Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Everybody Talks About the Weather, But Nobody. . .Wants it Controlled by Big Government

Before the usual suspects scream Climate Change! because Texas is flooded and tornadoes seem to be everywhere -- which on scale is generally normal in springtime -- don't dismiss weather modification efforts as military forces of several countries attempt to manipulate weather conditions to satisfy one agenda or another.

I remember reading newsstand magazines in the 1970s where military weather control was infrequently a topic of discussion, but details could be scant.  Today, however, we've progressed from mere cloud-seeding to electronic influence (lasers, sound and the like) -- and from mere rumor and conspiratorial talk to scientific reality.  Unfortunately, much of this is carried out to give one nation or government the edge over another, not necessarily bad in concept, depending upon evil or beneficial reasons.

That the climate change lunatic fringe has taken things so far as to conduct experiments in filtering or blocking the sun's rays from the Earth (without our permission, natch') is especially disturbing, but just imagine what may already be happening with modern weather modification, whether it occurs two states away from you or two countries away.  Do such efforts have a bearing on current weather disasters?  It seems as though one can only blame La Nina or its variations so many times before other possibilities arise.

Thanks to Covid and Covid immunization lies, we scarcely know what to believe anymore, particularly from government.  What's tomorrow's weather forecast? It depends upon the source.