Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Monster on the Campus -- Hamas and Radical Islam Benefit from the Dumbed-Down Collegiate Experience

Convenient, isn't it, how we can often conjure up old fifties horror and science fiction movies to make some point about the here and now?

There's a monster on the campus, all right, and while some of the hairier "protesters" may indeed resemble our friend in the movie poster from head to toe, the primary monstrous entity is ignorance and -- surprise! -- lack of a proper education at institutions of supposed higher learning.

It shouldn't be lost on us that many of the young people interviewed on the spot during pro-Palestine demonstrations don't even know what they're protesting.  Apparently, just being a part of something social with a twisted party atmosphere is enough for many.

If the current widespread and obviously well-orchestrated gatherings of people shouting death to America, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea and let's have the "final solution" don't point out how dangerous and education-starved America's colleges and universities have become under extremist professors and administrators concerned primarily with sports and endowments, what will?

By now, it's striking, but also rather a laborious chore to suggest that those who take full advantage of the First Amendment to support Hamas and the Palestinians under its control simultaneously lend approval to a Middle East throwback society which has absolutely no tolerance for freedom of speech.  Let us not forget that a majority of Palestinians chose Hamas to lead them, and likely would again.

Unlike those who follow Christian religions within the framework of established government, Islam's people endure a religion which is a governing unit unto itself.  Its tenets also allow followers to lie in order to achieve cherished goals, which include obliterating Jews from the planet.

These college protests make no allowance for students who just want to attend class and graduations, for they are just pawns in a game supported by throwback radicals pretending sympathy for the people of Gaza, while the real intent is to wipe Israel and its Jews from the map.  Unfortunately, most teenagers attending college and swept up into these well-planned public displays of hatred for every concept of Israel -- and the West -- simply have no idea how they are being used.

Israel, no matter current negotiations with the liars of Hamas, really has little choice but to invade Rafah because, like money stored in a bank, that's where Hamas' worst will be found, hiding behind hostages who are or are not dead.  How can one ignore those whose every waking moment involves the development of ways to murder and destroy their society?

But back to the "Monster on the Campus."  Once a fifties horror movie, it now becomes an image exemplifying the beasts of ignorance and hatred on campuses, hairy or not.  Student protesters and those in alliance with evil intentions need not transform into brute creatures, they need only be led by the agents of destruction who feast upon the ignorance of the young to accomplish their goals.  If you hanker to exist like a zombie under the most extreme aspects of religious fascism, radical Islam is your ticket.  If you're a young woman intent upon being treated like a cow without a mind for the rest of your years as a slave, radical Islam is your passport.  If you're gay, lesbian or self-impressed with believing you are an alternate gender -- and willing to be killed right from the get-go -- this unforgiving belief system seemingly steered by murderous lunatics is waiting for you.

Biden on The Wall:  No, not the TV show. Biden has been forced to build a 17-mile fence at the border in a late, late attempt to choke off some illegal immigration. Has President "No Fences" seen the light, or is election season creating a temporary dose of common sense?  Probably the latter.

Or maybe he had nothing else to do, since his party decided to take more time to determine whether menthol should be banned from cigarettes (which really means:  Don't piss off black voters who smoke menthol cigs before the election).

Or maybe he was all in a dither over attending the White House Correspondents Dinner, an annual affair apparently intended to solidify leftist politics among what little remains of America's press members.  I would use the word, journalists, but that's a rare bird to be found anymore.

Americans who forgot and left bullets in their luggage as they went to Turks and Caicos on vacation:  Several now face 10-12 years in prison for their mistake. Actually, I think Caribbean lawmakers are in error here because the U.S. can -- should -- easily ban tourists from going there until our people are released, as USA tourists are very important to the economy of this Caribbean fun place and they will suffer greatly without American dollars.

In the meantime, the wonders of "Bidenomics" continue to push inflation up, food prices uncomfortably higher and gas prices toward the $4.00 mark.  The sky is truly the limit here.  Thankfully, illegal aliens -- criminals one and all -- continue to receive great care here in America, currently the land of government-supported tyranny against taxpayers.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bits and Pieces for April 2024

Isn't is strange how fast time passes when you're having a -- bad -- time?  25 years since the Columbine High School massacre, and as I recall it didn't take long for the jokes and humor visuals to fly.  It's often within our nature as humans to get past tragedy by injecting laughter into the worst of situations, or at least it used to be that way.  Now, we generally collapse into puddles of tears, scour the landscape for victims appropriate for TV news tear-jerkers and wallow in depression for weeks on end with no humor pressure valve available to make a tidy escape.

