, obliterating Putin's terror and lessening communism's tight grip on Russia's people.  But once again the old KGB's king of polonium dinner cuisine, get-away vacations culminating in fatal leaps out of windows and murders of convenience has had his way and Navalny is dead.  Natural causes, no doubt, as those do tend to take center stage after years of mapped out torture methods -- be they ever so slight or seemingly innocuous to the casual observer.

Nevertheless, if these nasty gems of death sparkled in Putin's eyes, he must have gone into spasms of delight last week whence came an announcement and confirmation from the US government that Russia's calculating master of terror  was "working on" a nuclear device which could be launched high above the Earth with the ability to destroy our satellites. That clearly would mean loss of military control, coordination details for a multitude of functions on the planet, and satellite TV would be history.

But not to worry, promise our upper echelon spokespersons -- the damned thing is only in the planning stages.

Well, maybe, yet -- oh hey, wait:  Didn't China already put some weird-ass satellite into orbit recently that appears to have an ability to turn and move about freely per instructions from home base?  Isn't there already a concern that this darling little gizmo may possess tools destined to destroy things in space (or somewhere else) not to China's liking?  Anyway, back to. . .

So there's V. Putin, likely happy as a fart in a closed room, amused and emboldened with the thought that whispers of his possible intention to put a nuke in space -- despite international treaties (who needs 'em anymore?) -- are currently scaring Americans enough to divert them away from their smart phones for at least 30 seconds.

But wait.  There's more.

Should Putin's presumed nuke weapon ever be launched and actually used in space, taking out numerous "friendly" satellites and throwing the U.S. and other countries into chaos, what about the OTHER effect that I've not heard one person mention?

What about one or more EMP effects resulting from nuke-based explosions, ripples of digital chip-killing energy instantly blasted toward Earth?  Science has warned us frequently that even one small nuclear explosion high in the atmosphere could have devastating effects below as everything -- everything -- reliant upon a chip would be ruined.  There wouldn't even be local parts for a repair because the parts sources would also be finished.  Electromagnetic pulsation energy does not discriminate when encountering unshielded digital equipment.

Recently, I wrote a government official residing in an area where a brand new digital chip factory is being built and I posed the question, if an EMP from the sun or even a nuclear device far overhead destroyed every chip in the expansive structure and campus, would there be enough space to house hundreds of horses and buggies, because that will be our "new" form of transportation?  Of course, I'm still awaiting an answer which will never come.

Yet, my somewhat tongue-in-cheek question looks all the more legitimate since last week, and if Putin or another player gets their way I am not optimistic that all the action will merely take place in space.  There's a big planet below, and the portions containing the U.S. and its allies are certainly vulnerable.

Maybe Putin's weapon would be something of a lesser kinetic energy device, sparing the planet's digital infrastructure from nuclear disaster -- or perhaps it's something else entirely.  We may already rest assured that the U.S. government isn't telling us everything. Maybe we're being mislead in directions we don't even know.

"Space Force," I hope you are as your title designates.

Warning:  Entrepreneurs and businesses, stay the hell out of NY!  If New York's collaboration among rotten prosecutors, judges and a governor whose mental abilities seem impaired by too many sips of progressive tea doesn't get defeated by common sense and truth soon, New York is done.  Political climber Letitia James, possibly compromised judge Engoron and joke of the day (any day) governor Kathy Hochul, if in charge in the great state New York once was long ago, would be laughed out of roles of prominence.  What these folks have done to Donald Trump is worthy of inclusion (they like inclusion, right?) in the pages of a fascist's textbook.  These people are the human political dung beetles whose idea of justice is whatever serves them and their political parties.  This variety of so-called leadership is going to tell us who we can and cannot vote for?  And they will do it by running a candidate out of money and possibly into prison?  Smells a little Putin-esque, yes?  What country is this?  New York voters bad better wake up -- but experience in the past dictates that millions of uninformed, welfare-lovin' residents and other Democrat-enslaved pod people populating the southern districts of NY will likely continue to prop up these bastards.  In New York, every Election Day is Groundhog Day, and in this corrupt state the groundhog is bribed to confirm the absence of an obvious shadow.

