Monday, September 23, 2024

Attention Mark Robinson -- Slavery DID Return (and the Democrats Made it Happen)

Isn't it funny how life imitates art, even when an artful comment comes from no less than North Carolina's gubernatorial GOP hopeful Mark Robinson, a black man who allegedly made racist comments on some porn site 10 years ago?  Aside from -- again, allegedly, because we're talking CNN news source-mud here -- his declaration, "I'm a black Nazi," the grand hee-haw words forcing everybody into near-apoplexy, apparently indicate a wish that slavery would return because slavery is a good thing.  Yes, dude wants slaves, at least he supposedly did 10 years ago.

(Side note:  I think I should consider renaming this blog Robert's Freak-Off.  Sean Combs may not approve. but I must say, I like the sound of it.)

Robinson denies the whole thing, but, well, if he really wrote those words (and believe me, words on a porn site are no less important than words crowded into the Constitution) he might be happy to know that wishes can come true!  Yes, we're pretty much all slaves now, immersed in a political gelatin cooked up by the left for years.

Seems as though a lot of people want to continue slavery, if polls showing good support for Kamala Harris are any indication.  Younger folks lacking even a basic memory of how great things were going when Trump was President before seem poised to choose not only a continuation of life on the Democrat plantation, but immense enhancement of the socialist government which keeps it in power.

And if young men and women think the Democrats will protect them from a potential military draft as WW III seems near, they are naive.  I know personally what it is like to get a draft notice when Democrats are in charge.

From food to housing to transportation to medical care to taxing the stuffing out of every small business and legally compliant individual, the Harris-Obama (not a misprint) team has everything in place and ready to administer the administrative state like it has never been administrated, grabbing power, influence and wealth from all corners.  All inflation starts with government policies, but Harris will attack private interests.

Damn the Constitution.  To hell with the Declaration of Independence.  Screw the Bill of Rights.  Our anticipated compliance will be legislated into law in so many ways.  We will still be eating illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands.  We, the Democrat slaves.

Even Sen. Bernie Sanders knows Harris well enough to admit that she only says what she says publicly to get elected.  After that, she removes the mask and becomes once again what she is.  Lizard people from outer space come to mind?

Meanwhile, Senator Schumer and his minions chew at the very essence, the woodwork of the Supreme Court, eager to enlarge and stack the court with justices friendlier to extreme Democrat plans -- just the sort of thing that finally finished off Venezuela as the one-party concept of communism put a nail in the coffin of national prosperity.  The beautiful but human-vulnerable zoo animals of Venezuela, nice to look at, were slaughtered as food for the starving population.

Even as formerly cherished Democrats run from their party, young voters with little concept of evil, let alone common sense, pant and drool at the prospect of voting for Harris, who can't explain a damned thing, was swept into her position without one delegate vote, and will take away their futures while simultaneously vowing otherwise.  Slavery comes in many disguises.

Danger, Will Robinson! -- scratch that -- Danger, Mark Robinson, danger!  If you wrote what they say you wrote, your Democrat opponent will rule North Carolina, assisted by a Democrat machine gulping steroids.

Elections this time are all about the Republic vs. the administrative state.  If it comes down to Harris winning, pray that Republicans gain a couple of seats in the Senate so her -- their -- plans can be stripped to shreds.  Otherwise, the Harris team will cozy up to the global elite, working quickly with the UN, the World Economic Forum, the dreaded European Union and others to institute policies long desired by internationalists with little patience for America as it was founded.  DEI can indeed grow and become even more threatening to the concept of merit-based rewards as American society becomes nothing more than a leftist hive, slavery devoid of true individuality.

In a word, fascism.  For the masses.

Better Living Through Plastics:  Yeah, except it isn't.  New research fears that the blood-brain barrier may have been crossed, with the tiniest fragments of micro-plastics now able to enter human brain tissue, just as animal brains appear to have been compromised per lab studies.  This, of course, brings us to a -- oh, how I hate this phrase -- whole new level.  My first thought is, plastics can act as insulators and those particles, in quantity, would surely interfere with electrical activity in the brain, to say the least.  Would they also block off important nutrients -- even cholesterol, which is so essential to brains (even though Big Pharma wants everybody on statins, which deprive brains of cholesterol, probably one of the most crucial ingredients a brain craves, especially as we age)?  We suggest you forget about brain-eating zombies and worry about plastic mini-invaders instead.

Big Whoop:  Whooping cough is sweeping the country.  Thank you Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all our administrative Democrat border heroes for letting every criminal (that means illegal, mister) human vector into the country to spread diseases once long forgotten.