We do note that yet another young tranny wannabe was caught last week with plans to kill students in at least two schools.  He seems to have been a he who wanted to be a she, but in the end was just another school-age tranny criminal in waiting.  His long, long manifesto apparently indicated hero worship for the Columbine shooters, whom we remember were named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, every girl's vision of hot prom dates to the very end.  We've little doubt, as schools all over the country continue to employ both personnel and tactics intended to make students go bonkers about their sexual identities, that Columbine hero worship will continue among young brains crushed daily by so-called higher education.

Workers of the world unite! as their U.S. counterparts continue to join revitalized labor unions, thanks to pressures by Joe Biden and his union cronies.  The UAW, for one, is on a path to turn so-far (at least 13?) unaffiliated auto plants into union property, thereby helping America turn even more toward socialism as workers who think they are getting something better actually become pawns of elite union bosses and often unwilling donation cash cows for the Democratic Party.  Congratulations, newly unionized Tennessee VW plant, you folks just lost more than you will gain, and you can't even see it.

When farmers organize on their own, however, miracles may happen.  Current demonstrations by farmers all over the world whose livelihoods are threatened by the planet's elite are having some effect, as people are waking up to the realization that evil forces want to force humans into poverty and starvation, and farmers into unemployment.  Forces such as the World Economic Forum and supporters of the now-somewhat faltering ESG allegedly drive a good deal of this monstrosity.  Add this to Biden's inflation and spending and the Fed's persistence in printing money like it's no big deal and disaster is almost knocking on the door.

Meanwhile, the plastics industry has some 'splainin' to do!  In what seems a well-kept secret, we now learn that recycling of plastic bottles and other plastic materials is a waste of time, as most of it ends up in landfills.  Apparently, the plastics industry has been slow to solve this dilemma while insisting that recycling works.  Lies, fashionable these days.

"Where the Boys Are" was a popular sixties song, but today it becomes more of a question:  Where are the boys?  Sports, education, media -- female domination seems almost a plan, accepting also, of course, boys who SAY they are girls.  Young males seem to have become almost second class citizens, perhaps not surprising in a society which emasculates almost any quality identified as masculine.  If we had a military draft tomorrow (and, by the way, I still contend that a draft is not far off) how many of the young men conscripted will bring along any testosterone whatsoever, since high schools, colleges and "woke" concerns have already locked a good share of it away in a drawer somewhere?

Israel pursues Hamas:  Good.  Most surviving "Palestinians" in Gaza chose and would choose again to have Hamas lead them (80 percent?). These people do not want a two-state solution, they want a one-state solution with 100 percent dead Jews and no trace of Israel in sight.  Our colleges and universities abound with dumb students indoctrinated by committed, yet nevertheless evil professors.  Surprise:  Diplomas don't make one a genius.

This has also brought to light just how dangerous and out of touch college campuses have become.  Students in the U.S. taking the side of Hamas have no idea how dreadful their lives would be if they went to the Middle East and joined these cut-throat throwbacks who treat women like cattle and murder anybody exhibiting anything but heterosexual tendencies.  Our stupid children have grown into stupid adults and sheep with no ability to think themselves out of this box.  Congratulations, American education system.  Let's throw more government money your way.

At least the birds can sing their way through spring, relatively untouched by the human condition.  Well, except for bird deaths caused by wind turbines, toxic solar panels, over-development, lawn care chemicals and other poisons.  Kind of hard to sing your way through this stuff.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Scared to Depth: The Left is Incapable of Free Thought

As a kid in the days of President John F. Kennedy I was too young to have any concept of differences between the political left and right.  Years later, I was still okay with the Democrats until LBJ succeeded Kennedy following his assassination in Dallas.  I think it was a matter of basic trust, because Lyndon B. Johnson had this aura about him, an attitude of somebody who would do anything he wanted to do no matter the result or consequences.

By the time 1968 claimed the nation, and frankly overtook the world with sadness and horror following the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin L. King, the military draft was after me and at last I understood something of what LBJ was all about.  After enlisting in the Air Force and following the news as often as I could, I became a lot "smarter" about LBJ, his intention to do anything to win re-election (even if it meant manipulating a war)-- and I started thinking seriously about the Democrats.

The Democrats I remember are mostly gone now.  The "blue dog" variety, the thoughtful leaders I remember have become but a wisp in the wind.  Now, we witness a party experiencing a stranglehold by followers of extreme politics and of even more extreme religious beliefs.  Our lives balance indelicately in the hands of a geriatric President of questionable abilities, backed up by an administration and bureaucracy serving its own agenda despite the existence of the American people.