Trump's millions of dollars?  Isn't this also a case in several states of  progressive legislators and prosecutors performing re-distribution of wealth, or falling in with their unending unconstitutional dream of "reparations?"  Why does the term, "RICO Act" keep flashing across my mind?

You want fascism?  Continue letting the current DOJ and radical Democrat plans and operatives play out.  Of course, should one just want that little ol' communism thingie, the communist playbook from the fifties listed point by point all the steps required for that -- and we are almost there.  Communism, fascism, or capitalism?  Choose, while you still can.

Killing Heroes in Minnesota:  Two police officers and a paramedic are dead because a piece of human trash made a fatal decision -- probably premeditated. Maybe he wasn't crazy, or maybe just crazy enough.  As much as I hate a lot about technology as it wraps itself around our lives, I really look forward to the day when something other than "first" responders' bodies are introduced to take these cowardly monsters out before anybody gets hurt.  While it's fashionable currently to blame bad people's actions on mental illness (thereby conveniently providing jobs for mental health practitioners), there is no cure like a kill-you-now cure, guaranteed to solve one's dangerous mental illness proclivities once and for all.  I know I sound rash, but I prefer my police officers and medical personnel to stay alive, and if that eventually requires letting "domestic violence" situations play themselves out until chalk lines and police photos are introduced, maybe that's where we are for now.

Trump on NATO:  Well, pay up and staff up, NATO allies.  Isn't that fair?  By the way, leftists notoriously have no sense of humor, so it's hardly a revelation that media tongue-waggers don't "get" his dark humor.

A belated Happy Valentine's Day to a young couple of sex maniacs in Georgia named Fani and Nathan.  You know, it's like Fani and Nathan, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g?  And more.  Show us the money.  Now, now, let's not be "judgey."

NBC-TV's Labrea:  There is a God!  Thankfully, this incredible piece of televised crap has met its demise.  I guess it showed promise in the first episode, but everything after that was like every other example of bad televised sci-fi to ever grace the airwaves.  But not to worry -- commercial TV, while it still exists, will soon whip up another futuristic CGI loser intended only to keep you watching as the commercials roll by in increasing quantities.  May I suggest a TV series entitled, Burisma, where a politically-connected family involved with the natural gas industry in a fictional country mysteriously accumulates millions of dollars every week, as if by magic?

Ladies:  Your Botox and/or stretching facelifts are not looking so good for some of you as you age.  We won't name names, but some faces have become all lips, while others remind me of an old movie title, I think it was "The Screaming Skull."  

Covid immunizations:  This week, major news sources are reporting even more research demonstrating that Covid and the shots can create very serious neurological, heart and blood problems.  If you aren't staying in touch with articles in (see link), you're missing a regular display of seemingly long-term Covid immunization horror stories.  Next time a public health problem breaks out, be cautious of government directives.  Would they lie?  You bet.  They already did and the facts are available at last.

Meanwhile, I'm watching some medical doctors squirm in interviews as they attempt to distance themselves from the jabs they themselves recommended despite the evidence way back.  Months ago in this blog we mentioned instances of funeral directors who began discovering lengthy, rubbery clots in the arteries of deceased people who were diagnosed with Covid, and even then the possible implications of spike proteins became the focus of attention.  Regarding the "vaccine," the initial thought was that spike proteins would be eliminated from the body -- but instead they generated more spike proteins which traveled throughout the body (even to the brain) and hid in multiple organ systems.  As we now know, a great deal of negative data already known by the drug manufacturers and the government was kept out of public view. Hello, lying social media.  Hello, Biden gang censors.  Oh yes, by all means vote for more of this on Election Day.