We now fear the government which was originally set up to fear us when it faltered in its mission.

The new and improved Democrat Party hates patriotic and freedom-serving brains, as well as independence.  That's why one of their primary targets is Elon Musk, arguably one of the most intelligent and inventive humans to walk the Earth today.  The Democrats despise his talents because he won't submit and become a leftist buddy.  He also has lots of money.  So do many Democrats in Congress, but they don't consider their funds evil-got like they do Musk's bank account.

When one looks at attempts to impeach Donald Trump, and now this Democrat-directed multi-trial circus performance in which their hope to clobber him effectively before the November elections, the most obvious things coming out of this is the fear of a political party nearing ruin.  Their own.

It's no wonder this bunch has done everything it can to hijack Americans with DEI, CRT, the incredibly inept and just plain wrong "1619 Project," and other stupidities among a bundle of American values-hating Democrat snot rags.

It's the fear, stupid.

This time around, the left has very little with which to bamboozle American voters except, of course, abortion and that old standby favorite, race..  But the economy, illegal immigration, job quality, deficit terrors and a host of social problems caused exclusively by Democrats who have no way (and generally no intention) of solving them are multiple and growing elephants in the living room.

Are the Republicans much better?  No, but the rare addition of actual, though far too few conservatives among them helps to provide at least a modicum of integrity and the possibility of better times ahead.  The RINOs populating the Republican Party are the main problem, while just surface out-and-out mismanagement and corruption are the left's legacy as we go into another election.

For starters this month, watch Senator Schumer and his ilk in the Senate refuse to do anything about impeaching Mayorkas over the borders.  It will be as if he had no responsibility whatsoever as millions of future Democrat voters -- and, not to forget, terrorists in waiting -- wandered on in.

Which reminds me, when terrorists get around to accomplishing another act of horror in the United States, remember who brought them here:  Joe Biden and the Democrats.

However, as much as I abhor terrorists, I will look even more critically upon people who vote to bring the current crop of corrupt bastards back into Office in November, should that be the case. Think of the voting booth as The Last Chance Cafe, where one selects from a menu featuring the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and endlessly failing Democrat policies.  Is it really that difficult to make the right choice?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Total Eclipse of the Country

Now that we've been properly "mooned" with a moon shadow perhaps best understood in musical notes by recording artist Cat Stevens, I'm frankly worn out from a plethora of TV and radio stations which spent days or weeks attempting to own this rare event.  Last time I experienced a solar eclipse -- a partial eclipse -- I was driving out near a large shopping center, and everything on the ground momentarily took on a rosy tint, as if colorized by a palette hosting only one color.  With warm weather accompanying this phenomenon, life just become ultra-pleasant for a few rare seconds before returning to basic normal.  Kind of like nature's spa.

Old Clement down in Texas told me he planned to pay an illegal immigrant a few dollars to sit in a chair, facing Monday's eclipse and staring into the sun, and then Clem planned to sit up close to the guy and watch the sun's eclipse reflected in his eyes.  This may have been a hair-brained idea, probably a joke, but really, what ARE we to do with these people as they march in like zombies?

Zombies remind me of Biden, clearly not the one making all the dumb-ass decisions originating from the very much tainted White House these days, but still walking and talking as if he is in charge of a zombie factory.  No, I don't know what I just wrote, either.

So, as soon as I heard the latest jobs report boasted of over 300,000 new hires last month, I resorted to wondering how many were actually bloated government jobs, and was not really surprised to discover some 71,000 positions were indeed of the government variety.  Then a lot of illegal aliens were found to account for job "growth."

The reason for treason:  The more I check out dictionary definitions, the more I am unable to grasp why anybody in Congress wants to "impeach" scoundrels.  Clearly, treason is what we've experienced at the border for three years, as established laws were not being followed and Biden could have stopped the invasion immediately.  Once eclipses and elections are out of the way, I very much want treason to become a daily word as long-awaited investigations with clout must take place.  If Elon Musk recognizes treason at the border, why is everybody else afraid to use the word?  Many players must be involved here, and each deserves a fair opportunity for prison and perhaps something a little more final according to federal law.  Our lives are clearly in danger because of the current administration's policy, or more accurately a lack of policy.  Some appear to believe that the Constitution is rather firm about treason, but I say go for it.

We did a double-take when Texas governor Greg Abbott's visit to NY City precipitated a comment from dim-bulb NY City mayor Adams that it was Abbott's fault that the city is crawling with illegal people.  Mr. Mayor, do you not know that you have a sanctuary city -- and that your real enemy in all of this is the Joe Biden gang?

Meanwhile, author J. K. Rowling continues to speak "hate" to total social mental mess Scotland by using correct pronouns and language of truth, and daring "woke" officials to arrest her for speaking out..  We hope "woke" will soon be on the retreat as members of the international elite continue attempting to force people to become what we are not.  Logic rules.

Israel:  It's war, and terrible things happen.  Did the world already forget what happened on October 7?  Hamas seems content to keep hostages, including several Americans.  The global community hates Israel anyway, and always has, so why wouldn't the Jews continue obliterating their threat, even in unfortunate excess?  I only wish Israeli soldiers could get permission to enter the United Nations building and kick all those sorry-ass criminal "delegates" out on the street and back to their greedy, America hating and terror-creating countries.  OMG!  Was that hate speech?  Let me tell you how sorry I am. . .

Covid and Covid immunizations:  Anybody catch "Full Measure" on TV this week?  Nasty stuff about weird clots found in arteries of the Covid and Covid-immunized dead (we have mentioned this phenomenon before), and an absolute indictment of our government health care system.  I don't think I'd ever want to meet spike proteins in a dark alley, and I surely don't want them injected into me, no matter what so-called authority insists they're just fine.  They are not..  (Pssst -- by the way, Ivermectin works!)

Monday, April 1, 2024

Cancer Without a Cure

While millions of Christians around the world were taking Easter Sunday very seriously, I was trying to put together in my own mind how a society could be so enthralled with the conviction that Jesus rose from the dead -- yet almost no member of "conventional" society would ever accept the evidence involved in the 1973 Hickson-Parker (Pascagoula MS) UFO encounter, where entities seemingly greater in ability and far different from our species had their/its way with two mortal men who were subjected to pure terror.  Where was Jesus?  Where was God?  Was this a sign?  If Jesus ascends in death, can something or somebody of unknown origin not descend very much "alive?"  There were witnesses, flesh, blood and bone people existing in real time.  Some skeptics would blame demons, and debunkers would excoriate science itself.  But there was reportedly radar evidence.  Anybody looking high and low for an "Easter miracle" of sorts would do well not to dismiss a potential miracle of frightening proportions which graced the planet momentarily in October of 1973.  Yet, the majority will remain comfortably in denial forever, tuned in only to their brand of events supernatural.

Meanwhile, the affair of UFOs (our preferred term) within the U.S. government continues to remain murky.  At least publicly, officials are ignoring an incredible number of solid reports, if not degrading their quality for purposes unknown. My link list features several good sites where you can remain current on government documents and activities.

Aside from that, you'll note that we did mention cancer in today's title.  I was quite taken last week with a post from a site called Peachy Keenan's Extremely Domestic.  Her exposition entitled "The Princess and the Pea-brained" sternly and prophetically warns that it won't merely be cancer which heralds the eventual downfall of English royalty: Islam will consume everything in its path in Great Britain.

Immigration by hundreds of thousands from Muslim countries have already overwhelmed more than one Western European nation, but radical Islam's growing toehold on the functions of English government almost guarantees that numbers alone will win the day for a Great Britain never imagined.  And as go Western European countries, so goes the United States -- especially with Biden's unbending assistance in letting everything but the kitchen sink into the USA unfettered.

"Does anyone think the 'Royal Family' will even last long enough for a King George?" asks "Peachy" Keenan.  "Instead, I see an aged William and Kate on the roof of Windsor Castle hoisting their children up a rope ladder into a hovering helicopter as rampaging Hamas-friendly mobs burn it all down and pillage the family heirlooms.

"They will be forced into exile well, where? Canada will suffer the same replacement soon, as will all the former U.K. colonies, which are busy colonizing their colonizer s homeland and outbreeding them 10 to 1."

Her article is here: https://peachykeenan.substack.com/p/the-princess-and-the-pea-brained

Technology may one day obliterate all cancers, except for the ancient cancer of radical Islam. If you don't already know the dangers ahead, just try sponsoring a "Draw your best image of the prophet Mohammad" contest in your community and see how long it takes before the "blasphemy" crowd favoring head and hand chopping -- and death to any infidel who dares to create an image of the prophet-- makes its presence known abundantly.

Meanwhile, another caravan of at least 2,000 migrants is headed for the U.S. Southern border.  I wonder how many radicalized practitioners of death walk among them -- aside from what's already hiding in the USA.