On a similar note, the Biden administration continues striving to control news on the Internet and elsewhere. The lawsuits are out there.  AI will help, trust that.  We won't even get started on what journalism schools are turning out, except to say if you aren't a woke Democrat progressive graduate these days, you're apparently no journalist.  Ditto on law school grads encouraged to lean so far left that they wouldn't straighten up in a fierce windstorm.

The U.S. military services. . .do not need trannies any more than they need DEI bullshit.  Gays are fine, but the trannies endure too many mental problems and an abundance of suicides.  Have fun on the streets Mr. Lady, but I don't want to be "protected" by a brain with a potential for compromise on the turn of a two-headed, transformed gender dime.  The enemy won't put up with you, either.  Sad but true.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Things That Should Just Go Away

Spring house cleaning is still several weeks away for those of you eager to rid your home of dust bunnies, but there's no harm in making a list of other things requiring an exit from our lives.  Such as?

Black History Month:  If inquiring minds don't know something of black history by now, they never will.  With the Internet at arm's length and information galore freely available in most communities, the idea of BHM has become redundant and clunky.  Other races of people may well wonder, where are their own months of historical remembrance?  I've heard black people also concerned about BHM's ongoing space on the calendar, so this white guy isn't speaking out because I have a secret KKK membership or something.  Nevertheless, there are those among us who will condemn me for even entertaining this thought.  That pesky First Amendment, you know?  If those who teach want to get it right, I hope they mention that the U.S. also had plenty of black slave owners who were themselves black and, while there is no excuse for slavery, the truth is that other countries were far more "into" slavery than America.  The miracle of slavery, besides its termination, is how the Democrats went on to twist history and blame Republicans for all the bad things that happened back then.  That Democrats, original champions of the KKK and Jim Crow, as well as opponents of civil rights legislation for black people, managed to make Republicans the villains despite their efforts FOR black rights is worthy of an Academy Award for best lies and manipulation.

Devastation in Green:  And we don't mean Kryptonite, Superman.  Right now, across the planet, members of the criminal elite and well-intended, hiding in plain green sight, are banning common and traditional forms of energy, not to mention fertilizers necessary in order to grow food and sustain life.  Recent polls alone indicate their disregard for human life.  As a result, farmers and others faced with a dire future are rising up, but our feckless media refuse to cover the truth.  I don't care about their credentials, their activism or their disturbing agendas, but I do remain concerned about the "climate change" lies that first erupted from the University of East Anglia years ago, followed by other instances of outright lies and fudging from various universities and "studies."  The planet will do what the planet will do, but fully prepared to take advantage of public fears are governments, corporations and individuals interested in grabbing our power and wealth, making us always subservient to their social pressures, unwarranted regulations and constitutional interference.  When those in whom we trust betray us so thoroughly and so dangerously, putting our lives in jeopardy, what are we to do?  What action does one take when government representatives are no longer responsive to their constituents?  What options remain when law schools are merely turning out leftist clones every year, with outright hostility toward students on the right?

The Perils of Plastic:  Years of research into plastic and its effects on the environment are well-established, but the latest findings suggesting that just one little ol' 16 oz. water bottle contains hundreds of thousands of plastic pieces -- micro-plastics -- certainly tips the disturbing scale.  As if the medications we take and excrete into the ecosystem where animals and insects re-absorb them aren't bad enough, tiny pieces of plastic known to travel through arteries and into organs add to the horror.  As we suggested in the past, we wonder whether such microscopic particles can build up enough to interfere with the body's electrical activity, and there is now an additional thought that these non-degradable particles might block cells from obtaining proper nutrition, thus driving bodily systems into utter chaos -- and eventual disease patterns.  Will bottling and food corporations return to those thrilling days of using glass, smashing and adding significantly to shipping weight along the way?  That's probably a no.

Singing Pharmaceutical Commercials:  Why aren't they vocalizing a tune when the narrator reaches the part about how the drug described has a potential side-effect of death?  Other countries have the right idea of banning all pharmaceutical commercials, and while I condemn censorship in general it seems like common sense to let physicians, not patients glued to TV screens, choose the right drugs, should drugs be needed.  Additionally, when I think of Covid immunization lies, Fauci and needless school and community shutdowns, the pharma industry isn't looking too good right now anyway.

Go away, Biden, Obama hold-overs and every deviously incompetent member of the current administration:  To hell with those sympathizing with Biden's mental status.  Truth is, this old bastard has made one wrong decision after another.  If it wasn't withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving billions of dollars of equipment and runway space behind, it was the senseless instant cancellation of over 90 Executive Orders Donald Trump had initiated to keep the border safe -- successfully.  The country is now awash in crime, drugs, assaults, daylight robberies, murders and rapes-in-waiting, and even as we attempt, hopefully, to get millions of illegal immigrants -- I call them "fib-igrants" because they lied to get in -- out of here, problems and taxpayer expenses are destined to build among this unwanted population for years to come.  Anybody voting for four more years of this Marxist-style hell on Earth in November truly has no clue about the invasion danger and leftist-organized chaos we face.

A Biden decision that WON'T go away will hit us shortly, and that is higher energy rates because of his tantrum over Texas daring to protect itself at the border and consequently cutting off exports of 20 percent of liquid natural gas.  This is an outrage among many energy shocks perpetrated by the Biden gang.

Hamas must become a dinosaur skeleton:  Go, Israel, go.

United Nations:  Kick these thieves and tyrants out of my country, they're smelling up the place.  Maybe it's the poop in their beards.

Us:  Why are we not extinct?  I briefly checked into the Super Bowel show and its halftime entertainment, and instantly wondered why the universe just doesn't say the hell with this and we all just disappear in a flash.  Devolution and lower IQ scores around the world may well be our future, so curb that positive attitude and join the crowd.  Doing so may be inevitable.

Monday, February 5, 2024

A Typical Day in the Life of President Joseph R. Treasonette

7:00 a.m.
  White House medical personnel enter the President's bedroom to wake him after first holding a mirror under his nose to make sure he is still alive and breathing.  During this daily morning exercise his wife, who once used her given first name but now insists on being addressed as Doctor First Lady (DFL), steps aside as the team performs a gentle wake-up maneuver (not to be confused with a WOKE procedure, which might necessarily refer to a gender change).  DFL is not a medical doctor, yet does little to make this fact known when stepping out in public to attend political affairs.

7:30 a.m.  Following toilet and shower activities the President is reminded numerous times to put on his pants, and once this chore is accomplished the rest of his clothes are applied.

7:45 a.m.  The President and his wife have breakfast together, generally an uneventful occasion aside from DFL's need to cut his toast into animal figures before he will touch a morsel of anything on the plate.  Donald Trump is on his mind.

8:00 a.m.  The presidential couple take a brief walk outside on the White House grounds, far from gawking observers kept behind a barrier and fence.  Several Secret Service agents walk nearby, but their abilities to protect the President remain in question because the current family German Shepherd, Ol' Woodrow, has bitten every agent's testicles off, leaving them pretty much neutral, if not merely neutered.  Neither the President nor the Democrat Party seem to mind anywhere near as much as the Secret Service detail.

8:30 a.m.  President Treasonette attends his daily meeting with green activists intent upon draining America of all traditional energy sources as soon as possible to avoid planetary calamity, public scam awareness and crucial loss of donations to the Democrat Party.  The primary focus this week is to make Texas and Florida suffer, as neither is emasculated enough to allow a sufficient Federal power grab.  He wishes he could paint Donald Trump green.  A major point of concern is not only how to make Americans become used to less viable and vastly more expensive energy options, but how to make them embrace the concept joyfully and feel patriotic about the changes.

9:00 a.m.  Nap time, following brief phone conversation with Chinese communists interested in buying property in Texas and Florida. 

9:30 a.m.  Mirror breath-check again, get him dressed, be sure President is wearing pants.

10:00 a.m.  Meeting with DEI representatives of government, universities and corporations to discuss ways of blaming white people for the nation's problems, and striving to make sure that qualifications of the best and brightest have no place in hiring in America.  The President and his administration believe the desire for excellence in the workplace is racist and must be curbed at any cost -- a fact reflected among his own hand-picked White House staff, which are not the definition of the brightest bulbs in the closet.  He wonders why he couldn't have a smart staff like Trump had.

10:30 a.m.  Members of the World Economic Forum and United Nations meet with President Treasonette to exert an extreme global influence on America, hoping to continue making the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence merely relics of the past.  The President wonders whether he actually has original copies of these stored in boxes next to his garaged car in Delaware.  He envies Trump for storing his documents in the house, where rats couldn't chew them.

11:00 a.m.  Lunch and nap time.

1:00 p.m.  Mirror breath check, repeat as before, watch that he puts his pants on.

1:45 p.m.  Meeting with economic advisors to determine whether ESG can be called something else because the people have caught on to its implications.  He wonders what Trump would do.

2:45 p.m.  Award ceremony for illegal immigrants who attacked police officers in NY City, appreciation for their efforts in combating police brutality.  Afterwards, the President consults with staff briefly to see if arrangements can be made for immigration judges who process illegal immigrants under new legislation will nevertheless allow almost everybody to remain in the country forever (including relatives still in foreign countries).  Democrats' desire to allow "anchor babies" full citizenship status must also be protected under Executive Order.

3:15 p.m.  Attend presentation condemning Israel for daring to protect its people with weapons.

3:30 p.m.  TV camera opportunity to blame the National Rifle Association for everything involving guns, knives, crazy people and auto accidents.  The most corrupt among Democrat senators will fill the room to point accusatory fingers.  They will also blame Trump for not doing things they actually did wrong, as usual.

4:00 p.m.  President meets with unhappy parents whose children's unfortunate encounters with social media did not end well.  President will issue an unconstitutional Executive Order to shut down the entire Internet because that is easier than encouraging parents to keep track of their children's activities instead of blaming the Web.  He will wonder if Trump controls his own children's access to the Internet.

4:30 p.m.  End of working day, followed by dinner, a little TV, a quick reading of pages from "Rules for Radicals" and then it's off to sleep for the night.  When dreaming, he generally dreams of Trump and little else.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

President Joe Treason - Warmonger or Fishmonger?

I am currently bereft of titles to adequately cover this fool and his nation-wrecking clown administration, so I thought this one might do.  I wonder how many more billions of dollars he, like Obama, can find for Iran before more American military personnel receive death at the hands of these religious fanatic loonies?  One tires of Iran's Ayatollah Douche Bag & Co. and one can only hope somebody pulls their ratty beards off soon and returns them to the goat butts desperately missing their warmth.  Oh, and not to forget, Iran's nuke facilities need to be blasted into oblivion, as per the usual international schedule.

President Lyin' Joe said this week that he has done everything he can about the border.  What a lying liar.  Three years ago he could have closed off the border, and if he didn't like Trump's fence he could simply have followed established law.  This tyrant has no problem signing executive order after executive order with no constitutional backing, but the one thing he can do to make a real and immediate difference he won't do.  Why would he?  The obvious plan is to remake the country in somebody else's image.  The enemy truly lives within, with a lot of help from outsiders.

Mayorkas Impeachment:  Waste of time, Republicans, but I guess the process will make a statement.  The border invasion-complicit Democrats are already shooting this down.  Of course they are.  Again, may I suggest, not impeachment, but treason as the order of the day?  That one goes a little higher, to lying Joe.

The Establishment, propped up by both Democrats and Republicans, continues to swim comfortably in The Swamp.  They fear Trump and will attempt his political and apparently financial destruction no matter what.  Should he have another go at the Presidency, wonders may yet be worked -- to make America great again.  To those for whom MAGA is a dirty word, we wonder if they really prefer its current White House replacement?  Sadly, there are people working hard to make sure the illusion of Donald Trump as a dictator becomes commonplace among the complicit media.  Beware.

The United Nations has again shown itself for what it is, a gaggle of gangs and thugs, and now its tentacles seem to have been involved with the Israel invasion.  When will we have the guts to kick this anti-liberty, anti-American fortress of a'holes out of our country and stop paying for it to hate us?  

About this E. (I think the E stands for Elitist) Jerkhoff Carroll thing: If I were old, apparently on the verge of either cunning, crazy or criminal, and claimed I was defamed because a rich man who went on to become U.S. President -- who may never have actually touched me -- did something to me, and I could get a NY jury to award me more than 83 million dollars, would I take the plunge?  If I threw my Democrat self on the mercy of a Democrat NY court as a victim who actually subjected MYSELF to the public's scrutiny, already known publicly as a columnist and literary slop-maker who nobody outside of NY City ever heard of, would I deserve everything in excess awarded to me?  If I "defamed" myself by blabbing to wet dream reporters, how would that look?

If the name were Lewis Carroll, maybe so -- at least he contributed literature the world embraced and loved.  Yes, Virginia, there are "whack jobs" out there, and they are nasty, greedy, verbose, emotionally fucked up and ready to pounce at any opportunity.  Unfortunately, the NY judiciary system seems too soaked in leftist dogma to see straight between cocktail parties with fellow travelers.  This is what you get, again and again.  Avoid New York at all costs, because costs you will incur sooner or later.  Meantime, we hope Trump's appeal sinks this entire ship, since he wasn't even allowed to introduce evidence or testify on his behalf with same.

Fear and Loathing in the Newspaper and Magazine Business:  Well, here we are again.  The LA Times, Sports Illustrated and all the others expected to be safe and warm for decades to come.  Not so.  Fortunes change, but publishers and editors also need to be cognizant of the elephant in the room which is young, has poor reading skills, and couldn't care less about the information before him, her or it unless it shines with the glitter of the Internet.  And they often don't have the slightest idea about the point of the newspaper or magazine story begging their attention.  Add drugs, stupidity and the tendency of publications to appeal to one political party and the recipe for disaster is complete.  That's a -30- for sure.

President Treason hates Texas and Florida:  Cutting off 20 percent of LNG exports to other countries will harm TX and FL economies, and don't think this yet-unindicted criminal didn't know that.

Return to the military draft:  We can't leave this one alone.  Right now there is, nevertheless muted, talk of war in Congress. At the same time, military recruitment is still down dramatically.  The Armed Forces, especially the Navy, are hungry for new recruits, and those men and women are not going to magically appear in a cabbage patch.  To be honest, polls demonstrate that most young folk feel no need to join the military, and patriotism is something left over from the Bronze Age.  The very best among possible recruits also look poorly upon transgender and Woke nonsense.  Kindly old Grandpa Joe Treason will come for the kids if the time is right.

Anchors Away:  The one thing Congress could do before anything is to outlaw anchor babies, the kids made instant citizens simply because they are born in the USA.  Ramaswamy had this idiocy all figured out and believed it illegal according to law, despite what many think.  We will see.

By the way, the weak cog in the immigration fight is the immigration attorney.  How can we know the number who will "approve" most of their clients to remain in the USA? This field of law absolutely must be crawling with leftists sympathetic to anything that shows up at the border.  We need to watch this bunch carefully.  Meantime, let's hire lots of I.C.E. agents and turn them loose.

Remember the Stockpile:  We still wonder why the Federal Government bought up so much ammunition for numerous agencies, including the IRS, and for other agencies which would seemingly have no use for as much as one bullet.  Aside from the military, plain old government offices may be the largest ammunition depots in the country.  And again we ask -- why?

They'll like Byrna, Too!  The "Byrna launcher" defensive weapon which shoots tear gas and other substances to ward off bad guys is quite popular on ads currently.  What they don't mention is the obvious fact that the bad guys will also be purchasing the device to use on YOU during acts of criminality.  Because "it's legal in all 50 states," and not considered a firearm or dangerous weapon, crooks are going to take to this thing like flies to honey.  Nice try, though!